Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though??

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Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though?? Empty Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though??

Post by ardvark Mon Oct 03 2011, 21:30

Hi all went out with Milo to one of our usual walking spots in the local woods. Because I need to really pay attention to Milo to ensure he stays with me/us when other dogs come into sight range - he's toooo friendly lol and I cannot guarantee control 100% if I don't 'catch' him in time! I had put his slip lead on whilst I watched the children and their antics on the rope swing! I let Milo play and socialise with every dog I can with the ok from the other owners obviously. I saw another dog coming from the hill I was standing on and when I saw it was off of the lead I asked the owner if his dog was 'ok' and would it be ok to let Milo off for a play. He said it was fine so I did and he raced off to play, all was fine I asked the guy about his dog, it was a staff cross from rescue and 18 months old he asked about Milo blahh blahh. Then out of no where his dog went for Milo quite badly with no real warning-I mean no verbal warning of 'back off' sort of thing iykwim? They were playing like he plays with dogs everytime. There was a real scuffle going on and I did NOT want to get amongst it, I was worried for Milo and quite frankly crapping myself I almost froze from fear. The owner called his dog and waded in and got his dog off and he backed off. Milo is such a plum he didn't really 'get it' so to speak and came to me looking a bit confused bless him when I called him away and began to walk off. The dog came back immediately as the owner didn't leash him and had another real pop at him rearing up etc there was another real scuffle but again Milo didn't retaliate, he is always so submissive anyway.

The guy couldn't apologise enough and said it had never happened before I believe him entirely. Thank god the children were up the hill and not with us and thank god Milo was ok just a few odd patches on his fur where he's been grazed, he's a nimble little thing and super fit which I can only assume helped. I have never seen loose dogs have a serious pop at each other in real life and I was scared, this is my biggest fear of having a dog....another dog attacking it. I have recently been reading about how to seperate dogs from a thread on here and it was all a bit too real for a moment. Was it just bad luck do you think and a bit of harmful playing escalating do you think? THe other dog was 18 months old so coming into that age of maturity was that a factor do you think? I'd have seen a bit more warning before the break out I'd have thought, but it really just came out of no where all of a sudden I was watching them at close range afterall. Whatever it was phew, thank god all was ok and I hope nothing remotely similar happens again!
"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though?? Top_ra10

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Dogs Name(s) : Milo
Dog(s) Ages : 3
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Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though?? Empty Re: Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though??

Post by Guest Mon Oct 03 2011, 21:45

Wow, scary!

Without knowing exactly what happened it's hard to say why the other dog went for him. Maybe the play just got too rough & dominance played a part? Was he actually biting Milo or just pinning him down?

I wouldn't worry too much, though. At least you now know that particular dog is bad news for Milo & if you see it you can put Milo on lead & politely call out to the other owner.

At least the other owner didn't try to make excuses!


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Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though?? Empty Re: Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though??

Post by Guest Mon Oct 03 2011, 21:49

Very scary indeed. Glad to hear your children didn't see it and that Milo was okay.


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Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though?? Empty Re: Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though??

Post by Guest Mon Oct 03 2011, 21:51

Sorry to hear that happned.Its never a nice experiance when your dog is attacked Sad im glad he is ok >Big Grin<


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Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though?? Empty Re: Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though??

Post by ardvark Mon Oct 03 2011, 22:15

thanks guys. No, the other owner was really apologetic and was genuinely shocked, I almost felt bad that it was MY dog that his dog took a disliking too!

Caryll I kind of think it was maybe just that - too rough a play and dominance took over. No, it wasn't that kind of pinning down play I have seen before, the other dog was properly going for was Milo. I think the owner getting stuck in straight away was completely stupid but completely what saved the situation and Milo! I had another incident a few weeks ago with a huge out of control blood hound cross that begun to get too boysterous with Milo but we managed to move off before things got out of hand - there I saw warning signs!

"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though?? Top_ra10

Status Status :

Dogs Name(s) : Milo
Dog(s) Ages : 3
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2011-04-20
Support total : 9
Posts : 371

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Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though?? Empty Re: Milo attacked (he's ok) not really sure what happened though??

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