Please be watchful

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Please be watchful Empty Please be watchful

Post by Debs01 Wed Oct 08 2014, 09:39

Some of you may remember me talking about Axl's girlfriend Lola. Lola was a 2 year old ebt who was the most gentle and loving dog I have ever known. Axl and Lola were very close and she helped us train him out of dog aggression. We were looking after her at the weekend for our friend and when we picked her up from his house (he had already gone away for the weekend) she was burping green bile constantly. We took her straight to our vet. Our vet doesn't know Lola and we couldn't get hold of our friend to find out if she had been ill in the week. We had to go in what we knew which was he had recently changed Lola's food. The vet put it down to a severe allergic reaction and gave her injections plus a syrup we had to give her. We took her back to our house and made our kitchen a sick bay with lots of blankets and water. Axl never left her side. We managed to get hold of our friend who came straight back as quick as he could and picked her up early Sunday morning. We told him what our vet said and said if she still wasn't better in the morning we would help him register with the PDSA and take her in. We got a call in the early hours of Monday morning to say she had died. When we called the vet to tell her we updated her on what our friend told us, he said she had been acting strange on Friday and been a bit sick plus he couldn't remember if she had been to the toilet. The vet now thinks she ate something with poison on it or ate something toxic when out walking.

I wish I had rushed her back into the vet on Sunday morning and I wish we hadn't waited when she carried on being sick, I wish I had the money to do that for our friend and if I had known it was poison I would have but I didn't and I feel so bad. I can't do anything for Lola now but I just wanted to spread the word and ask you all to please keep an eye on your babies when out walking, there are some bad people out there and some nasty things on the floor that can kill.

We're all heartbroken Sad
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by -Ian- Wed Oct 08 2014, 10:30

OMG... I can't imagine how you must be feeling Debs. Sounds like it all happened so very fast. It's so easy to do the If's and But's, you weren't to know, how could you. So tragic.

It is so important to keep an eye on the Fur kids whilst out, you just never know what they might pick up Sad

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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by yeahbut Wed Oct 08 2014, 10:46

A shocking story. I think we're all worried about poison that may be placed by ratcatchers or random nutters. Cant understand why the owner didnt take her to vet on Sunday morning though. He must have been prepared to witness an excruciating death. Poor dog.

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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Debs01 Wed Oct 08 2014, 11:03

The owner is my friend. He's a good lad and he didn't expect her to die, none of us did. He loved that dog more than anything. He took our vet's word that it was a severe allergy and trusted that the drugs that she gave the dog would work.

He did not expect an "excruciating death" please don't be so insensitive.
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by yeahbut Wed Oct 08 2014, 11:34

A vet does not give their 'word' in a diagnosis. They only ever make an educated guess, based on information that can change over time. Besides, was it not the vet's 'word' to bring the dog back in on Sunday morning if she didnt improve? What happened to that part of the word?

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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Rachel33 Wed Oct 08 2014, 11:55

I'm so sorry Debs, just horrendous Sad can't imagine what you're all going through. We all know that you would do all that you could, it's so difficult with tummy problems and you followed your vets advice, what more could you do?

Yeahbut, really!? Debs has been a member of this forum for a long time and absolutely adores her dog, and clearly adored Lola too. What an awful thing to say, please, if you have nothing kind or constructive to say, stop posting on this thread. Debs and Lola's owner are clearly distraught, and I believe that Debs did all that she could. Why feel the need to make her feel even worse than she already does? Debs obviously isn't going to pass your harsh comments onto Lola's owner - and that appears to be who you are aiming your negativity at - so why air them?
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by yeahbut Wed Oct 08 2014, 12:26

Rachel33 wrote:....can't imagine what you're all going through.

Ah, that's my mistake. I was thinking about what the dog had been going through. Apologies, Deb01, if my comments caused any offence.

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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Lizzie Wed Oct 08 2014, 12:29

I'm so sorry to read this, Debs you and your friend must be in pieces
and I think we all know how it feels to lose a dog but this must be
especially heartbreaking.  

My boy is a terrible scavenger and will eat anything when out on a walk.
In fact I took him to the fields this morning and he ate the green outside of
a walnut that had fallen off the tree and a few minutes later was violently
sick twice.  We are now back at home and he is very mopey just lying in
the sun. I will be keeping an eye on him.

Sending you Please be watchful 3198918699 you did your very best for Lola and it was very kind
of you to warn others about this at such a sad time.


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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by JStaff Wed Oct 08 2014, 12:31

Debs that's a terrible experience. Our thoughts are with you and your friend Please be watchful 3198918699
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Debs01 Wed Oct 08 2014, 12:57

Ian, Rach, Lizzie and JStaff thank you for your kind words. We're all still devastated but Axl is helping, he's goofing around more than usual I think he knows we need him Smile

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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Debs01 Wed Oct 08 2014, 13:00

Besides, was it not the vet's 'word' to bring the dog back in on Sunday morning if she didnt improve? What happened to that part of the word?

No it was not the vet's "word" to bring "Lola" (not "the dog") back in on Sunday morning. You obviously didn't read my post.
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Mia05 Wed Oct 08 2014, 13:22

Aww so sorry for ur loss i am always vigilant when out with mia specially on grass

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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Rachel33 Wed Oct 08 2014, 14:04

Debs, I'm sure that if either you, or the vet knew how serious this was Lola would have been kept in at the vets to be observed overnight. I'm pretty sure that only a sadist would KNOWINGLY put any living creature through that pain. Comments from Yeahbut are quite disturbing, however, know that the rest of us are here if you need anything at all.
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by ColinW Wed Oct 08 2014, 14:58

So sorry pal x My best friends first dog was poisoned by anti freeze deliberately oh that was about 25 years ago now. Still remember it clearly.
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by lovemystaffies Wed Oct 08 2014, 17:28

So sorry, you did all you could and no one's to blame.
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by stella Wed Oct 08 2014, 18:00

oh so sorry to read this deb,you and your friend must be so upset Please be watchful 3198918699
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Guest Wed Oct 08 2014, 19:32

Omg deb Crying or Very sad how awful. Sad Sad Sad


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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Guest Wed Oct 08 2014, 19:38

Oh Deb so sorry I do worry when Vin is licking things, there are some vile people about lots of love to you all xxx


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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by silver Wed Oct 08 2014, 20:07

That's terrible. I'm so sorry, my heart goes out to you all x
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by AussieStaff Wed Oct 08 2014, 20:55

I am so sorry for the huge loss for everyone!!! No words will make you feel better right now but thank you for sharing xo
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by RiV Wed Oct 08 2014, 23:02

Im sorry to hear of the loss thank you for sharing thats very brave of you.
And a good reminder for us all to keep an eye out.

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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by peppa Wed Oct 08 2014, 23:14

That's horrible I'm so sorry to hear about poor Lola .
Do you know where about in london she are the poison? There were few cases in north london few month ago but they caught the guy.
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Please be watchful Empty Re: Please be watchful

Post by Debs01 Thu Oct 09 2014, 10:20

Hey Lily, yeah we're kind of on the border of London and Kent but we can't be 100% sure someone did it on purpose or Lola picked something up from the floor that happened to be toxic for dogs. It's all very sad Sad

Thanks everyone for your kind comments and support xx
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