Playing Ball..

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Playing Ball.. Empty Playing Ball..

Post by Guest Tue Jan 11 2011, 22:38

Holly.. WILL NOT fetch a ball.... you can throw it.. she runs at it .. then around it and does what ever she wants lol

Doesnt pick it up and no chance of getting her to bring it back.

Part of my "plan" was to tire her out in the back paddock with one of those ball throwers between clients if i didnt have time for a long walk....
how can i teach her to fentch a ball and bring it back to me ?

Her boomer ball hasnt arrived as yet from UK


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Playing Ball.. Empty Re: Playing Ball..

Post by Guest Tue Jan 11 2011, 22:42

memphis is not a ball lover either but he loves his boomer so i to will be intrested in tips


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Playing Ball.. Empty Re: Playing Ball..

Post by Guest Tue Jan 11 2011, 22:44

The way we used to teach it years ago was firstly get the dog to 'hold' the ball. We'd put the dog in a sit (on lead), put the ball or whatever in its mouth and say "Fetch". Then, take it away, saying "Leave". Once they'll hold it without trying to rip it to shreds, repeat it, but take a step or two back & say "Fetch!" in a really happy, excited voice, and encourage the dog to come to you with the ball in its mouth by using the lead. Gradually increase the distance till you have to take off the lead, and then try outside.

I daresay things have changed since then, though!


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Playing Ball.. Empty Re: Playing Ball..

Post by Guest Tue Jan 11 2011, 22:54

Thanks I will give it a go... she doesnt seem inerested at all.
I have tennis balls, rubberballs and nothing takes her fancy..
but she will chase her basket ball ?


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Playing Ball.. Empty Re: Playing Ball..

Post by Guest Tue Jan 11 2011, 22:56

Maybe she just prefers the bigger ones!


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Playing Ball.. Empty Re: Playing Ball..

Post by Guest Wed Jan 12 2011, 07:41

Mel milly will only bother with her football not interested in small ones


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Playing Ball.. Empty Re: Playing Ball..

Post by janey Wed Jan 12 2011, 08:43

Holly is very young she may just get it. Moo will fetch balls but just won't drop them! Got a frisbee instead and its magic, also sticks (and yes b4 u all say I know the vets etc advise against sticks) but she cant get enough, she finds her own and just thrusts at your feet. Smile
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Age : 40
Location : Surrey
Dogs Name(s) : Moo
Dog(s) Ages : 5ish
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Playing Ball.. Empty Re: Playing Ball..

Post by Guest Wed Jan 12 2011, 09:33

Dempsey will chase a ball, but he won't bring it back, he just runs after it & then leaves it where it lays to go sniff around!

It's the boomer ball that he really loves, but again, we have to follow him round!


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