My dog is very over pretective of me help plz

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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz Empty My dog is very over pretective of me help plz

Post by kirstyleigh Fri Jul 28 2017, 20:40

Hiya need as much advise as possible my staffie is suddnely protective over me ive had to move back home to my moms for a few months who lives in a flat my dog has gone for my moms new bf( meaning barked at him and jumped up at him she hasnt bitten yet ) also gone for my sister she has known my sister since she was a pup i dont understand why she is being like this now when she does it i tell her no and put her in her bed i do have eyesight and im deaf i read dogs can become over protective when owner has a illness or disability or preg obvz no excuse but need to sort it
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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz Empty Re: My dog is very over pretective of me help plz

Post by -Ian- Fri Jul 28 2017, 21:06

I wonder whether it's the change of routine and living space that's caused the change, Staffies do like order and routine.

I would suggest the bf and your sister make a real fuss with plenty of treats so as to reassure there's no threat with them. I was going to suggest playing with your dogster but that might encourage over excited play at this time and you don't want to set your dog up to fail so just some fussing and treats and see how the familiarisation goes.

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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz B110
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz Empty Re: My dog is very over pretective of me help plz

Post by Mistys Mum Fri Jul 28 2017, 21:19

Hi, yes I agree with Ian, it could well be the change in living situation. I'm sure I've seen Victoria Stilwell work with dogs in this situation. If I remember correctly she told the people completely ignore the dog and just throw them treats. Let the dog come to you and don't go to the dog. If this doesn't help then I'd recommend a positive force free trainer/behaviourist. Good luck do let us know how you get on.

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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz B110
Mistys Mum
Mistys Mum
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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz Empty Re: My dog is very over pretective of me help plz

Post by kirstyleigh Sat Jul 29 2017, 00:13

Thank you both tbh im hoping to move out of here in the next month ( not ideal to move her again i know but where im living now is temp ) so  can go back to her routine she has i think the fact whenever she is  out she is on her lead weather that be walks which is normal or in community garden because somebody complaint about letting her off the lead not that anybody was  in the garden at the time but she not use to that my  sister and i are planning to house share so deffo need to sort it out  lol  does my sister need to assert her authority aswell do you think  bella does listen to my sister but  not very offen ??
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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz Empty Re: My dog is very over pretective of me help plz

Post by -Ian- Sat Jul 29 2017, 00:50

I would simply ask your sister to ignore unwanted behaviour and to treat and praise when your Staffy does good, dogs respond to reward rather than chastising, they don't really understand bad behaviour but they do understand treats.

The more they are together the easier things will become Smile

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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz B110
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin
Staffy-Bull-Terrier Admin

Status Status :

Age : 57
Location : Surrey
Dogs Name(s) : Anything, she's Deaf !
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My dog is very over pretective of me help plz Empty Re: My dog is very over pretective of me help plz

Post by Guest Sat Jul 29 2017, 08:08

I absolutely agree with Ian, focus on setting Bella up to do positive things that you can reward and refrain from telling off and punishing. If you think about it, if Bella's worried by the changes and sees your family as part of that worry, associating them with negative things won't help change her mind.

In particular with your sister as you'll hopefully all be living together, I'd suggest doing some positive fun training stuff, easy things like sit (but not down), watch me, fetch, treat hunting, teaching Bella to jump if she doesn't already. Rather than asserting authority, this should hopefully encourage a relationship where your sister can ask Bella to listen to her for reward. That should help build up confidence between them. Once you've got a set of 'party tricks' you can get others to join in too.


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