Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by beecee Tue Sep 15 2015, 09:56

Im posting in this section as i feel its both a training thing on my part and behavioral on MissyMoo's but move if im in the wrong section Admins .
So a friend brought her Labrador over who is a guide dog in training and is just over 6 months of age , she is towering over MissyMoo and they ware having great fun playing and play fighting for approx 35 mins , MissyMoo seemed to be punching above her weight considering her size ( she is only 7 weeks ) , she looked rather aggressive at times showing all teeth and growling ,  and while the Lab did lots of jumping and being submissive , Missy seemed to be biting a lot , The Lab never yelped or seemed bothered and just pushed MissyMoo away , but , and this is where i fell i messed up , toward the end the Lab seemed to be getting tired of it all although was still coming back for more eventually struck out ,  not sure if she bit MissyMoo but she defiantly hurt her as she yelped and was completely afraid of the lab for a good while  , im not sure if this all seems normal to you folks or do i have a potential issue .

Last edited by beecee on Fri Sep 18 2015, 16:40; edited 1 time in total

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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by Emmahammond25 Tue Sep 15 2015, 10:09

When I first introduced my pup 6 months to a family members lab Ben (4) Marley did a lot of jumping up in the face and growling etc! I was worried that it was aggression but the forum told me it's just normal puppy behaviour that needed correcting, so when I took him again they played fine for ages. But when Ben got tired he told Marley off and for a while Marley still kept trying to bug Ben, until Ben just removed himself. The growling is just her playing, as for the yelp I'm not sure on that because the lab is still a puppy itself so she's still learning too. Maybe just keep an eye on them when they are playing and step in when you think you need too, sure ull get better advice when other see it Smile
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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by JStaff Tue Sep 15 2015, 14:37

Honestly hard to say for sure without seeing it. Given the ages it is highly unlikely that it was aggression and is most likely normal behavior. Pups have to learn their limits and bite inhibition and socializing is a tried and true method. I would just continue on the path you are going but maybe limit the interactions to a smaller time frame. Letting them calm down a bit will limit the irritability of the older dog.
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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by Red_trainer Wed Sep 16 2015, 14:40

Puppies are very full-on in their play, the biting, snarling and "aggression" is normal so don't worry there.

Playing with other dogs / puppies is very important, as they learn what hurts and is too much, through yelps (puppies and older dogs) and 'corrections' in the form of growls from older dogs especially. Even though MissyMoo yelped, it might just have been from a growl / air snap...Kasper told our puppy off (just by growling) maybe three times in the first week, and Raiden yelped. He was still slightly timid - despite Kasper trying to play with him - for over a week afterwards!

However some dogs (and my Zoey is one of them) won't tell the puppy off when they are being too full-on. When this happens it's really important that the owner steps in and calms the puppy down, and rewards both dogs with treats. Otherwise the play can get very intense and the dogs too hyped up. What's hard with my puppy and Zoey is that Rey begins playing rough, Zoey responds, and they both get rougher and more over-excited...then when you try separate one the other follows, and they both try play when in actual fact they really need a break / rest Smile

Really pay attention to each dog's body language. A happy older dog will usually have a loose waggy tail and a loose relaxed body. Mouth might be open in a smile, there will be play bows and bigger dog should handicap themselves in the form of lying down so the puppy is equal.

If I can post videos I will...this is Zoey at 10 weeks playing with Kasper. See how Kasper isn't looking particularly intense? He's quite calm and slow, and he's lying down a lot at the puppy's level? (Okay I can't post links yet, but the video on YouTube is called: When to stop play?? Dogs playing nicely )

Okay, next have a watch of: Border Collie cross Springer and puppy
That video shows a very relaxed Kasper, but as you can see Raiden is slightly timid. Kasper hadn't told Raiden off for almost a week at this point and was comfortable with the puppy.

Finally: Puppy and Staffordshire Bull Terrier romping in the garden
That is Zoey and Raiden interacting. You can see Zoey is interested in playing, but she isn't 100% comfortable yet...she's a bit stop-and-start. However she does offer a play bow and gentle play. She can be called away, can interact happily and can easily focus on me.

I did a video maybe a week before this one where her body language is much more over-excited and too intense. If you watch closely you will also see Raiden is less comfortable; he is hugging walls, licking lips etc. There are a few points in that video where I would usually have stepped in and broken their interaction up, but I wanted to get others' opinions on when they would have done so.

MissyMoo is still very young also, so I guess any corrections are going to startle her as usually it's the pups brothers / sisters / mum showing them how to play. You can always play LAT if she remains scared (she looks at Lab = treat)? I'd lean towards letting them meet up and play again, but pay close attention to their body language and break the play up more often.

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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by beecee Wed Sep 16 2015, 17:24

Thank you for that , the first video in particular has calmed my nerves , as its the same kind of barking and growling MissMoo was doing , ....

And breath Smile

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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by beecee Fri Sep 18 2015, 16:44

Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Th_20150918_145127_zpshjxcemra CLICK ON IMAGE TO PLAY

So this was today , all much calmer and enjoyable for both dogs , i let them get on with it for about 5 mins at a time and then separated them for a min or two , MissyMoo does seem a bit less dominant today and even seemed a bit overwhelmed at times , but over all it all looked good

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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by Emmahammond25 Fri Sep 18 2015, 19:30

Glad it went well Smile
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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by -Ian- Sat Sep 19 2015, 19:58

Missymoo still needs to learn from older dogs so a telling off is good in my opinion. They learn through experience which is something to always bare in mind whether it be a good or bad experience. Obviously getting roughed up is not a good move, but a telling off is all about learning.

In time and as Missy grows you'll learn through body language when to call time or pull her away from situations which are bound to occur. Smile

Edited... Just watched the clip and it made me smile, big time Big Grin

Last edited by -Ian- on Sat Sep 19 2015, 23:20; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Watched clip)

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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by lexii Sat Sep 19 2015, 21:19

Puppies will be puppies Smile
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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by Emmahammond25 Sat Sep 19 2015, 21:49

Spot on Ian Smile , I take Marley to see a family lab Ben as often as I can and Marley gets a telling off when bens had enough, which ends with Marley settling down instead of being a lunatic Laughing
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Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE . Empty Re: Dog play date possibly went wrong UPDATE .

Post by beecee Sun Sep 20 2015, 11:48

Im so looking forward to puppy socialization classes ,im sure it will put both mine and MissyMoo's minds at rest , i so want her to be a well rounded dog that i can take anywhere without my worrying , other people worrying is largely out of my control

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