what age do staffs start mature

Polly Pocket
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty what age do staffs start mature

Post by luke61188 Sat Jul 07 2012, 10:23

What age do staffys start to mature and calm down.
And also do they ever get a guarding instinct like barking at the door or a stranger coming up the path?

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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by janey Sat Jul 07 2012, 11:16

Laughing Never!!!

I am yet to have an older dog so I can't really comment, Moo is 3ish and pretty chilled, depends on the dog really Xx
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Guest Sat Jul 07 2012, 11:25

Mazda was 11yrs in march and still not chilled Laughing shes only started to slightly slow down in the last year

Kodi's 5mths and chilled as they get Cool

Like Janey said its each dog


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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Guest Sat Jul 07 2012, 11:27

They do calm down eventuallly but its depedant on the dog more than the age. They indeed have a guarding instinct and can bark at strangers approaching the house. The quiet command is an important one to work on. It's also helpfull to have people over as frequently as possible to get them used to it


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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by luke61188 Sat Jul 07 2012, 11:32

Mine is a big sop and just wants people to come intoo the house so he can jump all over them and lick them to death lol

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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by asa-james Sat Jul 07 2012, 12:02

mature? from the experiance of every single staff i've ever met, young, old, male, female, the word "mature" has never popped into my head Big Grin
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Guest Sat Jul 07 2012, 12:05

luke61188 wrote:What age do staffys start to mature and calm down.
And also do they ever get a guarding instinct like barking at the door or a stranger coming up the path?

Guarding instinct Laughing Laughing If you wanted a guard dog you should have had a GSD or a Rottie, much more likely a burglar would suffer death by tongue than any injuries rolling on the floor


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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Kathy Sat Jul 07 2012, 12:09

Ermmmm mature, depends on if it's male or female I guess such is life.

Rocky has calmed down loads though in the last few months but then lots of things can also affect it.

I guess they do to a certain extent eventually.

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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by luke61188 Sat Jul 07 2012, 12:34

Not. Exectly wanting a guard dog just for him to make a bit of noise for the mrs is at. Home with the baby and I'm not there

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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Guest Sat Jul 07 2012, 12:44

Haha staffs, calm down erm yer lol

Also staffs are not natural guard dogs and most won't give a toss if someone is at the door so think you've got the wrong breed for that


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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Jackieb Sat Jul 07 2012, 14:39

My 2 will bark and run over to me if someone is knocking on the front door or back gate, which is good cause our doorbell is broken so j never hear if someone is knocking lol
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Taryn Sat Jul 07 2012, 16:24

Romeo has ZERO gaurding instincts. although, today i heard him bark for the first time... he's 9 months old now Big Grin
I have a friend who has a 12 yaer old staff. she is still as made as a hatter
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Polly Pocket Sun Jul 08 2012, 08:39

Polly and Charlie never fuss if anyone comes to the door or we get post or anything, the only time they do is if they hear voices outside of someone they know, then they go mental.
Our postman will shout through the letter box if we have got a parcel or anything because if I don't hear the doorbell my daft dogs ignore it too, he knows they will want to see him as he has treats in his pockets for them Laughing

Polly is about 18 months now and so laid back she is almost comatose Rolling Eyes Charlie is just coming up to 5 months and he is a nutcase Smile
I think I am going to have to try to tell my pair that they are supposed to be high energy dogs that destroy things and ..... on the other hand I think I'll leave them dont tell anyone
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by wendersbbz Sun Jul 08 2012, 14:54

my neka goes daft if the door goes and the puppy just follows her around and barks at neka lol ! even if someone passes the fence/gate with or without a dog neka goes daft and barks followed by echo ! there is a dog across from us and neka hates it ? she goes berserk ninja

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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Topaz Fri Jul 13 2012, 12:30

Ours is nearly 2 he is pretty calm but can get excited.

As for a guard dog,
He very rarley barks but when he does its for a good reason. Obviously someone at the front door is not a good enough reason for him.
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by crystel Fri Jul 13 2012, 12:34

mature is not a word that is often used for staffords at any age Laughing
But my dogs seem too go against the general grain here they are great guard dogs i haven,t made them that way but Skye really protects the front and back door, she is quite nervous in nature so think its instinct for her too bark and warn me of things Maybe because i live alone they are abit more protective over me but all my staffies have been very protective of our home x
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by cg Wed Aug 01 2012, 17:16

Butkus calmed down alot from the age of about 2 1/2, dont get me wrong he still has a few puppy moments when all he wants to do is play but he is more inclined to sit about and watch his surroundings instead. He rarely barks but the time when he does is mostly at the lady next door if he drops the ball for her and she hasnt noticed or if a stranger approaches, but like i said it is very rare, in fact it is so rare that I have to think twice before realising it is actually him barking, whereas my bichon didnt shut up and i knew his bark all too well.
Again the bark thing began about the same time he calmed down.
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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by Guest Wed Aug 01 2012, 17:29

I doubt Tyson will ever mature but he is a little more grown up now. He does bark when I get visitors but he does nothing more than wag and wait for the cuddles.


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what age do staffs start mature  Empty Re: what age do staffs start mature

Post by devlad89 Wed Aug 01 2012, 20:17

id say its definatly dependant on the dog debo is 3 and he is worse than are 9 month old smudge. deebo only makes a racket when the letter box goes other than that you could pretty much walk straight in my living room and they would lick u 2 death.
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