Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17 2010, 13:25

Well we are having are kichen completley re done electrics and all. The electrians started today and were here at 8.00am. I wanted the dogs to meet the workmen as they can both be a bit weird with strangers in the house if i havent intoduced them (which i think is a good thing actually). I warned the workmen once they were in the kichen i was gonna let the dogs in for a sniff etc and said they are really friendly but may jump a little, they all said yea thats fine. Well i let them in and both dogs were really good Ty jumped at one of them and when i say jumped it was hardly even that he just gentley put his paws on the blokes knees. The bloke went mental screaming and everything and ran to the otherside of the room going i dont like them dogs aaaahhhhhh help me. With thats Ty and Kaos thought he was playing and chased him I dont want to s Anyways so after that my poor little babies have been shut in the porch area out the back all day (luckily they have a dog flap so have access to garden) and kaos has been crying most of the day Crying or Very sad I popped to pet shop and bought them both a huge meaty bone each so havent heard a peep for an hour now! Stupid workman though what a muppet!!!


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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Re: Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Steve Wed Nov 17 2010, 13:30

Laughing some people can be funny Laughing oo this was a while go now must of been like 4 years ago sam was like year or under a british gas man came around ooo dear when he saw sam coming to say helloo i never saw a bloke run some fast in my life Laughing i was laughing my head off i had to leave the room because i couldn't stop laughing........

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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Re: Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17 2010, 13:32

What a wus! You'd think he'd at least try & put a brave face on it!

When we had Bandit & someone came to the door we'd get him between our legs so the visitor couldn't see his tail wagging furiously - all they could see was a massive staffy grin! Used to terrify them!


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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Re: Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17 2010, 13:48

Lol some people....they must realise there making themselves look a tool.

My sister had Blue before me and her neighbour come round to welcome her in her new house etc and wanted to look round to see if her house was the same. (New estate)
Now her neighbour is asian and most of the older generations of asians do not like dogs. My sister told her not to go in the cut a long story shorter she went in and the dog chashed her and she ended up locking herself in the cupboard under the sister said she couldn't stop laughing for half an hour to help her out


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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Re: Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17 2010, 13:51

Hahaha what a plonker!! He is a big bloke as well it was quite funny when he ran across the room! Some people have no comman sence at all!
ah well...... x


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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Re: Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17 2010, 14:24

ha ha wot a plonker bet he will do the electrics quick lol


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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Re: Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17 2010, 14:30

bigwazza wrote:ha ha wot a plonker bet he will do the electrics quick lol

he will when hes over the shock, pardon the pun Laughing


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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Re: Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17 2010, 14:31

Haha some people are stupid.When i was due to move house,my housing officer came round,saw Cairo (who was still a puppy at the time) and jumped 3ft in the air,and said omg can you pick the dog up im not good with them,they have teeth.WTF!? I have teeth too,and i can assure you im a damn sight more scary then Cairo Laughing


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Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr Empty Re: Bloody workmen!!! Grrrrr

Post by Guest Wed Nov 17 2010, 14:33

Steve wrote: Laughing some people can be funny Laughing oo this was a while go now must of been like 4 years ago sam was like year or under a british gas man came around ooo dear when he saw sam coming to say helloo i never saw a bloke run some fast in my life Laughing i was laughing my head off i had to leave the room because i couldn't stop laughing........

kinda same here woman from british gas or there reps came to read the elec and gas meters done the elec no bother but gas one in kitchen cuboard told her i would have to let memphis out to move crate so she could get in she took one look and said in a hurried voice dont matter just do the reading myself and put on front door was going to tell her it would take about 30secs to move but she was out the door and gone lol


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