Will neutering help my staffie?

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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by KatieD Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:22

Hi guys, I need peoples opinions on pros and cons of neutering. I don't want any judgmental comments i'm asking for advice. I cant think of the word to describe it but my staffie acts as if hes boss of everything and anyone! He seems to bully my 13 year old bitch, hes constantly putting his back up if shes sniffing because he thinks there is food! its ridiculous! He attacks her, my old girl is the softest dog I've ever met, a dog as attacked her n she just laid there! Sad Don't get me wrong I want Kaiser to stick up for himself its not that its the fact I don't feel like I trust him because I don't feel in full control, its like I said he think hes the boss! He does know when he's done something wrong he will bow down with puppy eyes but some things seem pure vicious! If I shut the door when hes outside he attacks the door and I mean you would be really scared if you saw that! (If hes outside later and I shut the door I will try video it and upload) Its not how I've brought him up because he's been food agressive since we got him and I dont know if this is common in the breed and hes mouthing ALL THE TIME! you cant stroke him without him biting you, I need some advice please i'm at the end of my tether here I've got 2 young kids I need him to calm with the mouthing and aggression, thanks guys.
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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Steve Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:26

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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Kathy Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:27

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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:29

Ok, one thing at a time. You're actually talking about two different things here. Dominance & training.

Firstly, neutering will not, necessarily, change a dog's character and may make things worse especially at such a young age.

Before you even consider neutering you need to step up his training.

1. Have you ever done anything about his food aggression? Is he also possession aggressive?
2. Do you have a crate you can get him used to for when you leave the room/house?
3. You don't feel in control? That's because you're not. You need to start laying down some rules & sticking to them rigidly.
4. What have you done to stop the mouthing/biting?


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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by KatieD Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:33

I know the " ignore and turn your back bla bla" how can i tell an autistic child to ignore Kaiser when hes got no communication at all, I've had this with a dog trainer saying to ignore the jumping and biting, what would your advice be?
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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:36

KatieD wrote: I know the " ignore and turn your back bla bla" how can i tell an autistic child to ignore Kaiser when hes got no communication at all, I've had this with a dog trainer saying to ignore the jumping and biting, what would your advice be?

If your child can't do it, then you have to supervise their interraction & do it for him/her. (Sorry, I don't know whether your child is a boy or a girl. Blushing ). I know it isn't easy, but it's a necessity.

What about the food aggression? What have you done about this? Is it just the odd snap or full on snarling?


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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by KatieD Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:41

Its an hard thing to do because he doesn't like contact and stuff but the food aggression is the worst thing, i've fed him by hand which is fine but he still nearly takes your hand off its more like a throw than me passing it to him and with the aggression it tends to be more if its meat in his dish and if you go near him or touch him its full on snarling as if he will really snap.
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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by KatieD Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:42

Sorry i've got 2 sons lol (i should have put that) my eldest is 3 in November and youngest is 1 in October (easier to say it like that Laughing )
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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:47

I would agree with the advice your trainer gave. If your sons are too young to understand than you will need to supervise their interaction with Kaiser.


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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:57

Firstly you have to safeguard your children & not feed Kaiser in the same room for the time being. Also, feed him seperately from Tess.

When you feed him, get him to sit until you give him permission to eat. Just put about a 3rd of his food in the bowl, and when he's eating gradually drop more in. Make sure that you don't touch him at first, but stand right beside him the whole time.

After a while, you should be able to lightly touch his back when you drop the food in. You can then progress gradually to stroking him while he's eating. Leave it at that for now - when you're ready you can go a bit further, but don't worry about that yet.

With the jumping/biting, as your sons can't do this themselves, you will have to step in & do it for them. Whe he jumps, bites etc say "No!" and turn away, stop all interraction - don't even look at him. If he carries on, pick him up & put him out of the room (or if you can't pick him up, push him out!) and leave him for a couple of minutes.

It will sink in, but it might take a few repetitions.


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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by KatieD Fri Jun 15 2012, 22:59

I do all that with the food already but just didn't touch is back as i was doing it so i'll try that and i'll try with the kids its because he jumps all over the place its hard to control him but we dont feed him with the kids or with Tess
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Mega Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15 2012, 23:00

How often is he walked & for how long, and what do you feed him?


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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15 2012, 23:01

At 7 months, he's pushing the boundaries, as you have noticed, he just wants to see how far he can push it. I have no idea where food aggression is concerned, it's thankfully something I've never had to deal with. But the dominance is normal, especially at his age (think hormonal teenager!) and he just needs you all to be VERY firm and consistent in his training. As for your sons, as has already been said. as they are so young, close supervision at all times is necessary and you need to step in immediately if Kaiser oversteps the mark with/around them. The thing to remember is that at 7 months, Kaiser is probably not being intentionally aggressive, he is just pushing his luck and trying to be the boss.

Try going back to basics with him. Don't let hin have anything for free, make him work for everything. When it's feeding time, have him sit, give you a paw, then wait until you tell him he can move to eat it. Same when it's time for a walk, or a play, or a treat. Maintain complete control over all of his resources and he will eventually learn to respect you. When he's mouthing you, tell him 'NO!' then put him out of the room, isolate and ignore him - he'll soon learn.


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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15 2012, 23:01

Sorry for repeating some of what Caryll said, we were typing at the same time!


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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Fri Jun 15 2012, 23:02

Forgot to say, as to neutering, that is completely your choice, but please, if you do decide to do it, please wait for a little while longer - to give him chance to mature. Neutering won't solve your problems with him - only training can do that.


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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Steve Fri Jun 15 2012, 23:05

yes how long is he getting walk and how many times?

normally a problem dogs are the one who don't get enough walks

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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Galadriel Sat Jun 16 2012, 08:23

You've been given some good advice above but I just wanted to say that what you're describing sound like training issues and not things that will be solved by neutering.

It does sound like he could be under stimulated. How much exercise and training and/or playing does he get each day?

What do you feed? Some foods can cause hyperactivity and maybe contributing to the behaviour.

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Will neutering help my staffie? Empty Re: Will neutering help my staffie?

Post by Guest Sat Jun 16 2012, 09:25

Katie , I'm not going to butt in and offer anything as I haven't had experience with these issues but the advice you are being given is very good and I've seen the advice work on other members dogs , so please just try and chill out with him a bit , not let yourself get too stressed and we all wish you the best of luck with him. As well as him being dominant he will also sense your anxiety and that as well will make him push you a little further.
The maturity before neutering is also a very valid point as otherwise he is likely to remain a puppy and this (though not guaranteed) has been stated by many people time and time again (including friends of mine outside of the forum with and without staffies)


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