RIP Sassy

Mistys Mum
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Laugh tears RIP Sassy

Post by olwen669 Sun Jul 08 2018, 03:07

I thought my sassy was pregnant and struggling with the heat and whelping
So we carried her to the taxi and went to the vets
I was worried but excited as she always wanted to be a mom
The vet checked her over
She was dying
In that moment my world fell apart
He did a ultra sound scan
She had advanced 'pyo' and was critical
Her womb was infected with puss, bacteria would be in her blood which would cause organ failure
and possibly a heart attack, he said if it were his dog he would put her to sleep
He explained they could operate but there's 90% chance she won't wake up
I went in full of hope, excited to be bringing life into the world, a litter of Sassys
- only to be told we would loosing Sassy, she was only 8½ years old
We can't stop crying, our other 2 staffies keep looking for her, the house is empty, I feel so lonely that life has no meaning
When i wake up I wonder why she's not on the bed and get up thinking she's sleeping downstairs
I can't bear this pain, how do you get through it?
RIP Sassy  Surfac10
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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by Mistys Mum Sun Jul 08 2018, 03:42

I'm so sorry for your loss. No words can ever help the pain you are going through. All I can say is please don't give up. You have other dogs who need you and they need you to help them with their loss.

You loved Sassy so much and you did the right thing for her and put her needs first which is sometimes the hardest thing to do. She is no longer in pain and for that you should take some comfort.
I know how hard losing your best friend is. All I can say is please focus on the good times and I know there is counselling out there for bereavement as they are part of the family and the loss is profound. We are always here if you want to talk. Xxx

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RIP Sassy  B110
Mistys Mum
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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by olwen669 Sun Jul 08 2018, 04:05

Thank you for your response
Its just whenever I close my eyes I see her on the table in the vets
She would wag her tail when she heard me, she trusted me
She was such a sensitive dog, I can feel her distress
We told her not to worry that she would be coming home
We were wrong
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Age : 49
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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by Mistys Mum Sun Jul 08 2018, 04:10

You did the hardest thing any pet owner can do. You gave her peace. I cannot imagine going through that situation but in time hopefully when you close your eyes you will remember the times you took her to play in the park and the cuddles you both shared. Your pain is still so raw, just keep remembering she is not in pain anymore. That is the main thing. Cuddle your other doggies and take all the time you need to grieve. It's not an instant thing and will take a lot of time but your other pups will get you through xx

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RIP Sassy  B110
Mistys Mum
Mistys Mum
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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by Guest Sun Jul 08 2018, 07:03

What a heartbreaking story, and what a shock.

Please don't feel any guilt at all. You did the right thing for Sassy and no matter what dreams you have you must remember that.

Keep thinking of happy images of her, looking at photographs, and knock those negative ones to the back. It takes time but the happy thoughts will start to win.


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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by -Ian- Sun Jul 08 2018, 12:34

So very sorry to read you sad news. Take heart that you gave Sassy everything you could to give her a wonderful life.

No words can take away the sadness you feel right now, only time can change the sadness in to memories which will become increasingly the best memories of Sassy.

Give the other pups a big hug and try to remember Sassy as the gorgeous girl that gave you such love.

RIP Sassy you gorgeous girl.

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RIP Sassy  B110
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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by Nifty staffy Sun Jul 08 2018, 18:21

What an awful turn of events, so sorry to read your news.
RIP Sassy.
As all the others have already said, you are not responsible for this tragic turn of events but you were strong enough to take THE decision, the hardest of them all.

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RIP Sassy  B110
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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by olwen669 Sun Jul 08 2018, 23:54

Thank you for your messages, it means a lot
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Age : 49
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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by Paris1990 Mon Jul 09 2018, 13:54

so sorry for your loss Sad Sassy is pain free now chasing all sorts in doggy heaven. Your heart will heal in time but do give yourself the time to grieve as holding it in is no good. sending hugs to you and your family.

RIP Sassy x
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Laugh tears Re: RIP Sassy

Post by Inez Maria Tue Dec 18 2018, 19:50

Heartbreaking but you were selfless and did what was best for her just remember all the love and good times had within her 8 and a half years sending much love to you ,,,,, its months since this post but sure its still hard for you xxx

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RIP Sassy  B110
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