Chance's story..........

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Chance's story.......... Empty Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:18

Right as i'm now in a foul mood, not that it takes much i'm going to put most of his story on here not going to put all the details... it is going to be a bit of a rant as well

Chance we got from a rescue centre at 18 months old, the centre shall we say wasn't the best, have never heard from the since unless i contact them and have never had a follow up check but thats another matter.......

He had been used in dog fighting and guarding the owners house, he weighed 26kg when i got him home and weighed him, had cigarette burns on muzzle, head and paws. Number of bruise like things, scars whatever. Fur was yellow and bald in particular on his chest and belly, terrified of most things, for example if you picked up a pole/broom etc etc he'd cry, shake and wet himself. He slept sat bolt up right and it goes on.

My main concern was his health he has chronic stomach issues and was still losing weight, I swapped him straight to raw on day 1 and have never looked back, he's now up to 50kg and has never been healthier.

Once his confidence came back, as ambulls are naturally very confident dogs or should be! then his mental issues surfaced. He settled with us and trusts us 100% but his fear of people turned to aggression. He is never off lead unless in the middle of nowhere once out of the house, but is muzzled in crowed areas like the recent festival.

Now people say alot he should be put down because he has such mental issues including our vet, it's not just bad behaviour had has actual issues. NO he will not be put down i don't give a * what other people think.

The other is use a trainer/behaviourist etc now i point blank refuse to even consider one (now if you use one and it worked then i'm happy for you) I WILL NOT use one, I don't like the whole idea, the extortionate amount they charge, the OMG YOU FEED RAW/ YOU DON'T NEUTER Rolling Eyes so the next person who tells me to do this or PTS will soon wish they hadn't

Also Chance has never bitten anyone whilst we've had him and has come a million miles in the 9 months we've had him to the point where on the park he was inseparable with a 18 month little girl who was grabbing his fur to help her learn to walk and he sulked when we went home and she didn't come with Rolling Eyes So do not say my dog is dangerous or out of control, and that the way we train or control him doesn't work.

And before anyone says this isn't aimed at the member who commented on the other thread but to anyone who has met (or not) but has commented on a dog they do not know, including my vet, my mum, stranger in the street who just see a big dog, even though fully under control.......

So i've finished ranting now, but please don't confuse Chance with a staffy he most certainly isn't, he is also NOT Harvey who is a staff and has no issues and is quite simply at times the perfect dog! Adores people, kids, dogs, cats whatever.

And a photo of me and my devil dog......
Chance's story.......... 292664_10151557048475611_36448008_n


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:23

Well said Ella , and it just proves a point that all dogs are workable , they've just got to have the right owner thumbs up


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by janey Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:25

He is a different dog now Ella Xx
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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:26

What's brought this on, Ella?

ella wrote: the OMG YOU FEED RAW/ YOU DON'T NEUTER Rolling Eyes so the next person who tells me to do this or PTS will soon wish they hadn't

Well, you know that won't come from me (being someone who feeds raw to an entire male! Big Grin )


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:33

Caryll wrote:What's brought this on, Ella?

ella wrote: the OMG YOU FEED RAW/ YOU DON'T NEUTER Rolling Eyes so the next person who tells me to do this or PTS will soon wish they hadn't

Well, you know that won't come from me (being someone who feeds raw to an entire male! Big Grin )

Just comments i've had to put up with over the last few months, and some comments on another thread saying that my dog is dangerous and should be muzzled at all times...........

Haha i thought you might comment on that bit Big Grin

Ta peeps just feel it needed to be said Smile

Last edited by ella on Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:35; edited 1 time in total


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by stella Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:34

ella you should be so proud of yourself,you have changed chance's life round so have put time and alot of love in to him,where other people might have given up on him you did'nt,well done you thumbs up
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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:35

Thanks Stella Big Grin


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:36

ella wrote:
Caryll wrote:What's brought this on, Ella?

ella wrote: the OMG YOU FEED RAW/ YOU DON'T NEUTER Rolling Eyes so the next person who tells me to do this or PTS will soon wish they hadn't

Well, you know that won't come from me (being someone who feeds raw to an entire male! Big Grin )

Just comments i've had to put up with over the last few months, and some comments on another thread saying that my dog is dangerous and should be muzzled at all times...........

Ta peeps just feel it needed to be said Smile

Forget em. Most of us here know Chance's story - let's face it, a lot of us said you shouldn't get him! But you only have to look at him now & remember what he was like when you got him to know how well he's looked after. And we all know that you don't take chances (no pun intended) with him.


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:39

Caryll wrote:
ella wrote:
Caryll wrote:What's brought this on, Ella?

ella wrote: the OMG YOU FEED RAW/ YOU DON'T NEUTER Rolling Eyes so the next person who tells me to do this or PTS will soon wish they hadn't

Well, you know that won't come from me (being someone who feeds raw to an entire male! Big Grin )

Just comments i've had to put up with over the last few months, and some comments on another thread saying that my dog is dangerous and should be muzzled at all times...........

Ta peeps just feel it needed to be said Smile

Forget em. Most of us here know Chance's story - let's face it, a lot of us said you shouldn't get him! But you only have to look at him now & remember what he was like when you got him to know how well he's looked after. And we all know that you don't take chances (no pun intended) with him.

Thanks I don't mind people recommending perhaps get another dog or whatever, everyone has the right to their own opinion, but it gets a bit annoying with the amount of work i've put in, for the so called 'experts' to say what you've done is basically sh*t all......

Feel better now i've had a rant anyway Laughing


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:43

Ella, you know your dog and I am damn sure, judging from your passion, you understand him and are prepared to do what you have to to be a responsible owner. Good for you and to hell with the rest.
I have lived with a very DA bull terrier/chow and a staffie who backed her up 100% and it was never an issue since I simply never put them in a situation where this would be an issue. Both lived to be 16 years plus and never had issues with each other.


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Kathy Mon Jul 02 2012, 20:57

It always feels better to get it all out and have a good rant, I know I do and have from time to time.

Ella, Chance is a beautiful dog and thats all down to you, your love and hard work. Be very proud of what you have achieved with him. He now has an exceptional quality of life, it sounds like he never had that before.
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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:05

Ella you've done a brilliant job with Chance, he has come on so far since he found you. I love that picture of you both.


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:05

Ty wrote:Ella, you know your dog and I am damn sure, judging from your passion, you understand him and are prepared to do what you have to to be a responsible owner. Good for you and to hell with the rest.
I have lived with a very DA bull terrier/chow and a staffie who backed her up 100% and it was never an issue since I simply never put them in a situation where this would be an issue. Both lived to be 16 years plus and never had issues with each other.

I try to be the responsible owner we all should be and thanks Smile

kathytake2 wrote:It always feels better to get it all out and have a good rant, I know I do and have from time to time.

Ella, Chance is a beautiful dog and thats all down to you, your love and hard work. Be very proud of what you have achieved with him. He now has an exceptional quality of life, it sounds like he never had that before.

Yer the rant was needed Laughing but once people know the full story they tend to shut up abit Tongues thanks Smile


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:06

Millie&Bella wrote:Ella you've done a brilliant job with Chance, he has come on so far since he found you. I love that picture of you both.

Haha not very flattering of me though Laughing thanks Smile


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Deebee Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:22

I love American Bulldogs and Chance is a beautiful boy. It sounds like he had an absolutely terrible start in life. He's lucky you came along and rescued him, he's obviously getting all the love and care he needs from you. Wishing you both all the very best for the future, (and of course, not forgetting Harvey!)

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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:26

Thanks Smile


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:35

The thing that pisses me off is that cops are allowed to have aggressive dogs (my neighbour has 6 GSD atm) and noone says anything, even if those dogs are not actually used (he has one thats actually too dangerous to use but he still lets it run loose in his yard which has no gates/fence) but if its a "pitbull" or a "staffy" its wrong. even if the poor thing has issues because of bad treatment! Youve done brilliant with him and every dog deserves a chance, see what i did there lol


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:40

Equi wrote:The thing that pisses me off is that cops are allowed to have aggressive dogs (my neighbour has 6 GSD atm) and noone says anything, even if those dogs are not actually used (he has one thats actually too dangerous to use but he still lets it run loose in his yard which has no gates/fence) but if its a "pitbull" or a "staffy" its wrong. even if the poor thing has issues because of bad treatment! Youve done brilliant with him and every dog deserves a chance, see what i did there lol

Yep totally agree, the stigma against staffs is utterly stupid and pathetic quite frankly.....

Laughing i see what you did Wink


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by roz w Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:42

ella wrote:
Caryll wrote:What's brought this on, Ella?

ella wrote: the OMG YOU FEED RAW/ YOU DON'T NEUTER Rolling Eyes so the next person who tells me to do this or PTS will soon wish they hadn't

Well, you know that won't come from me (being someone who feeds raw to an entire male! Big Grin )

Just comments i've had to put up with over the last few months, and some comments on another thread saying that my dog is dangerous and should be muzzled at all times...........

Haha i thought you might comment on that bit Big Grin

Ta peeps just feel it needed to be said Smile

my comment was no way aimed at you hun was a suggestion to bullysmum ...i was identifying with her as i too have similar issues and has considered using muzzle at times ...i did not even see your post so i apologise if you thought it was for you
roz w
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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:43

Don't worry duck it's just been one of those days! Smile


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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by roz w Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:48

glad thats sorted phew . sorry u had a bad day
roz w
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Chance's story.......... Empty Re: Chance's story..........

Post by Guest Mon Jul 02 2012, 21:49

No worries Smile It was more the other comments >Big Grin<


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