How to post pictures using Flickr

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How to post pictures using Flickr Empty How to post pictures using Flickr

Post by -Ian- Thu Feb 02 2017, 16:55

Frequently Asked Questions

How to post pictures

using Flickr

Here's how to use Flickr for sharing images to the forum

From the photo you want to share, click on the arrow under the image to the right

How to post pictures using Flickr Flickr13

In the new dialogue box, make sure you click BBCode. Highlight the code that appears and press ctrl-c

How to post pictures using Flickr Flickr10

Paste the code (ctrl-v) into the new topic/reply box in the forum where you want your image to appear

How to post pictures using Flickr Flickr11

You can leave it at that, but you will see that Flickr will add a link back to Flickr. If you don't want that, you can remove the excess code. This is especially useful if you want to share multiple images and don't want your post clogged up with loads of unwanted links. The only bit of the code you need is the bit including and between [ img]...[/img], you can delete the rest. It's best to check you've got the right bit before pressing send.

How to post pictures using Flickr Flickr12

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Thank you.

Created by LizP 2017   

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