Another dog show for Harvey!

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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23 2011, 22:07

Well today we went to the 'doggie day out' over in rotherham, that was suggested by the lovely 'ratty' and his mum Smile whom we met there and had a bit of a natter with, and we had a great day mostly!

This show was a lot busier then others we've been to, so was great for mr harvey who was doing great with meeting other dogs and people until one of the many collies there went for him and bit him on the side of his face (no damage done but not the point) and then it's owner had the cheek to look down on me and tut.

I then entered Harvey in the 'best pup' in the fun dog show, poor lad didn't win anything again but oh well, in the show I was stood next to a lady who shows her dogs in the agility bit, but had a new pup so entered. Harvey was trying to say hello and have a bit of a play, when she shouted at him to behave and said she didn't want 'that thing' anywhere near her dog. I told her he's fine with other dogs but she wasn't having any of it, she just kept saying that it's in his nature and that one day he will attack someones dog just like her poor collies have been, for me then to comment on how harvey got bit by a collie earlier, which apparently 'serves him right for being out in public'! So yer she kinda spoilt things abit but harvey was non the wiser and enjoyed playing with the little boxer pup on the other side instead Smile


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by giblet Sat Jul 23 2011, 22:11

i would of fliped and said that more people and dogs get bit by collies every year than by staffys but its just not reported on the news like staffys but well done harvey for being a nice dog and aving a great day dont listen to them they dont no what there talking about
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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by janey Sat Jul 23 2011, 22:15

Not sure what to say! A fab day or what a cr*p day! It's a shame people, who should know better, than to judge, can't keep there huge, my breed is best, opinion to themselves. I know I don't judge.

Well done Harv, your a star star
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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Sat Jul 23 2011, 22:17

Yer i'm was a bit like that as i enjoyed it and i no harv did but it was a bit of a sh** day at the same time, but yer there really is no telling some people.

Thanks he did behave like a little star even with the collie never growled back or anything just stood and took it!


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Lizzie Sat Jul 23 2011, 22:53

My boy has been attacked by 2 different Collies in the last 12 months. Sad

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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 02:57

OMG, sounds like Staffys have a REALLY bad rep in the UK.
I realise they have a bit of bad rep/publicity but did'nt realise just how bad it was.
at wits end at wits end at wits end
Why can't people use their brains and form their own opinion, rather than just listening to bad publicity which they feel gives them the right to "bag" the whole breed. After all, there's good and bad in EVERY breed. Just because one dog does something nwrong, does'nt mean they ALL do wrong. It's a bit like people....some do the wrong thing, but it does'nt mean we're all bad.

OMG, sorry but this post has really got my back up and I'm just letting off some steam angry angry angry

What makes her think her dog is so much better than anybody elses??? Wake up woman and give us all a chance. Sounds like she's placed herself on a pedestal above everybody else. GRRRRRRR (that's ME growling...and i'm not a staffy)

Good on you Ella and Harvey for being the bigger people/dogs and taking it in your stride and not letting it ruin your whole day. Sounds like Harvey had a great time....little champ >Big Grin<

Sorry if this is a bit of ramble, I just typed what I was feeling.


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 09:45

Yer the rep really is that bad over here at times and I totally agree with you no breed is perfect bu then again no breed is all bad!

She was definitely thinking she was the high and mighty which meant she can say what she liked, to be honest I didn't want to cause a scene seeing as though there were a lot of people watching at the time.

Thanks loopy like I said we still enjoyed overselves no point letting * like her get you down. As it will only happen again another time!


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by buster2011 Sun Jul 24 2011, 10:40

if that happed to me ella i would have had to hurt someone and put my foot in her big mouth banghead and done this to her Big Grin
anyway i bet harvey was one of the best there
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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 10:45

I feel the same as Lisa.. it is unbelievable how badly staffys are rated in England. Over here if you mention a staffy most people comment that they are such friendly dogs.. or that they love kids so much etc...Yes you might get the odd person who thinks you meant to say Pit Bull terrier but most people like staffys here.

Anyway well done to Harvey.. what a champ he is, in turning the other cheek. Ella you should be so proud of your precious boy!! And we all know that he SHOULD have won !!! Smile


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 15:23

Thanks vanessa Smile i'm very proud of my little dude for not reacting and showing he was the better dog! Needless to say harv got a nice treat when he got home!


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by gem Sun Jul 24 2011, 20:25

Harvey is a star and a winner !!!!!
Dont know how you kept your cool you keep your head high.
I can see from a different opinion mine doesnt like other dogs and I would prefare if others would keep there dogs away from me but wouldnt have anyone telling me I shouldnt be walking them they can just do one Smile
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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Sun Jul 24 2011, 21:00

Thanks, I really couldn't be bothered with her TBH would have just spoilt the day even more!

Yer i understand that but mines fine with other dogs but people just wont listen anyway.


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by ratty Sun Jul 24 2011, 22:24

Hi Ella,
pleased you had a good time with Harvey, its a shame someones dog spoilt it for you though Sad
heres a pic of Harvey at the show, where he was a gentle well behaved dog too,

Ratty was not as well behaved though, as he chased a collie while he and the collie were taking part in the agility demonstration, no biting thankfully, and the collie sort of ignored him too, Blushing
hope its not put you off going to shows with Harvey though,
Another dog show for Harvey! Harvey1

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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by janey Sun Jul 24 2011, 22:28

Great pic Xx Its great that the we are beginning to meet now Smile
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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25 2011, 00:08

ratty wrote:Hi Ella,
pleased you had a good time with Harvey, its a shame someones dog spoilt it for you though Sad
heres a pic of Harvey at the show, where he was a gentle well behaved dog too,

Ratty was not as well behaved though, as he chased a collie while he and the collie were taking part in the agility demonstration, no biting thankfully, and the collie sort of ignored him too, Blushing
hope its not put you off going to shows with Harvey though,
Another dog show for Harvey! Harvey1

Hi! thanks for putting the photo up! It was lovely to meet you, and we are definitely not put off don't worry!



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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25 2011, 05:17

lovely looking doggie above too !! Love Struck


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by ratty Mon Jul 25 2011, 11:37


Hi! thanks for putting the photo up! It was lovely to meet you, and we are definitely not put off don't worry!


no problem Big Grin and nice to meet you and Harvey too, Smile
pleased its not put you off going to shows with Harvey,

there were quite a few staffies at the show and all were well behaved from what we saw, as were most of the other dogs there,
(will be putting more pics from the show on foxies webpage soon if you are interested in seeing them)

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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25 2011, 13:35

Smile yer we saw a few staffies to, and most of the dogs did seem to be behaving although there were a couple of rotties having a nice fight at one point Straight Face


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25 2011, 14:00

Can't win them all and as long as you and Harvey had a good time that's all that matters.


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by ratty Mon Jul 25 2011, 17:03

ella wrote:Smile yer we saw a few staffies to, and most of the dogs did seem to be behaving although there were a couple of rotties having a nice fight at one point Straight Face

there are few more pics of the show here
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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by shakespearesdog Mon Jul 25 2011, 17:09

You should have told her he was a collie x. Tongues
To be honest if someone had spoken to me like that i would have screamed at them they shouldn't be worried about my 'dangerous' dog but its 'dangerous owner' and most likely spit at them as well.
And probably been arrested but ah well.


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25 2011, 17:18

haha she would have loved that i'm sure!
TBH i'm normally like that but i just couldn't be ar**d with it but yes it's not him they have to worry about it's me that does the shouting haha Smile


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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by Guest Mon Jul 25 2011, 17:19

ratty wrote:
ella wrote:Smile yer we saw a few staffies to, and most of the dogs did seem to be behaving although there were a couple of rotties having a nice fight at one point Straight Face

there are few more pics of the show here



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Another dog show for Harvey! Empty Re: Another dog show for Harvey!

Post by ratty Tue Jul 26 2011, 14:46

theres another pic of Harvey on this webpage

(Annette Lee was the professional photographer who was at the show)

i think it was taken when you were in the dog show ring wirh Harvey
there's also one of Ratty doing his leapfrog trick in there somewhere too Straight Face
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