How much so far?

Mrs McFisher
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How much so far? Empty How much so far?

Post by Mrs McFisher Sat Nov 16 2013, 17:34

Hi, so we had yet another visit to the vet yesterday, it was to go for her booster injections, but she couldn't have them as she is on steroids for her skin, and they can affect the effectiveness of the boosters, so I need to reduce the dose for a week then she can have them, but I did end up coming away with different antihistamines and steroid cream.
When I was paying I asked the receptionist if they had a total of how much we had paid to the vets since we got her.....
....We have had her a year and we have paid around £850 to the vets so far....this does include having her spayed. Just wasn't expecting it to be that much...
Mrs McFisher
Mrs McFisher
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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Guest Sat Nov 16 2013, 17:39

Yes our beauties cost pennies, have you got her insured? Smile


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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Guest Sat Nov 16 2013, 17:41

They aren't cheap biggrin 


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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Mrs McFisher Sat Nov 16 2013, 17:42

Don't you think that's a lot?
She is insured but the insurance wont pay out for anything to do with her skin as they say its a pre-existing condition!!
Apart from the spay, the rest of the money has gone on her skin. She had demadex and now that's gone they say she has allergies.
Mrs McFisher
Mrs McFisher
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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Guest Sat Nov 16 2013, 17:45

It is a lot. What did they give her for allergies? Maybe a cheaper way around it biggrin 


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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Sazzle Sat Nov 16 2013, 17:46

I would guess Daisy cost me not far off that in our first year, spay, Demodex, ear and eye infections!
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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Kathy Sat Nov 16 2013, 18:03

Never heard of a poor vet, did you admit skin conditions when you first insured her ?
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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by stella Sat Nov 16 2013, 20:19

aww but she's sooo worth it Love Struck i'd hate to think how much sash has cost me,vets bills eh Rolling Eyes 
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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Guest Sat Nov 16 2013, 20:35

It is a lot Mrs McFisher, but unfortunately vet-care does cost a lot, and when we take on a puppy we can never be quite sure what problems lie ahead for it.

If you were aware and in all honesty declared to the insurance company that Louby had skin problems when you first took out insurance for her, then the likelihood would be that the insurance company would exclude those conditions (BUPA is the same, for humans!).

I hope Louby is doing much better on her medications How much so far? 3198918699 


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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Kell Sat Nov 16 2013, 20:48

The vet bills can be so high .. and having exclusions does make it difficult I know. It is a great reminder of why pet insurance is such an essential thing!!

Chiquito has had a sore front leg after a boomer ball injury .. in the last six weeks alone the vet bills for him have totalled $2100.00 (about £1220.00) and he is off for an ultrasound this week which is another $700.00 (about £420.00). It is a huge amount of money, but leaving him in pain/without treatmeant just isn't an option.

On the skin allergy note ... Chiquito was seeing the vet for a multitude of issues with his skin (allergies, infections etc, etc) and I can understand how the bills add up. In the end the treatments were the same each time, and the issues kept reoccurring regardless, so I took him to a naturopath (I did talk with my vet about it) ... it cost around $200.00/£115 for 4 visits with treatment and his skin improved measurably. In combination with an exclusion diet (chicken and eggs cause the issue here) we have been allergy free ever since. Perhaps a chat with your vet about alternate treatments could help Smile
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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Mrs McFisher Tue Nov 19 2013, 10:51

We found her as stray. We didn't actually set out to get another dog, but couldn't then let her go when she found us. We took her to the vet for check over and register her, they put 'possible harness rub under armpits' on her notes, then when we set up the insurance and the notes were sent to them they decided that this could be a skin condition. So its the vets fault (I curse them)...
I'm not necessarily complaining about the amount, more just that I was surprised how much it added up to. Of course when you are paying bits here and there, you don't realise.
Of course she is totally worth it, and would never leave her in discomfort or pain, hence why we have spent so much so far.
£150 ish of this was for her spy to..
Mrs McFisher
Mrs McFisher
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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 19 2013, 11:14

Wow that is quite a lot! I only went to the vets for a check up when I had Ebony - I got ripped off at the vets as they said one thing but did another so that costed me £43 (all they did was health check and weigh)!!! And they said she was fat so I soon changed vets Laughing she's only been back for her vaccination top up which only cost £15 at the new vets! Then add the flea and wormer (I worm twice a year, de-flea once a year as their shampoo protects them from fleas, as well as having garlic in their food and they don't come into contact with dogs all that much! Their bedding is washed with flea protection things and I spray the house completely every so often) so about £70 for vets for Ebony and for Charlie the check ups were only £22, he's been there 2 times for a check up so they could monitor his weight gain and look for any problems! Besides flea and worm treatment it's all he's had from the vets so in totally I've spent about £66 on him! Hasn't been a year since I've had him but hopefully neither of them will need to go back untill their injections in Jan Big Grin

Total: £130 for both Big Grin


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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Mrs McFisher Tue Nov 19 2013, 11:42

wow you should be pleased that your dogs are nice and healthy..its sods law that we find a stray with so many problems. but we love her x
Mrs McFisher
Mrs McFisher
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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Guest Tue Nov 19 2013, 15:40

Mrs McFisher wrote:Don't you think that's a lot?
Dempsey's 4 years old. So far the vets bills have topped £5500 plus vaccinations and any little visits that have been below the insurance excess.

So no, it ain't that much!Laughing 


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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Guest Thu Nov 21 2013, 18:11

Mrs McFisher wrote:wow you should be pleased that your dogs are nice and healthy..its sods law that we find a stray with so many problems. but we love her x
That's very refreshing to hear Big Grin I bet she can't believe her luck being a stray then getting a fab caring home with you! I am very lucky with my two though! xx


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How much so far? Empty Re: How much so far?

Post by Keith Fri Nov 22 2013, 16:40

I spent possibly close on five grand last year.
Just a simple test to sift poo for lungworm cost about 350 quid.
Adrenal sufficiency tests - just blood tests - were about 600 quid.
The bits that really grated were:
a) being spoken to like I was retarded because my dog insurance had lapsed.
b) the receptionist telling me I'd have to wait to pay 100s after having my dog put to sleep 5k and months later because she was busy telling a joke. If she'd been a bloke, she'd have been sparked.
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