Do you know the bylaws?

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Do you know the bylaws? Empty Do you know the bylaws?

Post by Guest Wed Jan 15 2014, 17:36

Did you know that according to Section 6 of the Johannesburg bylaws regarding dogs in public places:

Subject to any provision to the contrary in these By-laws or any other
law, no person may bring a dog into any public place or allow it to be
done if that dog –
(a) is wild, dangerous or ferocious;
(b) is in a habit of charging at or chasing people or vehicles; or
(c) is an unsterilised female dog which is on heat.
(2) Subject to section 16(1) of the Council's Public Open Spaces By-laws,
published under Notice 831 in Provincial Gazette Extraordinary No.
179 dated 21 May 2004, no person may permit any dog to be in a
public place unless it is kept on a leash and under control of a person.
(3) Any person in control of a dog in a public place, excluding a person
who is assisted by a guide dog, must remove any defecation of such

I wonder if it's the same in other parts of the world? I know we all struggle with people neglecting to pick up after their dogs or keep them under control.


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