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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 09:46

Hi all. I got a rescue Staffy this time last year. She's 3 now and is in every way the nicest, sweetest dog ever.... Apart from a problem she has at night!

After about 3 months of having her, she started pooing in the kitchen at night. We hoped it was a one off... But alas, it happened every time it rained! Then every time it was windy.. Or even if it was cold! Th problem is getting worse and worse. Over the summer it didn't happen once so we thought we'd cracked it, but again.... Since the nights have drawn in, she started again!

We tried create training, worked really well for the first few weeks. So well we changed the rubber matting and towel for pillows and a duvet. Every time she remained clean, big fuss in the morning. Then after a month... She started again! Totally ruined her things so they had to be thrown away. She has no problem sleeping in a small create with her poo pretty much touching her face.

We've tried long walks last thing, a short walk... Lots of small walks across the evening. Playing in the garden, just putting her in the garden.... But still she's doing it, even if she has gone to the toilet when outside!

My friend thought maybe we should try taping a nappy to her as surly she'd hate the feel of her poo... And sometimes wee against her skin and it would teach her to stop..... As a last ditch effort to stop this we tried. We had a week of no mess, then she pooed in the nappy and happily sat in in. So we put on on her the next night but didn't cut a tail hole, just curled it underneath her... 2 weeks that worked for. This morning she shot outta the kitchen, no waggy tail at all.... She'd crapped in her nappy again! YUCKY!

She poo's just after we've gone to bed. I've waited outside the kitchen while my partner goes upstairs and shuts the bedroom door. Within a minute I caught her messing herself... And its not a one off... I've caught her plenty of times.

I really am at my wits end with it, first it was because she didn't like the rain, then it was wind and rain, then just wind, then it being too cold..... And now I struggle to get her out when its dark, no matter how fun we make it, or how stern we are with her.

Please help!

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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Rachel33 Mon Nov 04 2013, 09:59

Are you sure that this isn't a seperation thing? That she's concerned about being left on her own downstairs? Does she get left much during the day?
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Maria90 Mon Nov 04 2013, 10:02

I would try going back to basics with her toilet training, outside every half hour or so, after play time, food/drink, sleep etc, lots of praise after and hopefully the consistency and patience should eventually get her somewhere. Also if it is happening through the night, if you could try and get up once throughout the night to let her out? Just for a few days to a week and see how she goes?

Could I ask what she is being fed?
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 10:08

No, she normally has someone with her, weather it be me, my children, my partner are the man up the road. If we are gonna be away for more than a couple of hours she goes to him... And they have a great time lol. I'm sure its a weather thing. She's never been keen on going out in the wet. The only time she pooed in the kitchen in the summer was when it rained in the evening, Plus, she will go to the kitchen and put herself to bed when she gets tired. She also sleeps with the cat out there too, they are best friends so she never gets lonely .

She is on dry food from the vets, she's pure white so her skin get irritated by cheaper foods. We've done the puppy toilet training with her, again it worked for a while and then she carried on as per normal even though we were still carrying it on.

She is a lovely dog, fantastic with the kids, with visitors and the cat is totally in love with her despite being a grumpy old man! lol. Its just this one problem xxxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 10:09

Will try the getting up in the night with her, but she's normally done it very soon after we've gone to bed. She doesn't whine or whimper... She just does it! xxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Maria90 Mon Nov 04 2013, 10:10

Aww Lexi, she sounds like such a good girl! That's the only things I can think of at the moment, hopefully someone should be along shortly with more advise Smile

I hope you can get it sorted soon x
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 10:18

Thank you Maria and Rachel =D She is a good girl... So calm ( Well most of the time lol) =) xxxxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Guest Mon Nov 04 2013, 10:40

What time do you feed her & what times are her walks?

Have you thought about trying to train her to use puppy pads?


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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 10:50

Hi, we normally feed her in the morning and very early evening. We have changed it as we felt we were feeding her too late in the day and that was why she was doing it... Again, it worked for a bit before it rained or something and she started again. We've used puppy pads, she went to sleep on it! lol. Thick or stubborn? =) Worth a go trying again though xxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 10:52

Oh, she walks around mid morning and about 20 minutes before we go to bed. We have a big garden so someones normally our allot with her trowing sticks xxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Guest Mon Nov 04 2013, 11:04

Not much experience sorry but great advice above, she sounds a sweetheart. Hope you can sort it soon xx


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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by yeahbut Mon Nov 04 2013, 11:19

Not wishing to be indelicate, but could you describe the state of the poo? Is it a good firm lump, or are we talking diarrhoea? Is there a lot of it, or just a tiny amount? If diarrhoea, she surely will not be able to help it. In fact, whatever it is, there is surely something bothering her and it's not her fault - more a question of trying to figure out what is going on inside her head. She will not naturally wish to be dirty. My own dog (also a rescue, similar age) had a problem with pooing/being sick at night when I first got him. He went in a crate overnight at that time (not any more - he doesnt need/want it) and his bedding would occasionally be in a mess in the morning. The vet suggested that the gap overnight may be too long between his meals, therefore to give him something last thing at night to settle any stomach acids or whatever. Therefore, Douglas gets a bowl of porridge very late before he goes to bed, with a spoonful of cod liver oil thrown in, which is good for his coat. He loves it and we have not had the problem since then. So in summary, the state and amount of the poo, i think that is a valid thing to enquire about. Also, I could imagine a professional behaviourist asking (I am not one of these) what is your reaction in the mornings when you discover that she has soiled again? There may be something inadvertent there, some small thing that could be done to get her to change behaviour. It can be a bit pricey, but it may be worth having a chat with a qualified professional if this goes on. Hopefully they could come up with a theory and maybe a good remedy.

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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Kathy Mon Nov 04 2013, 11:56

Do you leave a radio on at night as it may be the noises outside that are upsetting her. Also maybe leave a light on too. What has the vet said regarding this problem ??
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 12:23

Yeahbut that is a brilliant idea!! Her poo is totally normal, solid lump.... It can range to a small amount to a full sized dump. She had awful trouble with her tummy when we got her, she'd poo up to 8 times a day for the first month.. Very runny indeed. Never did it over night though. It's all pretty quiet where we are, noisier over the summer months but in the winter you can hear a pin drop. Will try a radio out =) I can see you're point about the too long between meals. She's not had porridge yet.. I will try her with that, I assume you make it with water?? The vet said we should thank ourselves lucky she's as good as she is... Yes I do agree to most part, but she's not a happy dog when we've come down in the morning. We normally look at her and shake our heads. We will put her out in the garden while we clean up. ( She gets in the way otherwise) Yes, sometimes we are crosser than other times. Not nice stepping bare foot into it, or it being pushed around when we open the kitchen door lol. So we find outside better than keeping her in at that moment. Its just really odd she does this at the same time of year in the same weather conditions. I know we've made her soft.. But surly that's just too soft lol xxxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 12:29

Oh and we are looking into a behavourest for her. She's too good a dog to let her continue like this. The rest of her is damn near perfect.... The only foot she's put wrong is the pooing at night and that's nearly always in the winter. I have noticed she does it when she's about to come into season as well. In fact she'll walk into the room where everyone is, look someone in the eye and does it... Then legs it out the door after and will charge round the garden most happy lol xxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Sazzle Mon Nov 04 2013, 13:18

It does sound to me like she may be scared being left on her own at night, the fact that she does it straight away. Could you crate her upstairs with you?
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 13:26

We'd love to have her upstairs but we really don't have the room. Plus it would be to much temptation for the kids, they'd fight over whose room they'd sneak her into. I will try and think of some ways to keep her happy at night. She had a teddy, she loved him so much she had another phantom pregnancy. She had them all the time for the first 3 months. She can't be spayed either, the last owner said she had a problem with the drugs they gave her when she had a small op before we had her. Will try a radio out first and take it from there xxxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Kathy Mon Nov 04 2013, 13:28

Bustersmaid wrote: She had them all the time for the first 3 months. She  can't be spayed either, the last owner said she had a problem with the drugs they gave her when she had a small op before we had her. Will try a radio out first and take it from there xxxxx
Have you discussed this with your own vet
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Sazzle Mon Nov 04 2013, 13:36

Let us know how you get on x
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Kell Mon Nov 04 2013, 13:37

I can't add to the advice above. The advice is solid and you seem really pro-active in looking for a solution that will work for your little girl.

The only thing I will add, is that it is important to remember that she doesn't mean it to upset you, and definately doesn't poop in the kitchen just to upset you .... there is a reason, but neither of these are it I promise Smile

Being kind, affectionate and patient with the morning poop scoop (despite the frustration) while you work toward modifying this behaviour will benefit both of you in the long run.

Look forward to hearing how some of the things you are trying work out over time Smile
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 04 2013, 16:10

Thank you everyone. Will be sure to let you know how we get on. =D You are of course right, she isn't doing it to upset us... She upsets herself more by doing it sometimes. I thought by having the cat sleeping in with her she'd be less lonely, they do get on very well after all. But alas... Nooo lol. xxxxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by yeahbut Mon Nov 04 2013, 17:54

Hey Bustersmaid, yes porridge is dead easy. It's not cooking at all. Just one measure of the oats, and three of water. If your measure is half a cup, then add one and a half cups of water. Bring to the boil, stirring all the time and let it thicken up. Voila, done. Slop it out (when it's cooled). The point is to give something to calm the stomach, not to provide a massive feed, so you don't need too much.

On the reaction after the misdemeanour, in my own case when Douglas used to do an untimely dump, I did not verbally or visually register anything at all. No reaction whatsoever - no alarm or horror or annoyance. Not saying this is the right thing to do, it is just what I did. I didn't want to clean up in front of him, so gave him some distraction to get him kindly out of the way and out of sight. When I cleaned the area, I used one of those neutraliser sprays that you can get to eradicate the smell of what has occurred - even for the sensitive nose of the dog. Didnt want to make a big deal out of it. But easier said than done, yes? Douglas was only a very part-time pooper. I am really sympathetic with this behaviour that seems to have become a bit more entrenched for your dog. Despite it all, I don't believe she'll be feeling good about this and, in her way, is likely to be quite stressed that it's happening.

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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by stella Mon Nov 04 2013, 18:20

ahh poor girl,i bet she gets very upset with herself,will she go out for a walk in the wind and rain?
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Nov 07 2013, 09:49

Hi all! Just to let you know how we are getting on.

Been leaving a dim light on in the kitchen and giving her porridge before bed... No messing in the night at all, but the weather has been ok,... But something really odd has happened. My normally calm staffy... Has gone BONKERS! hahaha.

She is asking to go out more to play, she throws her toy at me, grabs it and runs for the dog... And repeat =)

She seem's so much happier in herself too, totally full of beans =) I just hope it hold when we get more bad weather.

Stella,  we have real problems getting her out when its wet and/or windy. Its an uphill struggle, pretty much have to drag her or she'll be off home. We have had some wind and rain in the evening, nothing too heavy since the weekend. Will try short walks, or maybe just a play in the garden when it comes in bad again..... She is happier so hopefully with the things we are doing, she'll understand its safe to be outside and do her business =) xxxxx
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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Guest Thu Nov 07 2013, 10:09

That's really great to hear!

Maybe whatever was spooking her has either gone, or she's realised it isn't a problem.

Re: it happening more when she comes into season. Have you thought to speak to your vet about ways to stop the season? There are drugs that can stop it, I believe, although I don't know how effective they are.


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AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!! Empty Re: AGGGGHHHH!! Help!!!

Post by Bustersmaid Thu Nov 07 2013, 15:32

Oh that might be a really good idea!!Yes will talk to him about the pill for dogs =D xxx
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