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Post by Staffy Wed Apr 27 2011, 08:31

Makes my blood boil.
Read and comment.
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Post by acidrane13 Wed Apr 27 2011, 12:04

lol, Ive seen and heard it so many times now i just ignore it.

Any dog has the potential to be dangerous. Stupid owners=dangerous dogs. As owners of SBT's we do have to acknowledge the fact that our dogs do have the power to cause a lot of damage if their not trained properly.

Im not at all agreeing that these breeds (staffys, rottys, english bull terriers etc) are aggressive by nature, My staff is one of the friendliest dogs ive ever known, and the same said for my girlfriends rotty. But when you have these breeds of dog, if you don't put in the time and effort to train them properly, you can end up with a dangerous dog, and a powerful one at that.

I bumped into a dog trainer at the pub once, and he said 90% of aggressive dogs he deals with are laso apsos, chiwawas and jack russells, Because people think as their small they dont have it in them to be aggressive. The only reason you dont hear about these dogs attacking people is because they dont have the power to case any significant damage. Where as if you get bitten by a staff, a german shepherd or a rotty, your gunna feel it!

Dogs arnt born dangerous, People MAKE them dangerous.

Rant over.

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Post by Guest Wed Apr 27 2011, 12:40

Bloody hell! They say the most dangerous breeds are Bull Terriers & Rottweilers & then go on to list a whole load of people attacked by Akitas & Shar Peis!

It makes your blood boil. When will they ever learn that most dogs are good & gentle when they're born - it's the way they're brought up that makes them bad - all breeds.

One day they'll actually acknowledge that it's the people who own these dogs & haven't brought them up properly that are to blame & deserve prison sentences!


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Post by Guest Wed Apr 27 2011, 12:49

I started up a mobile dog wash about 25 years ago.. ..I washed staffies, pitbulls, rottweillers,dobermans etc......... but I only ever was bitten by all the small rat type dogs..fluffy dogs and poodles!! And one of the swines even gave me an infected finger !!


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Post by janey Wed Apr 27 2011, 18:49

As a kid I was bitten 3 times, not badly and none needed hospital surgery, but 1 was a lab, 1 was the lassie dog (forget the name) and the other was spaniel, the only bite which needed treatment but the bitch was protecting her pups, if the owners had realised this then wouldn't have had the pups in a cage with the mother on the opposite side. It was in a car park, my mum took me to the beach and they had a camper van thing. Soz but if this was a staff, any of them whole hell would break loose.

Its not the dog but the owner as mentioned above x
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Post by Guest Wed Apr 27 2011, 19:44

Caryll wrote:Bloody hell! They say the most dangerous breeds are Bull Terriers & Rottweilers & then go on to list a whole load of people attacked by Akitas & Shar Peis!

It makes your blood boil. When will they ever learn that most dogs are good & gentle when they're born - it's the way they're brought up that makes them bad - all breeds.

One day they'll actually acknowledge that it's the people who own these dogs & haven't brought them up properly that are to blame & deserve prison sentences!

agree with everything said here!


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Post by Guest Wed Apr 27 2011, 22:46

Whilst walking Samson round the estate he's been lunged at and bitten by a Dalmatian, jack Russell, two west highland white terriers Samson just looks at them no response but really i should report it so they end up on useless statistics like these

the thing with stats is you can make them read whatever you want its all in the interpretation of the numbers


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Post by gem Thu Apr 28 2011, 01:17

That is so sad to see them kiddies with there faces ripped open like that .
I dont know the answer but I think we all need to come up with a solution and stop these attacks irrelivant of the breed of dog
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Post by Guest Thu Apr 28 2011, 11:05

As had been said soooo many times before ALL dogs have the potential to be dangerous. The trouble with owning a staff or a rottie or some other big/strong/powerful breed is that of course they will probably end up doing more damage than a handbag dog if they do attack so therefore will get more press. It all comes down to responsible ownership, its just so sad that chavs have taken a liking to our wonderful breed and like to use them as status dogs Crying or Very sad x


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Post by youngkaiser Mon May 02 2011, 21:36

Makes my blood boil too.

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Post by fourstaffs Sun Jun 05 2011, 00:30

makes my soo mad how can ppl be so close mindie have they ever been atacked by a dog i have by boxer when i was 15 and now 12yers laterdo i hate all boxers no i love dogs
hance the fourstaffy i have ,the two bull terrier i had, all after that happend and two say all staffy are killers it drive my mad
my bella was bit 4 times and had to have surgury and alot of stichs anitbiotic she got septcima let me tell you my heart was in my mouth
can we guess what dogs they wher drum roll plz two west highland terriers (as a foot note both dogs are still with owner an mid 60s lady ! 5 moth down the line both dogs off lead and in my back yard andshe dint not fight back i had to pick her up and carry her inside )
end of rant

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Post by ardvark Sun Jun 05 2011, 15:42

fourstaffs wrote:makes my soo mad how can ppl be so close mindie have they ever been atacked by a dog i have by boxer when i was 15 and now 12yers laterdo i hate all boxers no i love dogs
hance the fourstaffy i have ,the two bull terrier i had, all after that happend and two say all staffy are killers it drive my mad
my bella was bit 4 times and had to have surgury and alot of stichs anitbiotic she got septcima let me tell you my heart was in my mouth
can we guess what dogs they wher drum roll plz two west highland terriers (as a foot note both dogs are still with owner an mid 60s lady ! 5 moth down the line both dogs off lead and in my back yard andshe dint not fight back i had to pick her up and carry her inside )
end of rant

Utterly * your poor dog. Our other staff who was a large big black gentle giant got attacked my a husky and also did not fight back intead ran to me! But of course we must be wrong as aren't 'all staffs killers?!' Surprised
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Post by Guest Mon Jun 06 2011, 13:05

Jethro nearly got attacked by a nasty jack russell on the RSPCA Walk a few years ago... they were both on leads and the jack russell lunged at Jethro..snarling and growling..teeth barred..... everyone turned around... saw Jethro and you could tell they all presumed that Jethro had started it... GGRR!!! angry


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Post by ardvark Mon Jun 06 2011, 19:55

Sooooooooooooo annoying Vanessa isn't it grrrrr at those idiots! lol!
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Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 09:47

ardvark wrote:Sooooooooooooo annoying Vanessa isn't it grrrrr at those idiots! lol!

yes it is!
just watched the double dvd of Its Me Or The Dog....and some of the horrible nasty viscious dogs on there.. even biting their owners... and not one of them was a staffy or a pit bull...


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 09:51

its not the dog it's the person who owns the dog


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 08 2011, 10:09

lynne wrote:its not the dog it's the person who owns the dog

I know.... it is unbelievable to watch some of these people and their dogs!! Victoria must go home and say to her hubby "What are these people thinking??!!"


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Post by Guest Mon Jul 04 2011, 07:00

I agree with the fact that it is the owner not the dog and all that... the thing that scares me about these articles is the amount of them that say that this was a trusted family pet who was completely unprovoked and just lunged at the kids face or whatever... do you think the story given to the media was made to say that because the people dont want to admit that they allowed their child to tease and taunt the dog? or do you think its possible for any dog to just snap and attack from nothing...

I couldn't imagine any of my past and present trusted family pets doing that... including my staffy, labrador, golden retriever, corgi, jack russell... .. perhaps the only one may have been our chihuahua, he was a piece of work that one.


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Post by Guest Mon Jul 04 2011, 07:44

I believe that the handlers deserve the blame and not the dog. I'm not sure what the solution would be but if you need a license to drive and own a gun than perhaps you should have a license and be educated before adopting a dog. Of course this wouldn't help solve the overpopulation problem but alot of incidents are caused by ignorance of the person.

I always wonder what causes and incident. There are times where people will provoke a dog by pulling on his tail or throwing a rock at him. As sweet a Suki is I try to keep her away from the small aggressive dogs to avoid an incident. She plays well with alot of the smaller breeds but those dogs have a responsible handler.


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Post by Ayden-J Mon Jul 04 2011, 09:19

like Owen said,any breed is uncle had a cairn terrier that attacked everybody.Jett is the nicest puppy i know and all the other dogs attack him on the field y'know,the little ratty ones like micro yorkies and JRT's
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Post by linzy Mon Jul 04 2011, 12:08

I get the feeling people think I'm being too strict with Violet as she's only small and she does get told off when she gets too boisterous, but in my opinion, I'd rather she knew what is and isn't acceptable as soon as possible (even if she does go on the guilt trip as soon as she gets a row!). I can't even imagine how bad I would feel if someone was hurt because I hadn't trained her properly.
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Post by Guest Mon Jul 04 2011, 13:05

linzy wrote:I get the feeling people think I'm being too strict with Violet as she's only small and she does get told off when she gets too boisterous, but in my opinion, I'd rather she knew what is and isn't acceptable as soon as possible (even if she does go on the guilt trip as soon as she gets a row!). I can't even imagine how bad I would feel if someone was hurt because I hadn't trained her properly.

Alot of the problem stems from people getting as pup for a fashion statement. Once they realize the level of commitment it takes to raise a proper dog they end up putting them in a rescue shelter. As long as they are trained properly and exercised daily they are a most lovely breed.


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Post by linzy Mon Jul 04 2011, 13:19

You're right. I think that a lot of people get a 'butch' dog to improve their image (I'm sure there was a show on bbc about it). I've also noticed a lot of 12 week old pups being advertised for sale - obviously 4 weeks of a mad puppy tearing around is enough to put them off!
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Post by Guest Mon Jul 04 2011, 14:01

We actually waited until Suki was 16 weeks before we brought her home. We missed some of the cute moments but she was around other dogs longer which seems to have gotten her socialized better. I think having this type of breed is best left to the more experienced dog handlers. If properly exercised and trained they are fantastic companions. However, they do test you patience and are a full time job. As long as the handler has the time to invest they are a wonderfull breed. Sadly alot of handlers don't want to invest the time.


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Post by hollymolly Tue Jul 05 2011, 15:14

I actually got asked recently why was i attracted to 'Big Beefy Breeds' .. !! All because i used to own you one of them Devil Dogs !!! (Kruga .. my beautiful Rottweiler) and now iv'e got one of them Bitey Ones !!! (me little Inca who best friend is our neighbours cat !) ...
By the way it wasn't me calling Kruga a 'Devil Dog' & Inca a 'Bitey One' ... it was the stupid nerd asking me... loser
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Post by buster2011 Thu Jul 28 2011, 16:37

worlds gone mad
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Post by Buster Fri Jul 29 2011, 15:57

"All dogs can bite, why are you only picking on Rottweiler’s, Alsatians (German Shepherd dogs), Dobermans (Doberman Pinschers), American Pit Bull Terriers (also known as Pit bulls, American Bull Terriers, Pit Dogs and Pit Terriers), Bull Mastiffs, English Bull Terriers, Japanese Akitas and Staffordshire Bull Terriers etc, etc?" The answers always a very simple one - "When was the last time you heard of a Border Collie, Chihuahua, Cocker Spaniel or Labrador killing a little child??"

Just noticed this bit from the bottom of the page, raging at the persons "answer" the absolute ******* idiot!!
I’ve been pretty much attacked from a stupid little Chihuahua which i eventually had to literally pick it up - still yapping, growling and snapping at me, and throw it into a room and close the door. Now most people you tell that to would laugh, say awww you’re scared of a wee dog LOL
Nah but if a staff done that then god knows what would happen, more than likely be put down!
Cannot believe the naivety, idiocy of people in this world today, I’m 19 and I take care of my staff, correct any bad behavior of his and most certainly never take my eyes off him when ANYBODY is about, never mind a kid, but in all the cases you hear about its still the DOGS fault?
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Post by jhowell44 Thu Aug 11 2011, 12:02

Staffy wrote:

Makes my blood boil.
Read and comment.

so many refrences pointing the finger at staffys,
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Post by MarleyAndMe Wed Sep 21 2011, 21:00

I like how they dont go into detail about the owners and how the owners have problerly trained there dogs to be aggressive which is proberly most likely i now a few hambag dogs near me that would happily have a kids nose off if they bent down to stroke them and these are owned by people who give me funny looks when im walking my staff typical media bulls**t
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