Sky and her fishy pong

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Thumbsdown Sky and her fishy pong

Post by brophski Sat Feb 25 2017, 22:09

Hi all,

Got a bit of an odd one here. Sky who is now 4, has got the worst fishy smell coming from her bum. It is bloody awful. occasionally she passes wind, and it pongs a little, but that is few and far between. This is all the time. Occasionally her breath smells the same but that seems to come and go.

I've just been sat with her and I've had to move as it is that bad. I've read a few other threads and they mention something about the anal glands? and a visit to the vet.. I'm quite happy to pop her down there I just get so dam frustrated with there ever increasing costs.

I've checked her poop and it isn't hard, I'd say it is firm but slightly soft. If it wasn't for the smell I'd say it was ok. Her diet is quite good too. Wainwright dry chicken kibble. Is it worth me changing her diet or this definitely something I need to visit the vet about? If it is a visit to the vet, then is it going to be a regular thing?!

Advice appreciated as always
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Thumbsdown Re: Sky and her fishy pong

Post by -Ian- Sat Feb 25 2017, 23:31

It sounds like a vet visit really. If the smell from the back end is there all the time and not just the odd Staffy fart then it should be checked out. If she's scooting more than usual then it could well be anal glands.

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Thumbsdown Re: Sky and her fishy pong

Post by I❤dogs Sun Feb 26 2017, 00:48

Definitely go to the vet. Could just be a one off gland empty but best to be safe. My vet let's me pay up big unexpected bills so no harm in asking. Hope she is ok
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Thumbsdown Re: Sky and her fishy pong

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26 2017, 07:50

Nurses at our practice will do anal glands, which is cheaper than the vet (£14 vs £30). I'd go down that route first to see if it helps. If it's anal glands and they are emptied you should notice the difference straight away. If there's no difference you'll know it's something else, at which point it's time for the vet.

I sound like the world's expert on anal glands! I did learn a bit last year with Chaos's problems!!! Laughing


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Thumbsdown Re: Sky and her fishy pong

Post by brophski Sun Feb 26 2017, 20:45

Thanks all, i'll pop her down the vets see if they can do it for me :-) Will update you
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Thumbsdown Re: Sky and her fishy pong

Post by brophski Wed Mar 08 2017, 00:21

Thanks for all the replies. I took her vets and £5 later they had done it for me. So far so good with regards the smell. Apparently quite a bit come out so, I'll keep my nose alert to this in the future
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Thumbsdown Re: Sky and her fishy pong

Post by -Ian- Wed Mar 08 2017, 00:53

A good result all round thumbs up

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Thumbsdown Re: Sky and her fishy pong

Post by stella Wed Mar 08 2017, 07:05

glad the fishy smell has gone  sick
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Thumbsdown Re: Sky and her fishy pong

Post by Guest Wed Mar 08 2017, 08:02

Oh good. I bet she feels more comfy too. Pesky things, these glands.


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