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We had an arrangment! Empty We had an arrangment!

Post by Guest Tue Sep 06 2011, 21:40

When i first move down to where i am now, I took my lot to a little wooded area only for their 15 minute walks really, Anyway the first time i went there i seen this woman she had a male boxer cross/very large, which really didn't like my lot not even the girls, anyway after a few times of bumping into her and her dog unexpected so we were both stuck on one path no where for either of us to pass etc (her dog always off leash) We started talking and arranged to have a quick look around the forest area its only small before either of us let our dogs off leash. It went well until tonight.
My lot where off leash after i looked around and blocked off their only exit (small path) Well her dog came bombing past me and straight into my lot He and Taz started fighting (Cassie hates fights) so she was screaming at first and then dove in the middle of the boys, Blondy was gone through the nettles hiding i just seen a white blur she run so fast love her.
The owner was no where in sight, I had to kick her dog in the shoulder knocking it off balance and away grabbed my pair when it tried to get at mine again I tired to get ahold of its collar with my other hand to check it over but it dashed off, all training has worked out with Taz as soon as i had ahold of his collar he didn't try lunging forward and he didn't start this fight. By the time i gathered my lot up including Blondy who refused to come out of hiding. I seen her walking up the street but before i could tell her to check him over she turned the corner and was gone. My lot are fine, no wounds on Cassie or Taz but scratches on Blondy from her going in the heavy nettles. The womans dog was white with a few patchs and i seen quite a bit of blood on it on its neck and ear, I just hope she takes him to a vet asap.
I might see her tomorrow so i'll tell her then.


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Post by gem Tue Sep 06 2011, 21:43

You seem to be in the wrong place at the wrong time Sad
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We had an arrangment! Empty Re: We had an arrangment!

Post by Guest Tue Sep 06 2011, 21:46

Well aware of that but we spoke so many times and neither of wanted this which is why we had the arrangment....I just hope her dog is ok.


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Post by Guest Tue Sep 06 2011, 21:50

Although I hope her dog's ok, maybe it'll teach her a lesson - keep her dog under control!

Glad your 3 are ok, though.


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Post by Guest Tue Sep 06 2011, 22:02

Hope all dogs involved are alright Sad


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Post by shakespearesdog Wed Sep 07 2011, 15:23

Why would you have a DA dog off lead Straight Face


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Post by Scubasteve Wed Sep 07 2011, 15:35

If all that went on without her knowing then she obviously didn't have proper control of her dog....how can you control a dog you can't even see, and miss something like that? I agree with Caryll, maybe now it will make her realise the importance of having control of her dog! Hope your lot are ok!
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Post by Guest Wed Sep 07 2011, 16:58

I bumped into her this morning without her dog, she took him to the vets after, and his neck was pretty torn up and his ear he had to have surgery on his neck *felt so guilty* I told her what happened, she said she was walking him along the road off leash and he darted off in to the forest before she could get him, she heard the dogs fighting then he appeared covered in blood she just thought (he killed something). which is why she made a fast retreat which is why i couldn't get ahold of her yesterday. If she thought that and ignored it like she did not even going to check to see if the other animal was alright, what kind of person is she, I told her to stay away from my lot and if he approaches my lot again without her I will hand him over to the pound myself.


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Post by Guest Wed Sep 07 2011, 17:02


Glad your dogs were okay!


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We had an arrangment! Empty Re: We had an arrangment!

Post by Guest Wed Sep 07 2011, 17:40

Gosh that's terrifying! I can't believe she would think her dog attacked an other dog and not even go to see if it was ok! I hope you don't run into her or her dog again!!


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Post by ardvark Wed Sep 07 2011, 20:50

she thought her dog had killed something and like other pp said didn't even bother to check if it was ok? Man I hope you and no other animals come into contact with her or her dog again. Calling her a moron is the *polite version honestly it's people/dogs like her that scare me-seriously!

I'm so glad you are all ok. What a shocking experience. What did she say when you said you'd take her dog to the pound I wonder?! x
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Post by Scubasteve Wed Sep 07 2011, 20:57

Geez she sounds like a really bad dog owner, ignoring the fact her dog might have killed something. I sincerely hope you don't meet her again, if she has no control over her dog when off lead things could have been a lot worse. I really hope now she will realise her dog is aggressive towards other dogs and will keep it on a lead from now on.
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Post by Guest Wed Sep 07 2011, 21:16

She brags about her dog being able to kill and catch things like rabbits/birds/fox's etc so now she jsut ignores the behaviour, when i told her i'd take her dog to the pound myself, she just ignored me and walked off.


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Post by stella Wed Sep 07 2011, 21:35

gosh!must be some thing about women walking boxers,we had some thing similar,the other day my sons girl friend was walking our 2 when a boxer started on sasha,sasha went back at it as alfie our pup was there and i think she was just being protective of him and the women just dropped the extendable lead it was on and just walked away leaving her daughter to try and get the dog under control!we looked for the women and she was no where to be seen,lucky the local policeman was just up the road and could see we were very upset and cross and went off to try and find her,some people just should'nt own dogs they cant control.
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Post by indigostaffs Wed Sep 07 2011, 21:51

I was once out with one of my dogs and this man was walking past with his dog off lead and his dog ran over and started on mine. Man just looked over then carried on walking leaving me to drag his dog off mine. Thing is mine wasnt even fighting back he was just squealing as he hates fights.

I agree that some people just shouldnt own dogs
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Post by ardvark Wed Sep 07 2011, 22:35

We too recently met a woman with a deerhound, lurcher type dog and a cute scruffy terrier. The lurcher dog came pelting over and went for our 8 month old Staff. who was off the lead, he's a real softie and very submissive thankfully and he just ran back to me, tha damn thing was much faster and went for him again and the blinking woman yes called her dog to go back to her which it did but not immediately and offered no apology or 'is your dog ok'.

My dh in our area local to our house on a 'road walk' also had a boxer get loose from it's lead-the girl (under 10) dropped the flexi lead when it came for our old staff. from accross the road. There was quite a scuffle as our dog tried to protect himself my dh landed up kicking it in the ribs but it still came back for another go, then a builder appeared with a spade and whacked the damn thing with which did the trick. I had a go at my DH for not making sure the girl was okay and secondly not taking ehr home and informing her parents for her sake, the dogs and for future experience but he did point out he wanted to get our dog home for a thorough check plus walkingthe 2 dogs together wasn't sensible and neither was following a young girl home! I guess he was kind of right.

These people are dreadfull and shouldn't have dogs. And who the heck would let a young child walk their dog, more if any other dog was to attack theirs or something a child can't be expected to manage the situation can they. In fact on thinking about that a friend of mine let her 10 year old son walk their lovely old lab round some foot paths very rural and local to her house and an escaped dog attacked their lab. the son ran home frought and the dog did make it part way home but sadly had to be put to sleep a couple of days later due to his injuries Crying or Very sad
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Post by spuker1 Wed Sep 07 2011, 23:03

I used to have a boxer, he was the best dog ever but he really disliked other dogs, and we knew this so for 13 years of his life he was NEVER off lead anywhere near other dogs, only later in the evenings in the place where we knew there's almost no chance meeting any other dog walkers.
only once or twice he fought with another dog (in 13 years) and it was the same dog, off lead while ours was on lead - nothing serious ever happened (although the other dog was really nasty and always starting).
i think boxers, especially males can be dog aggressive, the thing is to be able to manage this and not let the bad things happen...

ardvark, the story about the kid and a lab is horrible Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad
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Post by Guest Thu Sep 08 2011, 01:55

ardvark wrote:
These people are dreadfull and shouldn't have dogs. And who the heck would let a young child walk their dog, more if any other dog was to attack theirs or something a child can't be expected to manage the situation can they. In fact on thinking about that a friend of mine let her 10 year old son walk their lovely old lab round some foot paths very rural and local to her house and an escaped dog attacked their lab. the son ran home frought and the dog did make it part way home but sadly had to be put to sleep a couple of days later due to his injuries Crying or Very sad

The same here i am seeing younger and younger children yes children no older than 12 walking large dogs they can not control, the other day i was walking home with my sister, this young boy younger than ten was holding this very large (overweight) staff while his father was in the bush chasing their jackrussell after it caught a scent, I gave my dogs to my sister and ask the boy if i could hold his dog while my sister walked past he obviousely couldn't control this lunging dog and he was more than happy to give him to me until was sister turned the corner and i went to catch her up.
You here on the news all the time about parents leaving their kids alone with dogs and something bad happen...then they blame the dog, i can't see why a parent would take the risk of allowing their children out into the streets where they are likely to come across another dog or thugs wanting their dogs.


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Post by kellenny Thu Sep 08 2011, 08:59

I don't agree that all male boxers are aggressive, as with staffies, it depends on whether they have had the right socialisation. There is a very large male boxer in my village, and he is the biggest softie ever! Sandi loves having a good game of chase with him, and he has never once been aggressive.
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Post by indigostaffs Thu Sep 08 2011, 14:07

kellenny wrote:t depends on whether they have had the right socialisation

completely agree
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Post by shakespearesdog Thu Sep 08 2011, 16:36

I like boxers but i wouldn't own one. One of Romeos friends is a middle aged boxer called Clyde and his girlfriend (belongs to the same woman) is a boxer x rotty called Maffy. There quite hard work and can be a bit funny, not aggressive as such but a bit too 'bouncy' for other dogs. When our three are all playing with each other people look terrified!
That woman shouldn't own a dog! She'll get in serious trouble one day and most likely the boxer will be labeled a pitbull by some dog ignorant newspaper! Sad
I once owned a horrificaly dog aggressive rottweiler, we rescued him then fostered him while a more suitable home was found. He hated other dogs as he hadn't been socialized AT ALL. He weighed about 13 stone and was literally impossible to control if he didn't like another dog. He was walked with a choke chain and harness and muzzled and only very very late at night when no other dogs were around. I once walked him at 5am in the park and some woman with a lab came past, her dog was offlead and she didn't bother to put it back on lead or call it next to her. It went right up to the rotty-there was a low fence between them-and he gave a rumble. The woman just stopped and looked! he lunged for the lab and knocked him flying, if he hadn't been muzzled i have no doubt he would have killed him. Straight Face He had killed before, when he previous owners decided to fight him with a 'pitbull'. Poor dog, last i heard of him he had got stolen from the nice home we found for him. We would have kept him but he was a bully to Romeo and impossible for us to control.
There was once a group of young kids in my local field no older then nine or so with a large alaskan malamute. They could barely hold him on the lead-it took all three of them to keep hold of him. They kept looking at me and going 'go get him woof woof woof.' and urging him on. He pulled so hard he pulled one of them right over. I looked straight at them and let Romeo off the lead. They all screamed and tried to tug the malamute away. I told Romeo to stop and he froze. I called him back, still looking at the kids. They all fell silent. Possibly rather cheeky of me but i trust my dog and i know his recall is 100%. It taught them a lesson anyway!
Sorry for the long winded post.


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Post by spuker1 Thu Sep 08 2011, 16:52

i presume my boxer wasn't properly socialised because he was already 12 months old when we got him and as far as I remember he never liked other dogs (he was ok only with very submissive ones )

i agree that not all male boxers are dog aggressive what i meant was rather the fact that this breed needs a bit more work on this issue
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Post by Guest Thu Sep 08 2011, 17:55

I don't agree at the fact that dogs who are not socialised turn out to be aggressive my Boy Taz was very well socialised with good natured dogs, he loved everything and everyone.
While i was away (never happen again) I got a dog sitter in (never again)
She told me Cassie came into season (wasn't supposed to be old enough wrong info off the guy i got her off) I arranged for Taz to be neutered (before she became receptive) I got home and Taz had already mated with Cassie...from that day forward he had a problem with every dog.
So no i do not personally think that if you have a perfectly socialised dog that there is not going to be problems in the future 100% Don't get me wrong socialising is key and i think the only reason retraining Taz not be aggressive has been so easily done, is because he was socialised so well, before his problems raised its ugly head.
Theres this one Staffy up near my parents house named Charlie 9 years old uptill 6 months ago (before his owner got a dog walker) he was extremely over weight because from when the owner had him as a pup he was never any further than her garden, he was very unsocialised and untrained and yet he has the nicest temperment towards dogs and people.
There are many factors that can cause a dog to be stable or unstable not just socialising. Many think otherwise, they think making sure a dog is socialised is the only thing you need to worry about and this is not the case and should not be the only thing considered if you wish a stable dog.


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Post by ardvark Thu Sep 08 2011, 19:25

Hi all, despite being around dogs literally from birth lol! It's only really doing my homework in preperation for our newest pooch that I have learnt so much, and from you guys....of course!! Wink I am interested from my own educational point of view what other factors are there? My Auntie who bred Old English sheep dogs I remember had one of her boys go aggressive but it was a brain tumour.

I have let our boy socialise and play with anything he can checking woth owners first and he is great (so far so good) he is very playfull and very hard to tire, submissive, but at months there is potential for that to change as he becomes fully mature is that right? How big a factor with this maturity in mind is having an entire male do you guys think. I don't want to hijack this thread or spark a whole other neutering debate I am merely interested in your thoughts Smile
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Post by gem Thu Sep 08 2011, 19:56

My thoughts are - you cant do with one dog what you do with another and will they be the same. They are all individuals and what one will put up with another will not .
There is no right and wrong way each are different its all in the genetic make up of a dog how it will act and be Smile

Last edited by gem on Fri Sep 09 2011, 13:38; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)
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Post by Guest Fri Sep 09 2011, 01:22

gem wrote:My thoughts are - you can do with one dog what you do with another and will they be the same. They are all individuals and what one will put up with another will not .
There is no right and wrong way each are different its all in the genetic make up of a dog how it will act and be Smile

Genetic make up I disagree i'v known dogs who are so viciouse to others dogs they have needed to be muzzled to even mate with each other, yet their pups have turned out stunning and good examples of the breed and its nature. I'm talking about Mastiffs by the way.
Did i agree with the mating no i did not but it wasn't exactly in my hands.


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Post by ardvark Fri Sep 09 2011, 11:13

wtf Claire? Muzzled to be mated that sounds crazy, I'm suprised they were er 'willing' and even managed it lol!! Why was that dog so viscous towards other dogs, do you know?

I think both of you are right what one will tolerate another wont as Gem said and there are certain traits in certain breeds but of course there are exceptions like everyhting. Claire I don't disbelieve what you have said re the pups turning out lovelyat all but I just can't see why a reputable breeder would want to breed from a dog so viscous towards other dogs Surprised
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Post by Guest Fri Sep 09 2011, 13:00

ardvark wrote:wtf Claire? Muzzled to be mated that sounds crazy, I'm suprised they were er 'willing' and even managed it lol!! Why was that dog so viscous towards other dogs, do you know?

I think both of you are right what one will tolerate another wont as Gem said and there are certain traits in certain breeds but of course there are exceptions like everyhting. Claire I don't disbelieve what you have said re the pups turning out lovelyat all but I just can't see why a reputable breeder would want to breed from a dog so viscous towards other dogs Surprised

Simple really they were not reputable breeders.
But the owners of three of the pups i still see and the owners are nice and so are the dogs the father on the other hand I couldn't and wouldn't even attempt to bring my dogs near. Tysons (the father) owner He's pretty decent guy had a bad past but turned his life around, he's good with Tyson but having him around dogs its never going to happen.


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Post by gem Fri Sep 09 2011, 13:53

What I meant by that comment is a dogs genetic make up is individual to itself not everything is determined from its parentage as in if your parents are nasty then you are also going to turn out that way. What I meant is a dominant dog will from birth be dominant and a submissive one will be the same you can suppress these behaviours but never change them without changing the dog that they are,
I think that you need to be careful letting your dog off lead when you know that its dog aggressive not only are you putting other dogs at risk but also your own Smile
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We had an arrangment! Empty Re: We had an arrangment!

Post by Guest Fri Sep 09 2011, 14:27

gem wrote:I think that you need to be careful letting your dog off lead when you know that its dog aggressive not only are you putting other dogs at risk but also your own Smile

I agree. Some dogs just are aggressive towards other dogs & nothing will change that. You may mask it by training but it will always be there.


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Post by Guest Fri Sep 09 2011, 18:16

gem wrote:What I meant by that comment is a dogs genetic make up is individual to itself not everything is determined from its parentage as in if your parents are nasty then you are also going to turn out that way. What I meant is a dominant dog will from birth be dominant and a submissive one will be the same you can suppress these behaviours but never change them without changing the dog that they are,
I think that you need to be careful letting your dog off lead when you know that its dog aggressive not only are you putting other dogs at risk but also your own Smile

I seem what you mean now i agree with the dominance and submissive, you can very clearly see that in very young pups.


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Post by Guest Fri Sep 09 2011, 23:07

I seen her dog today with her on a lead he had this wide bright blue bandage around his neck and over one of his ears, I felt so guilty...and paranoid what must she be saying to her mates/to the vet?
vicious staffy attack him....and they'll never know my side of the story or my dogs side of the story.


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Post by ardvark Fri Sep 09 2011, 23:23

Claire that's not nice for you to feel that way at all nor nice for her dog to have been hurt. Ultimately your dog was protecting themself from her dog. 'That woman' knows is not 'safe' for her dog to be let off unmuzzled = it's her responsibility and therefore her who should feel guilty NOT YOU x
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Post by Lizzie Fri Sep 09 2011, 23:34

Doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, you know the truth and have no reason to feel guilty! Your dog was forced to defend itself. The other woman should feel guilty that she didn't protect her dog by keeping it under control even though she knew what its likely behaviour would be.

Just a pity that her poor dog had to get injured for her to learn the lesson.

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