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Post by Gazagem Sun Apr 01 2012, 06:41

I have to have a rant about this otherwise i feel im going to go mad
Yesterday whilst walking both dogs on lead with my son i came across this man with 3 dogs charging about
I told him that buster is nervous and can snap where as skye is the total opposite anyway he stopped to say hello to both and his dogs carried on charging about
To cut a long story short his 6 month old terrier pup which had been charging all over the place ran towards buster so he grabbed it and has left puncture wounds and the poss of the pup losing its eye and me with sore and cut fingers
Now i am feeling no matter what i tell people they dont actualy believe a 7 month old pup can do this so on monday i need to go and buy a muzzle but i am made to feel like the worst owner poss and feel that i can no longer walk my dogs at this park without idiots ruining the walk
Dont get me wrong i do feel for the pup and hope that it doesnt lose its eye but when i see a dog on the lead i have always either called me dogs close or put them on the lead
Thanks guys rant over
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Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Post by janey Sun Apr 01 2012, 09:11

Jesus, I hope the other dogs ok also, and you and your son. That sounds pretty horrific.

If you had total control of your dogs then it was an unfourtunate accident and please don't beat yourself up. A muzzle may be better but it I was in your shoes I just wouldn't walk where other dogs are off lead and if there owners aren't being cautious.

Will you find out how the other pup is?
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Post by aussiechick Sun Apr 01 2012, 10:10

i know exactly what you boy who passed away in nov was a friendly dog to people but really didnt like others when i walked him he was always on a lead...i would always come across people who would let their dogs run wild and i would say to them could you please put your dog on a lead cause mine will bite if yours comes to close Surprised but they dont listen at wits end time he got hold of a poodle and started biteing this other dog..thank goodness there was no injury but the other owner was yelling at me saying i had a bad dog!!!!!!..we had a bit of a yelling match and we went on our way...i just wish people would control their dogs....
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Post by Gazagem Sun Apr 01 2012, 15:44

I have the owners phone number so i am being responsible but the worst bit is one of his dogs that was off the lead he said can be funny
I supose its what i should expect but when i had my other dogs no matter how friendly mine were if the other dogs were on leads i would either stay clear or put mine on the lead simple
I will know on tue how the dog is
My son is 14 and has grown up around dogs and understands that they are animals and that some times no mater how well trained they are they can still be unpredictable at times
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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