Frightened of the dark

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Frightened of the dark Empty Frightened of the dark

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15 2012, 09:24

we have figured Lottie out on the dark evening walks. We thought it was her eyesight maybe wasnt so good when it starts to get dark but it seems she is just frightened in the dark. Looks like we will be walking the streets in the dark for quite some time to over come this one. When we turn a corner out of our street she pulls wanting to go home and will constantly keep looking at who ever is on the other end of the lead and then will step infront of you so you cant go forwards as if she is trying to turn you round and go home. Never come across this one before so all we can do I supose is keep walking her on a very short lead in the dark to get over this. I think treats are in order on these walks as well as reassurance. Gemma is the best with her on these walks she will actualy get down and sit on the floor with her and talk to her pointing things out (not that she understands) but the voice is enough then after a few minutes they will take a slow walk home. Never thought Gemma had any patience in her body till Lottie came along shame she chose childcare as a proffession and not animal welfare


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Frightened of the dark Empty Re: Frightened of the dark

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15 2012, 09:26

poor lottie hope she gets past it, thank goodness she is with you and your family. On the bright side it is getting brighter in the morning and evenings now



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Frightened of the dark Empty Re: Frightened of the dark

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15 2012, 14:17

You seem to be on the right track with her Julie. If it takes treats to keep her moving forward in the dark it is OK.


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Frightened of the dark Empty Re: Frightened of the dark

Post by Kathy Wed Feb 15 2012, 17:09

Maybe a few words of comfort along the way too would be an idea too. Even when I take Rocky for a walk on my own I am always talking to him. Other people must think I am bonkers
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Frightened of the dark Empty Re: Frightened of the dark

Post by Guest Wed Feb 15 2012, 18:39

kathytake2 wrote:Maybe a few words of comfort along the way too would be an idea too. Even when I take Rocky for a walk on my own I am always talking to him. Other people must think I am bonkers

i always chat away as i'm walking its not so bad with Lottie cos she's bigger and people can actualy see her but with Lemmy I look silly cos he's only little and if he stands next to a tree you cant see him. Laughing


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