Is Stanley a midget???

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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Is Stanley a midget???

Post by cowboydave Tue Jun 21 2011, 01:50

Is Stanley a midget??? Stanleychillinout

Hi everyone,

I just want to see what sort of feed back I would get in regards to Stanley's size. First thing first I LOVE Stanley so much and would never give him up for anything, and I also understand that every dog is different just like people it just seems like he is really small for his age. Allot of people think he is much younger than he actually is because of his size. I am just worried that I might not be feeding him the right amount of food or the right food for that matter. He is just a little buddle of joy to us and don't get me wrong I don't want some huge muscle bully in the neighbour hood just wanting to see what others think.

I sould add that he was 4kg when he was 10 weeks old he is just over 12 now and I will not get to way him properly until the next vet visit in 2 more weeks, have tried to weight him on the scales at home in the bathroom not sure if they are very good though.

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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 02:18

I usually weigh Suki on the bathroom scale once a week. I weigh myself first and then I pick her up and get back on the scale. Perhaps not the most accurate technique but it gives me an idea. She was on the small size until about 6 months when she hit a growth spurt. I haven't been around too many Staffie puppies though so I am by no means an expert.


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by cowboydave Tue Jun 21 2011, 02:21

Any advise is good advise Jstaff, thanks for the tip on waying Stanley as well. Here I am trying to get him to sit still on them loser I will try it when I get home this afternoon and see waht result I get.
Thanks Again
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 02:27

No problem I tried for far to long to try to get my dog to sit still on the scales. I wouldn't be too worried about Stanley unless he stops eating. It always seems like they grow slow and if you are around the dog all the time it is hard to notice small changes in size.


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 03:54

I am just loving that pic of Stanley above!!

Jethro was only a small pup and he turned into a healthy big staffy.. plenty of time for Stanley yet.. He is adorable !! Love Struck


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by cowboydave Tue Jun 21 2011, 04:16

vanessa wrote:

I am just loving that pic of Stanley above!!

Jethro was only a small pup and he turned into a healthy big staffy.. plenty of time for Stanley yet.. He is adorable !! Love Struck

Yeah he sure is adorable, sometimes we wish he wouldn't grow he is sooo cute at this stage Love Struck . Just that I saw another memebers puppy at 13 weeks and he was a stonka of a dog...... But I am think that maybe Stanley is a late bloomer Laughing
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 04:32

could have been my Winston .. he is 13 weeks and weighs 10 kilos! But his dad was big and solid.. who knows really.. he is eating us out of house and home I know that!!
Winston seems to have started his growth spurt alot earlier than my Jethro did!


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by cowboydave Tue Jun 21 2011, 06:25

vanessa wrote:

could have been my Winston .. he is 13 weeks and weighs 10 kilos! But his dad was big and solid.. who knows really.. he is eating us out of house and home I know that!!
Winston seems to have started his growth spurt alot earlier than my Jethro did!
Yeah it was your boy Winston, Stanley and Winston have the same jumper maybe they are bothers rolling on the floor Is Stanley a midget??? Stanleyinhisjumper2Is Stanley a midget??? Stanleyinhisjumper I tried to get a pic with a book in front him, but bad idea he loves to rip paper apart and make a big mess......
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 06:26

Like you say, they are all so different. Some are larger , some are smaller. Stanley certainly looks very healthy to me so I would'nt be concerned.


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 07:02

Loopy wrote:Like you say, they are all so different. Some are larger , some are smaller. Stanley certainly looks very healthy to me so I would'nt be concerned.

my thoughts exactly !!


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by cowboydave Tue Jun 21 2011, 07:11

Thanks guys, was a bit worried we might have picked him up a bit too early.... He is starting ot get a bit of a fan club, he might even be lucky enough to win puppy of the month day dreaming
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Bruno311210 Tue Jun 21 2011, 07:23

aawww he looks fine, as long as he's healthy and running about, I wouldn't worry.

I had the opposite as Bruno is a big boy and when we first got him, my jealous neighbours(who have also got a staffy who 6 days old and the jealously is going on 4 months later and now i don't talk to them as it give them something to gossip about) thought he was older than 7 weeks. But Bruno's father is big and stocky and solid and handsome and totally blue which is very rare ( don't want to start a debate on blues again lol)

But Stanley looks lovely and healthy Love Struck , so i wouldn't worry
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 07:39

you love Stanley.. we love Stanley Love Struck that's all that matters!!! Big Grin


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 08:15

he looks gorgeous 2 me! x


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 08:23

he looks fine, he is sooooo cute, I am like anne, billy has always been big, i think he has stopped his growth spurt for now (thank goodness)

I think you will look back at this post in s few months and think i cannot believe he was so small



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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 10:54

He has plenty of growing in him yet so i wouldn't worry Smile my harvey is the other end of the scale at 12 weeks he 12kg and by 16 weeks was 16kg, but you don't know how big/small they will be until they are alot older


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Tue Jun 21 2011, 13:27

I have one big and one small. Kita was the only female and her and the last pup were much smaller than the other 3 male pups. She grew into a fine looking staff, just a small one (although she did seem to have a big head for her little body). People often used to ask how old my pup was and she was 3 years old then. Laughing
All I know is if you love him as much as we all love ours, your Stanley will have a heart as big as he is. Love Struck


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Summerisle Tue Jun 21 2011, 14:06

What a great looking puppy he is!! My girlfriend saw the pic with his little jumper and wants one for Jimi lol.
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by cowboydave Tue Jun 21 2011, 23:48

Thanks every one for your support and kind words, I think I was over reacting now by all the positive feed back I have been give. thumbs up
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by gem Wed Jun 22 2011, 23:24

Awww dave check out the breed standard for height and weight and you might be suprised he looks good to me they develop differently im sure hes going to be a nice boy Smile
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by chloexxx Thu Jun 23 2011, 14:44

Blake was born 01/04/11....

We bought him 05/06/11 from the breeder...

Took him to vet for first jab 08/06/11, he weighed in at a tiny 1.9kilo on this appointment.

Second jab and chip yesterday 22/06/11 weighed in at 3.6kilo.....

Worries me that he has gained as much in the last 2 weeks then he did in his first 9 weeks of life....

Is this normal ??
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Guest Thu Jun 23 2011, 14:59

Absolutely normal! You're obviously feeding him properly & he's growing well!

P.S., I don't remember seeing any new pics of Blake for a couple of days.........where are they?


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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by Nosipho Thu Jun 23 2011, 15:08

He is absolutely the cutest puppy ever! The thing with staffords is that although they are quite a small dog in height they grow like big dogs. They take a long time to mature and grow in stages. Stanley doesn't look too small, in fact he looks like he should be a nice compact staff and his height will probably fit the standard well.

At some point everyone looks at their pup and thinks 'Is this really a staff? Have I been had!' but their ears/legs/tails do get caught up with and by the time hes 2 years you wont even be able to believe that cute little man with the pot belly was even him!
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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by chloexxx Thu Jun 23 2011, 15:11

Will try get some of Chloe and Blake together sometime today.... Chloe's still a little mardy with him, and spends half the day telling him off so it's hard to get snaps.

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Is Stanley a midget??? Empty Re: Is Stanley a midget???

Post by cowboydave Thu Jun 23 2011, 23:57

Nosipho wrote:He is absolutely the cutest puppy ever! The thing with staffords is that although they are quite a small dog in height they grow like big dogs. They take a long time to mature and grow in stages. Stanley doesn't look too small, in fact he looks like he should be a nice compact staff and his height will probably fit the standard well.

At some point everyone looks at their pup and thinks 'Is this really a staff? Have I been had!' but their ears/legs/tails do get caught up with and by the time hes 2 years you wont even be able to believe that cute little man with the pot belly was even him!

You are so right about thinking that I had been had. I was really worried about him being picked up too early and therefor lacking in milk. But I was just being a huge worry wart loser . Now that I have had some much positive feed back from everyone and weight him this morning I have realised everything about Stanleyt is just perfect, he ways a smashing 6.1 KG now and he is just over 12 weeks.

Being with him all the time everyday you just dont realise how much they are growing but I was given a tip on how to way him on the scales with me and then me with out him, and now I can see for sure that he is getting much bigger. My wife could not beleive how much he ways now and we are both very happy with him and the response we have had from everyone.

Thanks gang for everything.

thumbs up
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