seriously big apoligy

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Injured seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 10:22

Im am just so so sorry a havent been able to get on for so long! I feel just terrible....we have all been so busy and the whole villages electric has been out for 4 days!!!
I have got some bad news as well...... Crying or Very sad
Kaos developed a small lump under his armpit which in a week trebbled in size. I took him to the vet and he has a tumor. The vets thinks its this certain type of tumor comman in staffs and boxers which is non cancerous and will after 10 weeks or so disapear to nothing like it was never there. He said its a bad sign if it gets any bigger or bleeds and may not be the shrinking tumor and may be a sign of cancer. Its doubled in size again from when we went to the vets and is bleeding so he has an appointment on friday. Im so worried but he is fine in himself. The vet said if it is caner the likleyhood is that it will have spread............. Sad
Sorry to have to come on and be so depressive......


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by janey Wed Oct 12 2011, 10:31

So sorry to hear that Carly, we had wondered where you had gone.

Poor Kaos I guess you won't know anything really till Friday, just try and stay positive hun, Moo had a benin tumour, doesn't sound quite as serious as Kaos but hopefully it'll be nothing, fingers crossed hun and do let us know please. Hugs to you hun Xx
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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Louise C Wed Oct 12 2011, 11:27

Awww that's sad, sorry to hear about this. Hopefullt all will be well, fingers crossed and good luck.
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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 11:46

keeping my fingers crossed that you receive positive news on Friday.


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 11:51

Oh, Carly, you must be so worried! Let's hope that it isn't nasty and that it'll go away soon.

Let us know how you get on on friday. >Big Grin< >Big Grin<


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 12:10

Fingers,toes and paws crossed here,that it will go away and it isnt anything nasty >Big Grin< x


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 12:37

Thanks everyone! x


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 12:49

So horrible having to wait with something like this. I hope you get some good news on Friday >Big Grin<


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 12:59

I hope Kaos is alright >Big Grin<


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 13:50

aww i am so sorry to hear the news!! .. fingers crossed its not a serious lump!


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 14:32

Everything's crossed here too, hoping for good news on Friday.

Hope he's doing ok .............. and you can remain "positive"


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 15:12

Fingers X'd that you will have good news on Friday. >Big Grin<


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 15:32

So sorry to hear!! I will keep you and Kaos in my thoughts!


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 16:49

Carly, how worrying to read about Kaos.. I am sending as many positive thoughts your way as possible..

All the best for Friday XXX


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 18:46

Sorry to hear that Sad hope Kaos is ok. xx


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Kathy Wed Oct 12 2011, 18:49

Rocky and me are sending loads of positive waves your way. Hope Kaos is OK
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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 19:28

everything crossed for good news on friday x


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by gem Wed Oct 12 2011, 23:18

Awww I do hope all turns out well for you nail biting
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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Wed Oct 12 2011, 23:28

Carly you must be pulling your hair out Sad Poor Kaos, I hope it's nothing serious.


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Thu Oct 13 2011, 11:55

Good luck for tomorrow! Love Struck >Big Grin<


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Thu Oct 13 2011, 14:35

fingers and toes crossed for tomorrow carly, hope kaos is ok

>Big Grin<


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by janey Thu Oct 13 2011, 17:36

Me too, hoping for the best tomorrow Carly. Xx
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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Fri Oct 14 2011, 11:25

Just got back from vets good and bad news really.......Well its got quite big about 5cm across and vets said its looking really inflamed and angry and she doesnt like the look of it so wants to remove it. So Kaos is going in to have it removed on tuesday morning and obviously will no more once it has been biopsied. But at least its coming off lol x


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Fri Oct 14 2011, 11:26

£210.92 later.......... I dont want to s


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by janey Fri Oct 14 2011, 11:41

Oh hun, well all I can say is good luck for Tuesday and I really hope it isn't anything to worry about. Poor Kaos, is he going to be sedated or is it just a simple op. Bless ya, there such a worry Xx
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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Fri Oct 14 2011, 12:49

Well hope all goes well for Tuesday...poor Kaos and poor you!! $$...

Always a worry isn't it, when our beloved fur babies need an operation.

Take care XX


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Fri Oct 14 2011, 14:35

Thanks both of you. Janey im assuming he is being put under, the vets given me a estimate break down sheet and it says I/V Induction Anaesthesia 10-40kgs and Isoflurane Anaesthesia Dog 20kgs???? Whatever all that mean lol x


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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Scubasteve Fri Oct 21 2011, 21:43

Aww poor Kaos and poor you going through all of this. It must be such a worrying time for you!

They should have explained all that to you, but if not should go through it all with you when you sign the consent form on tuesday. Basically the IV induction anaesthesia is an injection which will be given prior to the operation, it will anesthatise Kaos initially so that they can prep him for surgery etc. It will go into the vein in his front leg, so he might have a wee shaved patch here. Then to perform the operation they will need to intubate him (tube down his trachea to keep his airways open) and through this he will get a gas anaesthesia which is the isoflurane. That keeps him under and is then switched off when they want to bring him round. Hope that makes sense and doesn't scare you, it is a routine operation so he shouldn't be under for long.
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Injured Re: seriously big apoligy

Post by Guest Sat Oct 22 2011, 09:53

Hows he doing? stanlie had a lump on his lip and had too have it removed a few months back now we paid too have it checked to make sure it wasnt cancerous which it wasnt and his healed up fine. Hope your boys ok. Michelle n the Gang x


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