I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

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I know I said I wouldn't but I did... Empty I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

Post by jola139 Sat Nov 17 2012, 11:31

and I'm happy I did. For those who don't know,yesterday Debo run off after some dog while on the walk with mu OH. And my OH had to run after him. My OH took him home on short lead,no contact. Debo was banned from sofa. My OH even said that Debo is banned from sofa and bed ( Sad ) . This was broken later at night,when Debo couldn't find his place to sleep ,we let him on the sofa and later on bed Big Grin .
I know part of this behavior was teenage fase but...
I think my OH put to much trust on Debo. Every time he walks him of the lead ,he let him run to dogs and people to say hello. When I walk Debo ,I try to be one step a head of Debo. When spot someone in the distance,ask him to stay and wait. Most of the time he waits for my to approch him, when dog is close to him ( like half a meter ) he can't wait any longer but by then I preaty close him incase something happen. So you can say I'm saying when he's going to say hello.
He's been acting like that for the last 3 weeks,my OH was on sick for 2 weeks and he was in charge of all the walks.So maybe Debo thinks that this is fine thing to do.
So this is my theory.
My OH gave him to much trust and Debo took it all and more. His acting crazy on the lead when spot someone or dog. When before he was fine. I know he thoughts is for good but it came out different.
Do you think it might be it. Or it's just his teenage fase and nothing else.
I know to the hard part;
How do you tell the men that he's done something wrong??? Surprised
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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I know I said I wouldn't but I did... Empty Re: I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 17 2012, 11:39

I think they learn to act differently depending on who the handler is. Suki will pull a bit more when I have her because she knows I'll run with her as long as she wants while my OH won't.

It's really just a matter of sitting down with your OH and deciding what training methods and rules are best for Debo and agreeing to abide by them.


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I know I said I wouldn't but I did... Empty Re: I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 17 2012, 12:47

Yes, it's a difficult one, but something you do need to do. You don't have to tell him he's wrong, just that you've noticed that you do things differently, and maybe you should both agree to do the same thing?


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I know I said I wouldn't but I did... Empty Re: I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

Post by Kathy Sat Nov 17 2012, 13:37

You do both need to be singing from the same song sheet as it were really Laughing

Differences of opinion will just confuse Debo further and he will then be getting punished for something he did and thought it was OK.
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I know I said I wouldn't but I did... Empty Re: I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 17 2012, 14:01

When I have been away all week and Jenny has done all the walking our 2 pull like crazy and then it takes me a good walk to sort them out, but she says she checks them ?? My OH and Jenny when they walk never let our 2 off lead unless it is middle of a big field and have a good view around so we don't so much have all the problems we could


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I know I said I wouldn't but I did... Empty Re: I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

Post by jola139 Sat Nov 17 2012, 14:24

My OH thinks that when DEbo learnt command ,that's it,it sanked in his brain,there will be no mistakes. I have to keep reminding him that it needs practice. Don't get me wrong ,he's great with him. And Debo listen to him more at home,then me. Will have to have a little tolk with him.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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I know I said I wouldn't but I did... Empty Re: I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

Post by Jackieb Sat Nov 17 2012, 21:08

With my boy , he listens to my oh more at home but Im the boss walking him. He will walk loose leash at my side but if anyone else walks him he's a little shitebag pulling etc.

IMO staffys are too clever for their own good, all us Hoomans wanna fo us give them a good walk, give them an inch, they take a mile.

With my 2, they will act up if hubby walks Tank or if I walk Diesel.
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I know I said I wouldn't but I did... Empty Re: I know I said I wouldn't but I did...

Post by Ticklymac Sun Nov 18 2012, 00:11

My oh has totally different opinions on how to raise/train a dog and what is acceptable doggy etiquette too, he a lot more care free, but funnily enough Diesel listens to me in the house or outside and only on occasion to my oh, i usually get a "will you tell your dog....." Laughing
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