I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

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Surprised I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Sat Dec 10 2011, 14:12

[img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0662[/img]

this is her favorite postion to lay in. Let me know if it works please.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Sat Dec 10 2011, 14:13

[img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0351[/img]
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10 2011, 14:13

yes the picture is there and she does look rather comfy sprawled on her back like that.


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Sat Dec 10 2011, 14:15

Yes, It Worked. I learned something new yay! Sorry they aren't the greatest pictures but I am learning still.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Steve Sat Dec 10 2011, 14:21

Big Grin

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Lizzie Sat Dec 10 2011, 15:13

Typical staffie pose Big Grin

Daisy looks a lovely girl, but what I can't understand is how all those toys are in one piece Laughing

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10 2011, 15:34

Gorgeous pics......and well done on your achievement ( now there's no excuses not to post more pics )


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10 2011, 15:37

Daisy is lovely!! Love Struck .. and yes as Lisa said..no excuse now.. start snapping away with that camera!!


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by janey Sat Dec 10 2011, 15:46

Awww Love Struck
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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10 2011, 16:46

Yes you did it, lovely pics, no excuse now for posting loads more.

Daisy is gorgeous


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Sat Dec 10 2011, 17:48

None of her toys are whole anymore....she still loves playing with them tho, and if i put them in the trash she cries.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Ben Sat Dec 10 2011, 17:50

Aw, daisy is looking good. Whole toys are indeed rare. Laughing
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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10 2011, 18:12

Daisy looks terrific. I agree ... more please


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Sat Dec 10 2011, 20:11

[img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0772[/img][img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0785-1[/img][img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0701[/img]
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Sat Dec 10 2011, 20:13

Lovin gut tirara very much a princess


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Sat Dec 10 2011, 20:24

my house looks terribly messy in these pictures because of her toys being scattered around, I just relized that....but I pretty much just let her have her space to play we have no children and hardly ever have visitors lol
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Sat Dec 10 2011, 20:29

[img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0330[/img][img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0331[/img][img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0332[/img][img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0333[/img]

these were when we got her spaded and as she was recovering 3 days later, we almost lost her during this time.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Sat Dec 10 2011, 20:30

[img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0342[/img][img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0334[/img][img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0343[/img][img]I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying DSCN0342[/img]
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Scubasteve Sat Dec 10 2011, 21:06

Great photos of Daisy, she is very cute. I love her tiara!
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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Sun Dec 11 2011, 07:02

loving Princess Daisy in her tiara..

what happened when she got desexed that she was so sick?? must have been terribly scarey for you.


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by wentzer Mon Dec 12 2011, 03:09

We took her in and everything was great, the procdure went well, she was a bit swollen so the doctor said he had to go in from the side instead of through the mamory area where normally they would. He said it looked great tho. she woke up and was fine after 3 hours we got to bring her home, she was fine a little groggy when we left the office, we got home and she laid there and wouldn't respond to her name or anything that put out for her, I tried feeding her treats from my hands, and holding her close but she wouldn't do anything. So I called the vet back and he said wait for a couple hours if she doesnt come around call me back. so I started to wait and laid with her talking to her trying to comfort her, and I noticed she was haveing trouble breathing, so I called the vet back. He asked to have her brought back right away so he could take a look. When we arrived back her heart rate was down to 15 bpm, and she was only taking in a quarter of the oxygen she should have been. So he got her back on all the monitors, and wanted to keep her over night. he ended up taking her home with him so that he could have a watch on her all through the night, kept her on a heating pad, and wrapped in blanket, gave her fluids. she had a couple rough spots through the night he said where her heart rate and everything dropped horribly lower than the 15bpm, but all in all she pulled out. He said that he wasn't fully sure what happend, it was a reaction to the medications er anesethia (sp?) or just being away from us.......I was extremely freaked out and I don't want to go through that again.

We have been through alot with our girl, she has broke out in hive many times, and her faces has been swollen allergies, eczema, yeast infection of the ears, staph infection, fungal infection, I love my girl but we have spent about about $10,000 on vet bill in 3 years for things that aren't your normal check ups/shot and all.
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying Top_ra10

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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 11:38

She's really beautiful! Love Struck

The problems you had when she was spayed is one reason I didn't get my bitches neutered! It's a rare reaction, but it does happen. You were so lucky not to have lost her. I'm so glad she pulled through ok in the end!


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 12:51

She is very pretty Love Struck What a horrible experience with the spading but glad she came out okay.


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

Post by Guest Mon Dec 12 2011, 14:47

wow how scarey that must have been for you when she was desexed....so glad she pulled through !


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Surprised Re: I'm trying to put a photo up of daisy....key word here is trying

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