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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by DarrenElbrow Tue Sep 23 2014, 13:08

Well we've had Travis just about 2 months now and my mrs had her first run in with a non Staffy dog walker.
2 older woman with GSD's were walking towards our boy, their dogs were on leads, Travis was off and sniffing about in some bushes at the side of the path on a local piece of heathland. There are always dogs off lead here as its well away from any roads.
Travis saw the group and did his usual manic tail wagging and stupid grin on his face as he walked up to the dogs and people , now Travis has never growled or barked at any dog he's come across since we've had him. He even had two French Bulldogs and a Staffy pup jumping all over him at the RSPCA the other day. I've never met such a friendly dog!
Anyhow, one of the GSD's went for Travis as soon as he came close, and my mrs called Travis back. He moved away from the dogs and ignored them. The two stupid humans started on at my Mrs. Screaming at her that our dog was dangerous and should be on a lead!!!!!! Why? It was her stupid in bred GSD that went for our dog, not the other way round. She should teach her dog to be more sociable!!!!!!!!!!
My mrs was actually so stunned that she didn't really say anything to them
Are we going to get more stupid people like this?

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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Sazzle Tue Sep 23 2014, 13:22

To be honest you should never let an off lead dog go up to an on lead dog as there could be reasons why the dog is on lead, it appears that this one may have been dog aggresive hence going for Travis when he got near.
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Sazzle Tue Sep 23 2014, 13:26

The other day, daisy was on the lead but it went quite loose while I was faffing about in my bag and not paying enough attention, there was a guy sat with his dog on the lead and it went for Daisy when she got too close, completely my fault and I apologised, the guy was fine Smile
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by jshrew Tue Sep 23 2014, 13:31

The behaviour of the GSD owners does seem a little ott but as friendly as Travis is I have to agree with Saz 

Ledger isn't happy with dogs approaching us especially when he is onlead and if the 'back off' signals aren't read he will escalate his behaviour quite quickly
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Post by Kathy Tue Sep 23 2014, 13:34

As said the GSD may well have been on a lead for a reason as it may not be very good with other dogs. Rocky is always on a lead when out for walks in local parks.
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Guest Tue Sep 23 2014, 15:02

Can only agree with the above - rather not let your off lead dog approach an on lead dog without asking the owner first.


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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by DarrenElbrow Tue Sep 23 2014, 16:01

Sarah was mainly upset about the owners attitude. Almost every dog we see in that area is off the lead. And knowing what our dog is like, he was more interested in the people than the dogs. In fairness to our boy , he walked away from the dogs as soon as possible. It was the "you've got a dangerous Staffy, it should be on a lead" and I'm sure our dog will remember the other two dogs and avoid them. He's far from stupid and it's the first time it's happened.
We get yappy things come up to us all the time when he's on his lead and he ignores them. I still think if he was any other dog than a staffy they wouldn't have said anything

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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Mia05 Tue Sep 23 2014, 16:33

German shepherds are known for being one man dogs u have to be careful with any dog tbh

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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by yeahbut Tue Sep 23 2014, 20:12

But you can't always train your dog to be more sociable! For some dogs (many of them staffies) try as you might, no matter how many books you read or youtube training vidoes you watch, you cant get him to love his doggy brethren. To love you, yes. To love other dogs, no way. So what do you do? Simple. You keep him on lead. There will always be a reason why someone keeps their dog on lead in an apparently wild space, where others run free. If you let your off-lead dog run up to an on-lead dog, you're likely to find out the reason. So it's good manners to call your dog back and give them a wide berth because a person who keeps their dog on lead is likely to know what they're doing.

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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by flowerbud Tue Sep 23 2014, 20:56

Alfie is not "sociable", we rehomed him and he wasn't taken out much by his previous owners. He has fear aggression and so is always on lead for this reason. An unleaded dog should never be allowed to approach a leaded one with out asking the owner if its ok. My old dog was friendly with all, I still put her on if an unknown dog on lead was approaching as I didn't want her hurt if it was aggressive.
Yes the GSD owners were wrong to call yours dangerous, but you could have put yours and their dogs in a dangerous situation if fight did break out. Best check first next time Smile
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by debs0109 Tue Sep 23 2014, 22:46

If the GOD owner had him on a lead because he is dog aggressive then why did she let your approach so close that the GOD went for him? She could of said something like "can you call your dog and put him on a lead as mine isn't dog friendly"
There was faults on both sides really.
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by debs0109 Tue Sep 23 2014, 22:47

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Post by Gazagem Wed Sep 24 2014, 10:07

I used to have gsds and they were really friendly with dogs and people but if I saw a dog on lead I would always call them back until I spoke to the owner but my boy buster was dog aggressive and if I had an off lead dog come towards us I would be annoyed at the owners as all the work I was putting into him would disappear (not always the owners fault) but Skye is always on a long line as she loves everyone and will run up to other dogs but to protect her I can get her back.
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by DarrenElbrow Wed Sep 24 2014, 13:38

My mrs was just annoyed at the attitude towards our dog. If it had been a spaniel or Labrador off its lead doubt f anything would have been said

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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Debs01 Thu Sep 25 2014, 11:30

My mrs was just annoyed at the attitude towards our dog. If it had been a spaniel or Labrador off its lead doubt f anything would have been said

Yes it was OTT but I don't think it would have been different if you had another breed to be honest. I am an owner of a dog aggressive dog and in this situation I feel for the other owners of the GSD's. It's so stressful for an owner of a dog aggressive dog when people let their dogs run up to yours even though you have yours on a lead. It makes me not want to take him out sometimes. With hard work Axl is getting better but still unless you have a dog aggressive dog you don't realise how stressful it is, especially if you are trying to train your dog out of it and other owners let their dogs wonder up off lead, I'm not having a go at you as I do think the owners response was over the top but I'm just trying to put their side across and what was said may have been said in the heat of the moment under stress Smile

If the GOD owner had him on a lead because he is dog aggressive then why did she let your approach so close that the GOD went for him? She could of said something like "can you call your dog and put him on a lead as mine isn't dog friendly"
There was faults on both sides really.

It happens very quickly, before you think about saying anything the dog is already up in your face. I don't think it's fair to say that the owner should have said something as it's politeness to put your dog on a lead or recall him/her when you see a dog on lead up ahead. Dogs are not on a lead for no reason at all and usually it is because of dog aggression.
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by flowerbud Thu Sep 25 2014, 18:55

Well said Debs Smile

Just to add another point, other dog could have been on lead due to recent surgery (only allowed calm on lead walks) or have something that is contact contagious but able to be walked. There are just so many reasons dogs may have to be on lead. Not against you, but we just don't know everyone elses dogs and their fears or problems.
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by yeahbut Thu Sep 25 2014, 19:27

If there were a Highway Code for dog owners, I would place not letting your offlead dog approach an onlead dog in chapter 1. On a par with giving way to the right at roundabouts and stopping at zebra crossings.

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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Simi Thu Sep 25 2014, 22:53

On Lula morning we met a guy with his dog who crossed to let his dog come over to Lula. I quickly told him no he said oh its not dog friendly i explain she can be nervous and we both carried on with are walk.
Lula was mixed with other dogs from a young age but is not keen on other dogs. Lula can see another dog from a distance and is fine but if she taken by surprise she starts growling and making a fuss.
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Post by freyj4z Sun Oct 05 2014, 18:37

loki is terrible sometimes for being a bum with dogs, but he doesn't approach on lead dogs, I don't let him and fortunetly he has learnt the back off signals pretty well, but of course there are days when he forgets the whole thing. I have a 20ft training lead for this reason.
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by DarrenElbrow Tue Oct 07 2014, 13:31

Have a little update to this. Was talking with another Staffy owner the other day and she was aware of the 2 GSD I mentioned . She had been walking with her Staffy on a lead next to the 2 GSD . All was well for a while and then the male GSD that had gone for our dog, did the same to the other Staffy.
Our boy has see. The 2 GSD since whilst off his lead and turn away from them and ignored them. So in our defence, someone has a bloody grumpy GSD

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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by yeahbut Tue Oct 07 2014, 14:57

Yeah, and someone has a bloody grumpy staffx - and it's me! That's why we're on lead and that's why we appreciate if people whose dogs are like angels with wings, like your Travis, give us a bit of a berth!

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Post by Hannah&Michael UK Sun Oct 26 2014, 13:02

You did nothing wrong but if I see a dog thats on a lead I get mine on the lead because sometimes dogs go up to them just to say hello and then there dogs go for your dog

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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Tommy1984 Fri Nov 07 2014, 11:16

If I see any dogs on a lead my dog goes on a lead. I think if there on a lead it's for a reason.

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Post by SuziPea Tue Nov 11 2014, 01:01

I have to agree with the comments about putting your dog back on his lead, I have had people call Dizz aggressive and dangerous - he growls at men if he is out with me on lead and it is dark (have to admit not something I discourage) but not if off lead.  

Having said that we always pop him on lead whenever we go past any other dogs.  Normally he is really well behaved but I don't want to take the risk and I am lucky that his recall is good so he comes even if other dogs are running up to him.  I would only keep him off lead if I am in the park and the other dog is off lead and we are playing ball.  In that instance the ball is everything!!!  

Having a staffy you have to accept that people will judge them as an aggressive dog at times, just don't put yourself in the situation where you can be blamed.  There is a reason that dogs on a lead are considered under control and those not on a lead aren't.
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Post by Nathan Tue Nov 11 2014, 23:26

well to stoke the always. my two are always leaded. but i love it when a staffy or bigger dog approaches off lead as it gives them interaction. even better when the off lead dog owner asks permission. what i dont like however is small fluffy dogs approaching mine offlead and owners either on a mobile or away with the fairys. when my boy picks it up thinking its a toy and i have to prize it from his mouth dont give me crap. its painfully obviouse when my two take an intrest
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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Guest Wed Nov 12 2014, 08:24

Tommy1984 wrote:If I see any dogs on a lead my dog goes on a lead. I think if there on a lead it's for a reason.

I agree with this 100%. My lovely Bobbert, who we lost a couple of months ago, was previously a severe abuse rescue staffie x, and it took a heck of a lot of work to get him to be comfortable walking past other dogs. He was human aggressive too, so always on lead. The number of people who would call 'don't worry, my dog's really friendly' as their whatever breed bowled towards us with Bob doing his best not to react, was amazing. After a while, I got into the habit of replying in a cheery voice 'oh how lovely. Mine's not and he may just attack your dog if it gets any closer', all the time keeping the cheery smile so it didn't come across as aggressive from me.

The worst one was a little white fluffy snack dog (our term for one that would do Bob a small snack before tea), that came over barking. Bob was biggish, (staff x lab x greyhound), and this little white dog was pinned to the ground yelping before it knew what had hit it. And yes, I got screamed at. I just replied 'that's the risk you take when you allow your dog to run up to another that's on lead'.

Especially having been on that side of the fence, I now always put mine on leads when approaching others on lead.


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Stroppy non Staffy owner Empty Re: Stroppy non Staffy owner

Post by Debs01 Wed Nov 12 2014, 10:06

I don't have anything to add but I just wanted to say Liz your profile picture is fab what a gorgeous woofer! Big Grin
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