Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 17:22

Had my first real slanging match tonight , was out with dogs off lead across the road from us in the almost dark, all of a sudden 3 JRT's come bounding out of nowhere, 1 ran up to Tommy and then started yelping , was pretty sure Tommy hadn't touched it but nevertheless enquired if the dog was ok (my daughter had grabbed Tommy and picked him up by then and he was silent no growling or barking as previous to this he was chasing this JRT)
The bloke's response was that we should put a muzzle on him if he was that dangerous , I responded and challenged him as his dog ran out of nowhere and straight at my 2 he was obviously protecting himself and his dogs were off lead so this was a 50 50 thing (though in my mind it was his dogs that ran at mine) His response was that his dogs couldn't do any harm compared to mine. I called him an Idiot and walked off , would have been a lot worse response if I didn't have Jenny with me >Smile
Jenny then told me the other dog never got within 2 feet of Tommy and just started yelping like a little Drama Queen, really * me off. To make matters wors spoke to the OH on coming home and one of these JRT's had but a kid (not badly) on the way home from school on Friday angry angry , and mine wants a muzzle


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Jackieb Sun Nov 11 2012, 17:31

I'd be fuming too, some complete muppets for dog owners out there.
Every staffy I know in my area is good as gold... But the little ratbag dog, JRTs, Pomeranians, even spaniels etc, yappy snappy little shitebags.

Ppl tar staffys with the same brush, if 1 is bad , they all are, bloody winds me up !
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by janey Sun Nov 11 2012, 18:06

I applaud your politeness!
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by pongy Sun Nov 11 2012, 18:07

dont let them get you down the w***ers,they have these snappy little rats that they cant control and want our dangerous under control dogs muzzled because they look like they could have a jrt for brunch.If these people cared enough about anybody else they would see just how loving and soft Tommy and Tilly are, and would be ashamed of their own animals and their non existent dog control. So chin up Dave everyone on here knows better than anyone on the street who needs the muzzle
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 18:20

Oh dear Dave, sorry to hear about your run-in. I wasn't a bit surprised that they were JRTs, I've never come across ONE JRT that wasn't aggressive to my Dobes and now my Staff. Most times the owners have made some sort of excuse about their dog's behaviour (and some of them are quite inventive) but you get the occasional one who says "he's only playing" - even when that one was running UNDER my Dobe and snapping up at her belly!

Sorry JRT lovers out there, it's just been my experience.

Hope you're having a calming lager now Dave!


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Lou&percy :) Sun Nov 11 2012, 19:01

janey wrote:

I applaud your politeness!

Snap x

Lou&percy :)
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 19:03

JRTs have tormented my girls. JRTS are more likely to injure a child than a staffy is. Glad Tommy is ok and wasnt hurt.


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Kathy Sun Nov 11 2012, 19:04

I dont think I would have been that calm either. I have had runs ins with the Jack Russell Terrorisers too. People have a misguided idea that small dogs dont need to be trained, I'm sorry but this idea is wrong. All dogs need training.
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by crystel Sun Nov 11 2012, 19:53

AHHH ignorant irresponsible dog owners make me want too scream angry
Firstly well done on keeping your cool dave, Tommy is still a puppy so wouldn,t be showing aggression at all, and as for the JRT owner complete idiot his dogs were the ones out of control, and any dog even a toy breed an do damage my skye was attacked by a JRT cross at 9mnths and needed stiches!!! they are ratters and can do a hell of alot of damage so maybe he should be abit more knowledgeable of the breed he owns!!!
Hope my lovely little Tommy is ok xx
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Andy Sun Nov 11 2012, 20:00

Well done mate, these goons need a slap at wits end
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by PygmyParrot Sun Nov 11 2012, 20:01

At work and on my phone so keeping it brief but to say a jrt can't do any damage is ridiculous. I have nothing against the breed but in the wrong hands they can get very protective and can certainly pack some oomph into a bite!!!! They are damn fast too!!
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by StuW Sun Nov 11 2012, 20:04

It's always Jack Russels Sad they seem to have a problem with Bailey aswell Laughing

There's 2 that do the same walk as us sometimes and their constantly straining on the lead to get at Bailey! They lunge at cars and people passing aswell, so the guys either right in at the hedge or in the middle of the road Rolling Eyes
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Bustersmaid Sun Nov 11 2012, 20:23

Not mad keen on little dogs, small yappy and can be really nasty ( Unless the owner has been great with the training from day 1)...... And yes, small dogs are always drama queens lol. Thankfully most people have been really nice to us this past week since Lexi came, even know her by name =D. But we have had the odd few people with and without dogs crossing the road and one muttering something about pitbulls needing to be muzzled. PAH!!! My cat could, and has done more damage to a dog or person than ANY staffy I know. Well done at keeping your cool..... Cos I wouldn't have xxxx
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by BetsyBoo Sun Nov 11 2012, 20:41

Ggggggggrrrrrw I hear ya! Hope your doggies are all ok.

I get really sick of staffy prejudice! Blame the staff all the time! And like you say- they actually ran at yours! And yelped for nothing! Ignorant guy- too right an idiot and he doesn't know his dogs!

I hear so much on here about responsible dog ownership. My gal is on a training lead as I'm working on her charging up at dogs and I know a lot of other folk here are doing the same. Shame he is not so responsible!

I think he's the one the needs muzzling! angry
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by BetsyBoo Sun Nov 11 2012, 20:44

ps not one to knock a breed but I've played ankle chase with quite a few jrt's in my time. Not wanted on my part!

What have staffies done? At the most licked me to near death!
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Nathan Sun Nov 11 2012, 22:14

To be fair its down to humans yet again. There is a loverly jrt that plays with our pack no problems. But ive seen my fair share run up to mine on leads and the squeak like there being mauled when mine try to play. Thats what years of picking up and pulling away does to a dog. I love nellie the jrt that plays with the guys, she greets all of us and then bombs about with the dogs like a little nutter. Just goes to show...owner not dog to blame and we of all people should know that.
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 22:17

Well done for keeping your cool Dave, i would have not been so calm. He sounds like a right idiot of an owner thats for sure, how can he say anything when his dogs ran at urs !!!!.

Dont agree with some of the comments above thou..... judging other breeds by the actions of a few, sound a bit like what us staffy owners get tbh. Ive met good and bad when it comes too jrts all down to the owners simple as that they aint all bad. just liek our beloved breed.


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 22:19

axam102 wrote:To be fair its down to humans yet again. There is a loverly jrt that plays with our pack no problems. But ive seen my fair share run up to mine on leads and the squeak like there being mauled when mine try to play. Thats what years of picking up and pulling away does to a dog. I love nellie the jrt that plays with the guys, she greets all of us and then bombs about with the dogs like a little nutter. Just goes to show...owner not dog to blame and we of all people should know that.

Lol totally agree, just what i put. no need too slat eother breeds when we are so against it happening too ours.x


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by StuW Sun Nov 11 2012, 22:21

axam102 wrote:To be fair its down to humans yet again. There is a loverly jrt that plays with our pack no problems. But ive seen my fair share run up to mine on leads and the squeak like there being mauled when mine try to play. Thats what years of picking up and pulling away does to a dog. I love nellie the jrt that plays with the guys, she greets all of us and then bombs about with the dogs like a little nutter. Just goes to show...owner not dog to blame and we of all people should know that.

Agree with this really! Most dogs that have lunged/snapped at Bailey have been Jack Russels, although there's one tiny wee JRT who is perfect with Bailey, it ran out its house one day straight across the road and across the football pitch and walked next to Bailey Laughing
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 22:30

Well of course you're right Nathan, and I've met some lovely JRTs - so long as they were away from other dogs! And it's noticeable (to me anyway) that the lovely JRT plays with your pack - which I would guess means that the pack are all off lead.

But you mention about the ones on leads - I have always had the opinion that any dog of any breed feels more vulnerable whilst on that lead, whether the other dog is on a lead or especially off. And then the aggression, born of fear of attack (they're on the lead and can't escape) will kick in.

I stand to be shot down in flames for this opinion, and it's only my opinion borne of years of observation (including of my own dogs).


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 22:42

Again some people are compelled to flaunt their stupidity and ignorance at wits end Glad Tommy wasn't hurt and good work keeping it calm


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Nathan Sun Nov 11 2012, 23:13

new Staffy owner wrote:Well of course you're right Nathan, and I've met some lovely JRTs - so long as they were away from other dogs! And it's noticeable (to me anyway) that the lovely JRT plays with your pack - which I would guess means that the pack are all off lead.

But you mention about the ones on leads - I have always had the opinion that any dog of any breed feels more vulnerable whilst on that lead, whether the other dog is on a lead or especially off. And then the aggression, born of fear of attack (they're on the lead and can't escape) will kick in.

I stand to be shot down in flames for this opinion, and it's only my opinion borne of years of observation (including of my own dogs).
i hope no one even tries to shoot you down in flames... your experiances may well differ from mine and i respect that.
when i said on lead i mean my two, marley has and insane prey drive and i mean insane he has chased deer down so that they have layed next to each other panting... bloody husky dad... scared me like nothing else loosing him for hours in the woods. laska follows him blindly and will go wherever he goes...
and yes you are 100% correct that on lead you take away the flight drive leaving only the fight drive, thankfully long leads and slacking them has not lead my two into any bother, marley will sniff and walk away while laska just wants to play so i have to draw the slack in with her espeially with older dogs that cant be botherd with her.
so all the jrt have run up to mine on lead, some squeak and run off others play... if there on lead and have attack drive its still a human initiated thing as humans put the lead on in the first place restricting options for the dog. even in the park at the mo they are both on lead all the time as he follows lil nutkins accross the road...
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 23:17

Well done on keeping your cool


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Sun Nov 11 2012, 23:54

Thanks Nathan!

Well Kuchar is now on a long lead as well, as he has shown that he can't be trusted not a)chase after other dogs to play with them b) chase after humans to play with them and most of all c) chase after scents or just the opportunity to explore - far and wide. all of which renders him deaf to recall.

He's not aggressive at all thank God, although he's only 10 months old, and when other dogs (not only JRTs!) have attacked him he has not retaliated and I hope that trait will continue.

The dogs on leads I was thinking of are the "other" dogs, where just walking past them causes them to growl and snarl and try to attack.

Where an off-lead dog has threatened an on-lead dog - could it be possible that the off-lead dog recognises that the on-lead dog has limited means of retaliation and is therefore trying to "put one over" on the on-lead dog and therefore establish dominance?

And oh when Marley chased a deer, it must have given you heart attacks. I had a Dobe who would chase deer and I thought I would never see her again, so I do understand. And lil nutkins - don't get me started ....


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by treacle4775 Mon Nov 12 2012, 11:14

must be something in the air Dave lol my OH was out the other night with Obi and this JRT was off lead (Obi was on his) it ran up and started snarling and snapping at Obi. The owner of the JRT had the cheeky to tell my OH to get our dog under control which was funny cos he wasn't doing a thing. Unfortuntely my OH wasn't as calm as you and the lady in question got a full on mouthful with extremely explicity words!!!!! Just hope I don't meet her when I'm out cos the respose will be the same. My dog is on the lead your's isn't so who's dog needs controlling!!!!!
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Staffy lover Mon Nov 12 2012, 12:12

Well done on keeping your cool. You deserve a beer, that guy wants a muzzle put on him next time angry
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Nathan Mon Nov 12 2012, 22:58

new Staffy owner wrote:Thanks Nathan!

Well Kuchar is now on a long lead as well, as he has shown that he can't be trusted not a)chase after other dogs to play with them b) chase after humans to play with them and most of all c) chase after scents or just the opportunity to explore - far and wide. all of which renders him deaf to recall.

He's not aggressive at all thank God, although he's only 10 months old, and when other dogs (not only JRTs!) have attacked him he has not retaliated and I hope that trait will continue.

The dogs on leads I was thinking of are the "other" dogs, where just walking past them causes them to growl and snarl and try to attack.

Where an off-lead dog has threatened an on-lead dog - could it be possible that the off-lead dog recognises that the on-lead dog has limited means of retaliation and is therefore trying to "put one over" on the on-lead dog and therefore establish dominance?

And oh when Marley chased a deer, it must have given you heart attacks. I had a Dobe who would chase deer and I thought I would never see her again, so I do understand. And lil nutkins - don't get me started ....
Lol i know about dobes bless em my brothers crash through anything like is wasnt there. Stunning dogs but they have a loyayty as well. He can get his back even when prey drive kicks in as they are a bread that love to please and thrive on commands. Correct me if im wrong but they are soo loyal to an owner. My boy looses all contact with human kind and willrun for ever then think "bugger where is everyone" ill try and get a vid of him on lead with prey drive in this weekend...
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Ben Mon Nov 12 2012, 23:21

I've found that flatly telling a person they are lying is a good option. They say your dog needs a muzzle: "You just made that * up. You don't have a * clue." Find that usually ends it. At least here where most people expect guys to be pretty much tail between the legs all the time. Not me Big Grin.
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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Mon Nov 12 2012, 23:28

bbimson wrote:I've found that flatly telling a person they are lying is a good option. They say your dog needs a muzzle: "You just made that * up. You don't have a * clue." Find that usually ends it. At least here where most people expect guys to be pretty much tail between the legs all the time. Not me Big Grin.

I'm a bit dissapointed that people think I kept my cool , I didn't as I was shouting at the bloke. I told him he was an idiot and would have told him in exactly the same tone and volume that he was a feckin idiot if my daughter had not been stood with me Blushing


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Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner Empty Re: Just had a run in with a Jack Russell owner

Post by Guest Mon Nov 12 2012, 23:29

Hi Nathan - I "only" had bitch Dobes but some friends had dog Dobes and yes we all found (and accepted as normal to be honest) that they were pretty obedient on the whole. The bitch I mentioned who chased deer, yes she set off like a bat out of hell and I was scared, but calling her I would find her around the next corner of bushes - she didn't come back to me but at least she stopped chasing!

My boy is like yours (not so much prey yet thank God, either the squirrels go up trees or the birds go up in the air) but OTHER DOGS my God he will run forever and takes no notice of me whatsoever. He doesn't even think "bugger where is everyone" - just goes and goes. That's why he's on a long lead now. Still working on his recall but don't know if it will ever sink in.

We gotta keep trying though don't we.


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