Runaway dog encounter!!!

Nor Cal
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Nor Cal Tue Nov 26 2013, 15:49

I went for a hike with Bacon yesterday at a rural regional park. Midway through our hike I heard some rustling in the bushes and two labs start running strait for us. With Bacon's recent streak of minor scuffles with other dogs I was freaking out. I didn't know if I should just pick him up and carry him or if I should just stand still and see what happens. Well I opted to let them greet and see what happens... Lucky for me the other dogs seemed to be submissive and were just strolling through the park. They sniffed each other for a couple of minutes and tried to initiate play with Bacon. Bacon would have been more than willing to join the pack!

Both of the dogs had collars on and I started walking in the direction from where they came looking for their moronic owner who lets their dogs run loose in a park with a leash policy! There was nobody there. I continued my hike and about 1 hour later as I was walking back to the parking lot I saw the dogs being guided back to the parking lot. They were from a nearby farm and got free and went for a stroll in the park! It was actually quite hilarious because they were all wet because they also took the time to go for a swim at the lake.Laughing 

It was a good ending for them I guess. I was also very happy that nothing happened when they ran up to Bacon. I'm starting to think that Labs are the Libras of the dog world. They seem to get along with every dog. Every lab that Bacon has ever met has gotten along well with him.
Nor Cal
Nor Cal
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Sazzle Tue Nov 26 2013, 16:21

Well I'm glad they were OK, hopefully the owner will keep a closer eye on them! I think labs are generally quite laid back?
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Guest Tue Nov 26 2013, 16:26

What a fab ending, I'm sure their owners were relieved too! Laughing I'm glad it all went well with Bacon too; that's my worst nightmare! Big Grin I've had 2 bad encounters with Labs! One on lead and one off lead in the street - the dog or the owners weren't very nice!


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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Nor Cal Tue Nov 26 2013, 17:10

There are two things I always worry about. Encountering loose dogs and Bacon getting away from me!

It was a good ending overall for sure!
Nor Cal
Nor Cal
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Guest Tue Nov 26 2013, 17:27

Me too! In the area I live in I've met quite a few wondering dogs, scares me half to death everytime! Laughing looking at your profile, it says you're from the US, does that mean Bacon is a Pit Bull? Love Struck your picture is very small on my phone so I can't see him properly, but Pits are my all time favorite breed, ah Love Struck Big Grin


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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by stella Tue Nov 26 2013, 17:46

so glad the dogs got back to their owners Smile 
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Nor Cal Tue Nov 26 2013, 20:32

Yes, most consider him a pit bull. I get the comment, "what a cute puppy" and i say, "well hes not really a puppy anymore".

On the other hand, because a lot of responsible people are adopting pit bulls in my area, bully breeds are starting to rebuild their reputation as family dogs. I dont take it as an offense when peoplecall him a pitbull because i like all bull breeds!
Nor Cal
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Guest Tue Nov 26 2013, 20:50

Ahhh that's brilliant to hear they're rebuilding their family reputation! I'd love a Pit Bull one day Love Struck Big Grin have you posted any pictures of Bacon? I'd love to see some bigger pictures than the one in your avatar! Big Grin Blushing


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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Nor Cal Tue Nov 26 2013, 21:52

Bully breeds still have a long way to go, but i believe things are heading in the right direction.

Im going to get my camera out during the thanksgiving holiday and will post an update.
Nor Cal
Nor Cal
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Sara n Ozzy Tue Nov 26 2013, 22:27

So glad it all went well with the encounter , I would have freaked as Oz hates any dog especially ones bigger than he is
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Kathy Wed Nov 27 2013, 08:45

Pleased to hear that it ended well. Rocky usually gets on well with Labs too, they seem to be a gently breed of dog.
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Nor Cal Wed Nov 27 2013, 09:28

Coddlingkid- just to be clear, Bacon is 100% Stafford, but he gets mis-labeled a pitbull here because pitbulls are way more common.
Nor Cal
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Nor Cal Wed Nov 27 2013, 09:29

I agree Kathy, I had a lab before Bacon and I would say they are usually a gentle and playful breed.
Nor Cal
Nor Cal
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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Guest Wed Nov 27 2013, 09:52

Glad everythin turned out well Big Grin I definitely think we need some updated pics of bacon though, I don't want to forget how beautiful he is Love Struck Love Struck


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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by Guest Wed Nov 27 2013, 10:45

Good story. I like the fact they took time out to go for a swim! Laughing 


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Runaway dog encounter!!! Empty Re: Runaway dog encounter!!!

Post by XemzX Wed Nov 27 2013, 20:27

Aww glad all was ok. I get nervous myself if stray or loose dogs ever follow if I'm on a walk. Glad the dogs got home too. Big Grin

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