How to post pictures using Servimg

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How to post pictures using Servimg Empty How to post pictures using Servimg

Post by -Ian- Thu Feb 02 2017, 16:48

Frequently Asked Questions

How to post pictures

using Servimg

The forum doesn’t host pictures directly due to the size of data being used, however, here is a way to post pictures using Servimg from the text options box when creating or replying to a post.
In the text box when creating a post or replying to a post you will see a group of icons at the top, select the one that is arrowed in the picture below (the icon that looks like a little floppy disc)

How to post pictures using Servimg Pictur10

A new pop up box will appear

How to post pictures using Servimg Pictur14

If you are on a PC or laptop you can simply drag & drop the picture you want to display.

How to post pictures using Servimg Pictur15

Alternatively, you can click on “Select Files” and choose the picture you want from your picture files.

How to post pictures using Servimg Pictur16

If you have dragged & dropped or selected from a file successfully your image will show in the bottom left corner of the pop up box as seen below, then click on “Send All”

How to post pictures using Servimg Pictur11

Once the upload has completed you will see 3 URL’s as in the picture below. Select the middle one or simply click on “Insert All”

How to post pictures using Servimg Pictur12

In the text box you will now see the URL for your picture as below. You can click “Preview” to see that it's all ok and then click “Send” to publish or simply click “Send” without previewing.

How to post pictures using Servimg Pictur17

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