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Post by Ajp01e Sun Dec 07 2014, 22:54

Hi everyone. As u may already know we welcomed rocco into our family and he is now 10 weeks old.. I posted on this forum asking about the father and weather or not anyone thaught he was crossed... So thanks to all that replied, but im now having another issue.. Many of u mentioned that the father of my pup looked mastiff cross.... Now.... As of late, these last couple of days, rocco has started to show quite a bit of aggression towards me and my kids... Few days ago he jamp up at my 5 yr old son and nipped his stomach to the point where he was bleeding.. I tool this on the chin and thaught he was playing.. Ok... Then the other night i was cuddling him and as i went to kiss him he growled deeply right in my face and turned his head.. This has happened twice since.. At the start he settled in brilliantly and was very loving with everyone, but tonight he went a bit too far.. He has been punished on a few occasions for nipping etc, but earlier, my partner, who rocco seems to take a lot of interest in, went to pick him up from the chair and he growled like hell twice and took a snap at her.... He got put in his crate and left for around 30mins.. As soon as i went to open the crate for him again , he went to lie down with me on the chair, my son then came down (age 5) and came to stroke him... Rocco jamp up and snapped at his face.. This upset me a little as ive recently been giving him the benefit of doubt as he is still only a pup, but his teeth are sharp and im starting to get worried.... What do i do... And should i take in mind that alot of you said his father could have mastiff in him???? My partner reckons he should go but im hessitating.. Has he gone too far or is this normal for a pup?? Please be honest as this is a big decision for me and i also have 2 other kids aged 3 and 8... Thanks...

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Post by -Ian- Sun Dec 07 2014, 23:28

Ok deep breath... He's a puppy and will not be showing aggression at this age. As much as you think it is it really isn't. You're doing the right things with time outs, you all need to do the same. Your pup needs to learn what the boundries are and that is exactly what your doing.

The mastif thing isn't really something I'd be worried about, all dogs can be trained and influenced at this early age. The puppy stage is tough, there are loads that have cried real tears here on the forum through frustration but have come through the other side with a happy content family member.

Don't give up, be consistent with the whole family over the training and you will get there.

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Post by Lynn&Pete Sun Dec 07 2014, 23:50

I think it sounds pretty normal pup behaviour. There are topics on here to help you with mouthing.
IT DOES STOP though, believe me. Our pup was the same but they soon learn what is acceptable and before you know it you'll be saying " remember when it used too..".
One more thing, what do you think it may having mastiff in there has to do with it?
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Post by Debs01 Mon Dec 08 2014, 07:05

At 10 weeks old it's definitely not aggression it's playing and mischief. You seem to be doing the right things i.e time out stern no etc just keep with it as he grows he will be capable of learning what you mean and what is not acceptable behaviour. At his age EVERYTHING is a potential game Smile

Having Mastiff in him is neither here nor there to be honest as we all know it's not the breed of dog it's how the dog is raised.
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Post by Rachel33 Mon Dec 08 2014, 08:47

He sounds very uncomfortable, and us trying to communicate this with you. Very few dogs LIKE being picked up, and kissed and cuddled.. Many tolerate it but they much prefer calmer affection. There is a very slight possibility that he could be showing aggression, the growling could be a concern but generally it would take very bad genes/experiences for a puppy to be actually aggressive at this age. Did you meet parents and do they have an behavioural/temperament concerns? Have you seen a vet to ensure he's not in pain? You say you "punish" him for growling? How do you go about this?
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Post by Kathy Mon Dec 08 2014, 10:44

I have included some links below which may well help you with the training.

Please do not use his crate as a means of punishment - this should be his safe haven and somewhere where he goes for time out from everything and everyone.

Last edited by Kathy on Mon Dec 08 2014, 12:55; edited 1 time in total
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Post by Dogface Mon Dec 08 2014, 12:14

As said already it's highly unlikely to be aggression unless he's ill or has an injury. Bo never used to growl in that way but he'd pull his lips back over his little teeth and snap like crazy at my face and hands. Admittedly he never intentionally made contact (although he bit my mother's finger the first time he met her and made it bleed!) but it was just puppy behaviour that he grew out of. Nothing to do with aggression. But!... it could turn into aggression if you treat it as such. Punishments could make the dog fearful and this could negatively affect behaviour in later life.
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Post by peppa Mon Dec 08 2014, 12:44

It is no way agression at that age! We all been there a firm no and if needed time out will do the trick.
I remember your last post and almost everybody said his dad looks a staff but even if he was a mastiff whats that has to do with your pup behaviour? It's your responsibility to train him no matter the breed in we are here to help you .
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Post by Haizum74 Mon Dec 08 2014, 12:55

Again my limited knowledge but it could be possible he is trying to find his place in the pack too plus puppies like to check out things with their mouths and teeth. My sis recently got a cockerpoo and it nips my 9 year old nephew every now and again, the last time was straight between the legs.
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Post by Ajp01e Mon Dec 08 2014, 17:59

Thanks all.. No , it doesent matter to me weather he has mastiff in him or not, i mentioned it as a few did say in my last post that he could have it in him... But what i mean is , if he does, would this affect his behaviour iaround young children? I mention this due to past experiance that my next door neighbour had 2 mastiffs that would growl bark and show real signs of aggression towards kids passing by.... I kno not all are the same and that the owner had pretty much made them this way but i was just curious after reading more kn mastiffs on the web... It just says they would prefer to be raised with a couple and not a familly.. But im no expert, thats y im asking....
By punishing him i mean by a stern no and a time out from the family... No fuss.... This seems to have him respond in ignoring the whole family for the rest of the day though? Even when i try to play ball or treats infront of his face he blanks us and turns his head if hes had time out and will come to us when he wants... Is this normal? Would he sulk at this early stage? Hes been vet checked and both parents were seen and were great....
One thing i would like to point out is that he does sleep a hell of alot... And ii dont mean a hour here and there.. Its 3-4 without budge, then 30 mins play and fuss then back for 3-4 for most days.. The vets said it was likely to be seperation anxiety?? Can this be true.. Again, i will keep at this and make it work, any more advice would be appreciated! Thanks all...

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Post by peppa Mon Dec 08 2014, 21:10

maybe you tried to pick him up and hurt him by mistake? i just remembered that peppa would growl as a pup (and would now if somebody stupid enough to try..) if we tried to pick her up from under her front paws. you said you tried to hug and kiss him so possibly he got frightened
not only he dont know you well some dogs dont like it or maybe hes in pain.
what strange for me is his sulking all day? thats something ive never experienced for peppa timeout was the worst punishment she would cry and bag to come back in a sec thats why it was so efficient in training
have you thought about going to puppy classes?
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Post by Nathan Mon Dec 08 2014, 22:30

Forget any agressive traits due to a mastiff, they dont bite first they run and knock over then pin, the bite sequence of the prey model has been breed out of them to take a back seat. i walk with a mastiff cross staffy every night and things like playing fetch he will overrun everytime as there is no blocker. they do make alot of noise but even the bandogs used for guarding and protection will still only bite as a last resort. agree with everyone else, as an adult male with skin like a rhino i still looked like a self harmer with my two pups...
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Post by Stan and Holly Sat Dec 13 2014, 02:02

Have you thought of puppy socialisation classes? enrole him in some as soon as they'll take him and tell them what you've told us. He sounds like he needs a bit of guidance. How old was he when you got him btw?
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Post by Guest Sat Dec 13 2014, 08:13

Stan and Holly wrote:Have you thought of puppy socialisation classes? enrole him in some as soon as they'll take him and tell them what you've told us. He sounds like he needs a bit of guidance. How old was he when you got him btw?

I was going to suggest classes or maybe even a 1 to 1 session with a good trainer, just to make sure there isn't anything untowards happening. While I agree with the others that it's unlikely to be anything to worry too much about, you can't be sure. It's also important to make sure your response is right. If he is unhappy about something that needs to be addressed. Also, your corrections sound a bit too strong - 30 minutes time out is a long time for an adult dog, never mind a pup, and I agree with Rachel that his crate shouldn't be at all unpleasant or worrying for him.

A trainer can be expensive but for me it's a really worthwhile investment to make sure everthing's on the right track and that you pup can grow up into a happy member of the family. Although you can never be sure about someone you've not met, the trainers in this group should generally be good and positive method based:


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Post by tracy boo Sat Dec 13 2014, 19:08

30 minutes is too long for time out. When he starts mouthing try to ignore him or redirect him with a toy. Have you tried doing a little basic training with him at home, sit paw ect with treats. The nipping will stop as he gets older Smile

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Post by Stan and Holly Sat Dec 13 2014, 21:24

Also you can't have one rule for him and another for everyone else, consistency for all is the key, ie make sure anything you do isn't undermined by anyone elses behaviour, otherwise your good work will be spoilt. Wink
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