update with bella

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update with bella Empty update with bella

Post by bella3712 Fri Aug 31 2012, 14:23

Good afternoon all
Bella is now neatly 13 weeks next monday she is doing great

Apart from............... lol wait for it

chewing a whole branch of off hubbies chinese black acer whoops Rolling Eyes
chewing a broom handle
and the latest she loves taking the coal out of my fire place and chewing on that lol
the spray i bought from the pet shop is working wonders :lol

she was allowed out on Wednesday, so I took both her and My boy Kai out at the same time............ err big mistake
he walks fine but Bella wanted to keep up with Kai, and she chocked herself half to death Sad
also I havent been able to take them out because I have been of off work this week and probable next because I have a slipped disc Sad

But me being me I dosed myself up with loads of painkillers and took her for a walk round the block early this morning, when she pulled I stopped walking,she sat down without me saying anything I told her she was a good girl,gave her a treat,started walking again and when she pulled again and repeated it, half way round the block she stopped pulling, im not saying she has stopped completely,but I can't believe she has learnt so quickly Big Grin

When do you think I can start taking them out together, and do you think Im doing ok?

Also for 2 of her 4 feeds im adding a little tuna to her dried food

Her coat is lovely and shiny sorry for the long post
hope every 1 is ok xxxxxxxxx

Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Age : 59
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Dogs Name(s) : Bella
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update with bella Empty Re: update with bella

Post by Guest Fri Aug 31 2012, 14:25

I think you're doing well! I'd take them out together as soon as you feel up to it.

I'd knock the tuna on the head (too much mercury for my liking) and give her some sardines in oil instead.


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update with bella Empty Re: update with bella

Post by Kathy Fri Aug 31 2012, 14:30

I can feel your pain, I too have a problem with my back, damaged disc too. Do you have a harness for the dogs and long training leads ? I find these help with walking when in pain, plus lots of stops.

Glad to hear Bella is getting on OK.
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update with bella Empty Re: update with bella

Post by Lou&percy :) Fri Aug 31 2012, 15:37

We got Percy 3 days after I had a spinal operation to remove a disc, but also had OH off work for 3 weeks to look after me and Percy lol, the harness was a great help and as he is only small, the walks are only small Smile and with thousands of stop and sniff breaks I found it actually has made my recovery easier. X

Lou&percy :)
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update with bella Empty Re: update with bella

Post by Guest Fri Aug 31 2012, 19:02

Welcome to the wonderful world of loving a Staffie pup!


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update with bella Empty Re: update with bella

Post by bella3712 Sat Sep 01 2012, 07:10

thanks everyone
Also she doesnt go to the toilet when i take her for a walk, she waits till we get back inside ????????????????

how do I stop that
Also when I got up this morning put her in the garden, she didnt do nothing then when I was giving her her breakfast she went in the front room and started to go poo, I said no in a stern voice, she stopped I made her go in the garden again and she didnt do anything Sad
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 59
Location : Enfield
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bella
Dog(s) Ages : 6 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : female
Join date : 2012-07-18
Support total : 3
Posts : 134

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update with bella Empty Re: update with bella

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01 2012, 08:24

Take her out after eating, sleeping and playing. Make sure she goes before you let her inside and give her lots of praise. Her bladder is tiny so she won't be able to hold out for too long.


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update with bella Empty Re: update with bella

Post by Guest Sat Sep 01 2012, 09:19

Sorry to hear about the slipped disc, hope you get better soon.

I'd say, based on personal experience, not to give her treats for when she's sitting when you stop. I say this because we did this with Loki, and for the next week or so he'd start sitting randomly, presumably because he figured every time he sits, he gets a treat. But maybe that's just Loki, so if it works for you then go ahead Smile. They do learn very quickly though, so I think if you keep up with that, she'll soon learn that not pulling will get her farther.

Oh, and it's funny about her chewing the coal, because Loki does the same thing with the rocks on our fireplace (it's an electric one, just some rocks as decoration).


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