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Hm.. Empty Hm..

Post by Rachel33 Thu Aug 14 2014, 18:34

Bug was at the vet this evening (sprained a ligament) and he was asking about her exercise. Said she gets roughly 90 minutes off lead a day, and he said he thought it was a bit too much in general and should be lowered. She's coming up to 6 (we think) and she walks for 4/5 hours when we go hiking! He's a great vet, really trust his opinion, got me thinking?!
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Guest Thu Aug 14 2014, 18:41

Has she had anything like that before?  biggrin 


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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Rachel33 Thu Aug 14 2014, 18:46

Never since I've had her! She did it doing roly poly's in the field!!!
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by flowerbud Thu Aug 14 2014, 21:34

I feel absolutely sure Rachel that if it was too much for Bis you would be first to notice! By all means keep an eye on her as she gets older but as she never seems to suffer ill effects after her hikes I cant see any problem.
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Mia05 Fri Aug 15 2014, 10:44

Aw poor bis

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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Rachel33 Fri Aug 15 2014, 11:37

Thank you guys! I feel the same Sue.. Exercise keeps her so much more balanced, she's been on reduced walks for 3 days now (2 x 15 minute lead walks a day) and her reactivity is bloody awful! Really snarling/growling at an older man earlier and just not focusing when passing other dogs. Guess she probably feels a little insecure with her poorly foot too, but hoping this isn't a big set back with her rehab. Anti inflams have kicked in and the limp is lessened already. Going to do 2 more full days of reduced walks and then try a short off lead walk on Monday and see how she gets on.
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Mia05 Fri Aug 15 2014, 11:39


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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Debs01 Fri Aug 15 2014, 11:40

Aww Rach I feel for you, Axl has had 5 days inside now and his limp is still really bad so there's no possibility of a walk for him, he just lays on the sofa looking really sad. I spend most of my time with him playing hide the biscuit or just giving him a good old scratch around the neck, anything to cheer him up Sad

It's good Bis's leg is already healing and the limp has lessened though sounds like she's on the mend and really quickly too Big Grin

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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by -Ian- Fri Aug 15 2014, 11:40

I think Sue is quiet right Rachel. If it was too much for her you would have noticed before now.

Amazing what a change you've noticed with the reduced walking, frustration I would imagine for poor Bis.

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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Rachel33 Fri Aug 15 2014, 11:48

Oh no Debs, what has he done to his leg?! She started limping last Saturday and I noticed that it was all inflamed on Tuesday, but now think that was due to her licking it because it was hurting her Sad within the first 5 minutes of walking yesterday she was hobbling so I took her home, booked a vet apt, got her there and she wasn't limping! Today she's still hobbling but she's got 2 x anti inflams in her so hoping it's not masking it!

Ian, thanks for your input. How old is Flo now? Have you lessened her exercise much the older that she gets? I haven't changed it since she was 2 to be fair, she's very chilled after a walk but doesn't seem stiff on her joints or overly tired! She's so sensitive, may be more change in routine but she loves a good run around, the first thing that she does after she's been in a stressful situation (e.g dog running up to her) is run around like an idiot and get all of the tension out, but she's got no release Sad going to give her a big marrow bone to gnaw on for a few hours!
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by -Ian- Fri Aug 15 2014, 12:01

Flo's over 8 we think Rachel. Her walks vary to be honest but have noticed that when she's had enough she will put her stick down and leave it bearing in mind we only usually walk over one of the local parks.  Other times we will get to the car or gate and she clearly wants to be out longer. 

When we were away a couple of weeks back, we did a lot more walking and she was fine but slept very well in the evenings  Smile . Her rear toes are still an issue but we manage that and make sure they don't get sore though I do think it might be getting nearer to getting her left rear leg sorted as we did with her right one. Just don't like the thought of her being layed up for weeks again but will chat to the vet should she start to limp.

The thing with walks is that you know your dog and if they want less they have ways of letting you know. Bis looks perfectly fit and well to me so wouldn't think she'll be complaining anytime soon  Big Grin

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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Debs01 Fri Aug 15 2014, 12:20

He's torn his ligament again, it's self healing but seems to be taking ages this time Sad He did it running about throwing himself into roly poly's in the woods and then following that up with a full on playfight with our dog sitter... Rolling Eyes

He can't walk on it at all so he hops along at the moment we don't walk him obviously but he needs to go up and down stairs to go to the toilet as we live in a flat!

I've been to the vet against yesterday asking for pain killers for him but she said not yet, we are to give him glucosamine tablets and wait another week, if he's still bad next week they are going to give us liquid pain killers.

Why do staffies have no stop button when they are zooming lol

Interestingly enough though the vet asked us how far he walks a day and we told her 4 miles which is roughly what he's been doing. She said it was too far and we should cut it down especially if he's off lead (which he is for a lot of it). I do think in Axl's case its because of his size he's so stocky (not fat) I think his little legs are suffering bless him Big Grin
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Kathy Fri Aug 15 2014, 13:00

We have kept Rocky in for the last couple of days due to a pulled muscle in his back/top of hind leg. He did this running over to see some friends the other day. I have been putting the ultra sound on it each day which has helped to reduce the swelling. May try an antihistamine too as this will also reduce swelling.

It does get quite frustrating for them, poor Biscuit, have you tried playing games indoors with her to keep her mind occupied ?
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Guest Fri Aug 15 2014, 14:47

Oh poor Bis she must be frustrated hun but as all have said she would clearly let you know if she has had enough. Hope Bis, Axl and Rocky all heal quickly xx


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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Guest Fri Aug 15 2014, 15:37

Aww no all our babies are hurting, hope they're all doing better today! I agree rach bug would let you know Smile


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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by flowerbud Fri Aug 15 2014, 19:57

Just goes to show Rach, how much good a walk does for their mood/stress...though not necessarily their feet and legs lately!  Rolling Eyes 
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Sazzle Fri Aug 15 2014, 20:29

Yeah I think you would know if it was too much x
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by silver Fri Aug 15 2014, 20:43

So sorry for all of you having problems at the moment.
I can fully sympathise!
So hard isn't it with our breed when they charge about like loonies!  Sad 
Hope everyone makes quick recovery x
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Bane Fri Aug 15 2014, 21:28

Lots of poorly pups! As previously said I am sure you would know if she was struggling with her walks and it sounds like they really do her a lot of good Smile It was the silly rolly pollys that got her not the hiking!
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by peppa Fri Aug 15 2014, 22:34

Poor babies I hope they all get better soon. Rach just give her some rest 
But you know bis better than anybody else I'm sure you would have noticed if it was too much for her you are doing great job with her x
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by JStaff Fri Aug 15 2014, 22:45

Hope Bis heals quickly. Suki gets cranky as well if she isn't exercised
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by Nathan Fri Aug 15 2014, 22:47

Personaly dont agree, as long as they are well rested and given time to recover there is no reason a healthy dog cannot go and give its all for prelonged periods. along with good food and good rest periods a good workning schedual is benifitial for a dog.
at this time of year my two are dormant compared to winter where they are worked like hell yet they still have long walks and hectic play periods. if i cut down the walks i wouldnt have a house left, and now as its starting to get cooler at night i gonna start working them again, and bikjoring pulling me along is no mean feat
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by shegsy Fri Aug 15 2014, 23:17

Aww hope Bis gets better soon xx
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Hm.. Empty Re: Hm..

Post by lovemystaffies Sat Aug 16 2014, 14:25

They are so heavy for their little legs, it's no wonder they hurt them; but I don't think it's ever the walking but the crazy twists and rolys that does the damage. Murphy had both rear cruciate ligaments operated on and I dread Madge damaging hers as well; but how can you stop them ? They just love to be leaping acrobats.
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