Do you play tricks on your pooch?

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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by bobs Sat Dec 31 2011, 14:41

Earlier today, there was an open box of cans of Fosters on the floor. Sophie continually chewed the corner of the box. In the end we took the box away and just piled the cans in the corner.

A few minutes later, we found Sophie had nicked one of the cans and was bowling it round the floor like a football.

Whilst we would never have given her any beer, we had an overwhelming urge to let her continue playing with the can and see what would have happened if the can had got punctured and she was chased round the room by a highly charged can. But we didn't angel

For her safety we swapped the can for one of her toys, but the devil in us wondered what her reaction would have been had the beer can been pierced under high pressure Laughing Laughing Laughing

What (harmless) games / tricks do you lot get up to with your pooches?

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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Sat Dec 31 2011, 15:03

The usual throw the ball but on't actually. Their faces are always priceless lol


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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Sat Dec 31 2011, 15:54

we play hide and seek or just jump out on them . lemmy sometimes lies on his back and we play peek a boo with a blanket


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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Andy Sat Dec 31 2011, 16:28

Yeah always hideing from Max, I useually throw one of his fave toys up the stairs onto the landing, and while he's shooting up the stairs I leggit into another room and hide Big Grin

Same when we're out, throw his ball as far as poss and jump behind a tree as he goes after it Tongues
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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Sat Dec 31 2011, 16:34

Andy wrote:

Same when we're out, throw his ball as far as poss and jump behind a tree as he goes after it Tongues

i do this lemmy loves it looks all excited when he finds ya.


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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Skullkandi Sat Dec 31 2011, 21:12

I play hide and seek with Junior a lot of the time, hiding in long grass and congratulating him when he find me.
I did jump out at him once and he gave me such a look of offence...I never did it again.
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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by ardvark Sun Jan 01 2012, 22:31

great there are someother 'crazy' people out there who play hide and seek with their dogs Blushing Me, the kids or all of us hide behind the gorse bushes or in the hedges or undergrowth when Milo is mooching asbout and then he races to find us! Sometime he gets almost frantic (or maybe a bit dim?!?!?)and runs straight past us oops!

My husband calls me a weirdo in jest but I can kind if see why ha ha!! It's a bit embarrassing when other poeple come into view and see us jumping out from behind bushes they must wonder what on earth we're doing and probably think to themselves...'weirdo' lol!!
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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Sun Jan 01 2012, 23:05

i played hide and seek with lottie one day but we won't do that again. the poor girl looked frantic as though i had abandoned her. well you cant blame her poor mare


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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by jshrew Sun Jan 01 2012, 23:30

After Ledger has woken me up I pretend to get up then hide under the covers he jumps up and either digs me out (quite a nice massage) or he takes the top of the duvet in his mouth and pulls it off me

I was also a bit cruel this morning at my parents knowing he doesn't understand talking toys (my bouncing tigger provides plenty of fun) I let him discover the tickle me elmo he slowly approached the little red fella then nudged it with his nose then off went elmo doubling up in laughter and when Ledger thought all was quiet andsafe and took another step forward Elmo said 'again again' Ledger bolted out of the door and would only peep back round the door frame
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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 00:09

yes our doggies love to play and are so funny with some of the reactions.


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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by ardvark Mon Jan 02 2012, 01:04

Lol Jules, Milo's much the same he still lets a loud one go from time to time and he bolts away from 'it' lol although it has us laughing harder when he lets one go in his sleep and bolts from his bed all freaked out like he's just been shot or something equally as daft lol!! He does make us laugh the silly old thing!
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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 08:47

We play hide and seek. Also hide under the duvet and get 'dug' out. I talk to him in funny voices and pack up at his funny expressions as he tries to make head or tail of it all.


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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Skullkandi Mon Jan 02 2012, 15:25

I've stopped caring what people think of me when I play with Ju-bear. Play enriches a dogs life, however old or young they are, it's healthy for them. I totally approve of play!
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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 15:27

Equi wrote:The usual throw the ball but on't actually. Their faces are always priceless lol

Love that game Big Grin


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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 15:29

Skullkandi wrote:I've stopped caring what people think of me when I play with Ju-bear. Play enriches a dogs life, however old or young they are, it's healthy for them. I totally approve of play!

i'm used to the funny looks anyway cos i chat away as i take them for a walk and people look as though i am nuts just for talking to them so you can imagine what i get when i jump out from behind a tree to surprise them Laughing


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Do you play tricks on your pooch?    Empty Re: Do you play tricks on your pooch?

Post by Guest Mon Jan 02 2012, 15:30

_julie_ wrote:
Skullkandi wrote:I've stopped caring what people think of me when I play with Ju-bear. Play enriches a dogs life, however old or young they are, it's healthy for them. I totally approve of play!

i'm used to the funny looks anyway cos i chat away as i take them for a walk and people look as though i am nuts just for talking to them so you can imagine what i get when i jump out from behind a tree to surprise them Laughing



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