Not the dominant one!

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Not the dominant one! Empty Not the dominant one!

Post by moussepig Tue Oct 29 2013, 13:21

SO.....after having had our first girly for 7 years, we (as mentioned) decided on another.  They are not too bad, just have moments where it sounds like the little one is going to rip the older ones face off.  The problem I have is 2 fold, 1st, the older dog is just as bad as the puppy as in the puppy will be sat there and the older one will want to go up to her, drops her bone on her face, rubs her toys over her and keeps trying to wash her!  The 2nd is that the older one WILL NOT show the younger she is boss.  Shes always been a silent dog, no moans, barks etc and now even when they younger one has her head almost in her mouth she wont snap.  She has little marks on her where the younger one keeps on at her but she just WILL NOT walk away or show the young one whos in charge!  Im worried that she is going to feel sad about the little one and I don't ant to loose her personality pre pup.

The older one is eating fine, toileting fine, no signs of aggression to any one else - am I panicking over nothing? They do get on well too.

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Not the dominant one! Empty Re: Not the dominant one!

Post by Guest Tue Oct 29 2013, 13:33

I've only ever had one dog but to me things sound normal, how about posting a video? I'm sure some 2+ pooch owners will be along shortly Smile


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Not the dominant one! Empty Re: Not the dominant one!

Post by Kathy Tue Oct 29 2013, 13:36

I've never had two dogs together either, but it sounds like normal behaviour, so long as there are no signs of agression I'm sure they will sort things out for themselves.
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Not the dominant one! Empty Re: Not the dominant one!

Post by moussepig Tue Oct 29 2013, 13:43

I will try and add a video, trouble is when I go in the room they stop and look at me as if im making it up!! OH says to put little one in her cage but Im worried she will start to see the cage as a punishment and act out when she has to go in it when we nip out!
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Not the dominant one! Empty Re: Not the dominant one!

Post by stella Tue Oct 29 2013, 19:20

it sounds like they are getting on well,if your older girl has had enough she will soon let the pup know,just keep your eye on play time and if you think the pup is going over the top stop it,make sure your older girl has some space of her own,so if she wants to she can ,try using a baby gate rather than the crate .
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Not the dominant one! Empty Re: Not the dominant one!

Post by Guest Tue Oct 29 2013, 19:26

Same here never had 2 together but sounds all normal to me.
As Stella said the older one will soon let pup know if she has had enough and supervision a good idea.
May be an idea just to give pup time out in another room not her crate:D 


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Not the dominant one! Empty Re: Not the dominant one!

Post by Guest Tue Oct 29 2013, 19:32

I've not had two dogs at the same time, but it sounds to me that your older dog is being a perfect lady and a perfect surrogate Mum to the little one and you don't have too much to worry about!

You've had excellent advice above, but as always, if anything worries you just come on here and let us talk about it.

You've got two lovely girls Not the dominant one! 3198918699 


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Not the dominant one! Empty Re: Not the dominant one!

Post by lulubell Wed Oct 30 2013, 18:00

IV got two girls now 4 never had one bit of agresion we are the top dogs and they know i

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