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Craaaazy Empty Craaaazy

Post by Jerome Wed Mar 09 2016, 10:13

Arlo is about 13 months old and he's still a crazy pup.
He's so fantastically trained in certain areas (won't follow me across the road off leas unless I say Ok, is great at listening to instructions like sit, stay, drop, back etc) and people are so often impressed, but I'm having a big issue with him getting too excited at the dog park.

Today as soon as we got there, he bolted over to the pack of dogs and their owners and did the usual sprint around, couple of barks...which I understand is just excitement, even though some don't see it that way. However he then proceeded to jump up at two different people, and got the second person in the face...
When he jumps, he jumps high (6foot) and for some reason likes to headbutt people with his face. Thank god the guy didn't care at all but it looked so horrible on my behalf and definitely isn't doing wonders to the breed stereotype for people that are already full of judgement.

I'm so lost as to how to deal with this. He never ever jumps up at me and is always so well behaved at home, but the minute we get to the park he loses his mind and it concerns me so much when he jumps up like he does, he's 20kg so he could do damage.


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Craaaazy Empty Re: Craaaazy

Post by TexMex Wed Mar 09 2016, 11:03

Have you tried using a long line lead. my friend had a 50ft one. Basically allowing him plenty of freedom but you have control so if he gets bonkers you can regain control, pull him close and work on some calming down techniques, like "watch me" commands, or learning to wait by you until you say its ok to greet.

I know it doesn't sound fun to keep them on lead but if he a smart puppy it wont take him long to learn. That's how I'd start off anyways
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Craaaazy Empty Re: Craaaazy

Post by Jerome Wed Mar 09 2016, 12:14

I haven't tried one but I'd be a bit worried he'd sprint after a ball or something and hurt himself by hitting the end of the lead?

Perhaps I should just keep him on his normal lead when approaching everyone at the park, wait til he's calm, and then let him off?

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Craaaazy Empty Re: Craaaazy

Post by Mia05 Wed Mar 09 2016, 16:11

id have said uss a long line this way you can pull him back in an emergency.. do some training with regards to jumping on people in the garden try this with people he doesnt see often. we all know our staffies are big heavy lumps id get organised with this asap as you dnt want to get into trouble.

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Craaaazy Empty Re: Craaaazy

Post by Goblin Wed Mar 09 2016, 19:22

One of Gizmo's mates does this, her owners said that their main problem is getting other people not to react when she does it so that it's not as fun for her.
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Craaaazy Empty Re: Craaaazy

Post by Mistys Mum Wed Mar 09 2016, 20:34

Misty is on a long 10m line when we are in the park as if she isn't then she is off trying to meet all the other dogs and owners and she only has recall when she hasn't seen anyone she wants to meet. The line is great, I clip it to her harness when we get in and it means she has freedom for a run and she can meet dogs who come to her and not pester dogs who don't. I do drop the line when she is with one of her friends and they are playing chase but the beauty of the line is I can still grab or step on it if I think she will bolt.

The only thing with keeping Arlo on the short line can be if other dogs run up to him he could feel frustrated being on the short lead. The long line means he can have freedom when dogs come up and won't feel any tension on the short line but you have control to stop him running off etc.


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