What am I going to do?

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What am I going to do? Empty What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 03:16

I was walking my sister home about half hour ago after she was up mine.
Anyways we were walking down the usual street as we do its pretty narrow, half way down the street this guy jumps out from behind a bin into our path trying to scare us and Taz just launched himself at him, I pulled him back but something stopped me, Taz had him on the arm and I had to tell him to leave and grab a hold of his cheek scruff for him to let go of the guys arm.
It was pitch black not even any street lights so I don’t know if Taz had the guys arm or clothing but when I grabbed a hold of Taz to stop him his mouth was around something wide so I think it was his arm, I checked Taz over for any blood in his mouth but I couldn’t see anything cause it was so dark, by the time I got him there was obviously no blood in his mouth.
I’m shi*ing myself right now, was Taz in the right to protect us or does the law not even bother considering protective attacks anymore? I don’t think the guy knows me other wise he would know like everyone else I’m always with my dogs but if he reports it. I don’t know what to do.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 05:39

Don't know what would happen if he reported the incident to authorities....sorry, can't help there...................but SERIOUSLY what was he thinking jumping out from behind something in the dark of night to scare two girls/ladies and a dog. Some people just don't think.

Hope you and your sister are not too shaken up by the whole thing.

Did the guy say anything to you ???????? What was his reaction??????


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 06:18

far out.. that is a bit scarey
I think most dogs would go in to protection mode when their owner is threatened


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 06:52

That's terrifying! Of course Taz was good to protect you! It's good to know he's willing to do that! Sometimes I think Saxon would just lick anyone who tried to mug me! You never know with the law these days, though. Here in the US, if I were threatened and I sprayed the guy with pepper spray before he physically harmed me, I could get charged with assault!!!


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by scott Fri Apr 22 2011, 08:30

that sounds like madness..........

if it were me and he did report it and it com back to you,and it was not looking good for you id just he he jumped out and try to mug me thats why the dog go for him...

you and your sis word against his....
hope nothing happings,but wot a ding bat doing that at that time in the morning..
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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 08:59

My mates dog did this a few months ago I posted it on here the guy admitted it was his fault and nothing came of it. Hope you and your sister are ok he should not have jumped out at you in the first place.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 13:03

He didn't say anything he just run off it all happened so fast, I know he has "gone for" drunks before now but he has never made contact.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 14:44

Was your sister still with you?

If so, you should both go to the police station (I know you don't like em much!) and give a statement about what happened. When a guy grabbed me and Dempsey bit him the police were very good & privately told me that he deserved it!

If you report it first you'll be off to a good start!


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 14:59

Isn't the risk they could Taz off me a little to high for me to do that.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 15:53

No, I don't think so - he isn't a 'banned' breed, is he? And you had that nice cop who came round to see you that time - why not talk to him?


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 15:57

I don't know if I would file a report. I don't know how it works there, but if they filed a report here it would count as a bite history for the dog. Then if any other incidents happen they would look into the history and say, "Well this dog has a bite history, so this dog is probably at fault." Then again, it's always better for you to make the first move. If you think he would try to report it to the police, then it may be best to file a report first. I don't know, what a difficult situation for you!! I'm so sorry you had to go through this!


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 19:10

Thats a good idea Caryll i think i will speak to that cop and thats the thing I know what the cop said about my lot not looking PB type but thats not what PB breeders have told me so i still worry and i also don't want points on his "record" so to say. I'll give the dog handler a call later i think and jsut see what he says. Bricking it.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Skylas-mom Fri Apr 22 2011, 19:14

Look at it logically.
HE jumped out from behing the bin.
HE tried to scare you.
HE could have been attempting to attack you.Taz didn't know one way or the other,he was doing what any loyal dog would do.
If this bloke files a report he'd be laughed at.The muppet.
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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by sooz225 Fri Apr 22 2011, 19:18

See, its instances like this that makes me carry a hammer down my jeans leg when i have mine outat nite cos i know for a fact jake would roll over and lick the attacker thinkin he was playing!!!!
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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 19:23

I know Taz was in the right but wih the cr*p going on with dog attacks i don't think they would care a dog isn't even allowed to intiidate now apparently never mind bite. He's been on edge all day he's probabilly picking it up off of me. I always say in situation like this its the humans fault no the dog especially if they do what this guy done. my neices come down the allotments to play with the dogs all the time stupid thoughts are going through my head.
Taz adores kids it was only yesterday my youngest nieces dropped her dummy and she held her out her hand trying to get while she in the pram and Taz handed it to her in her hand obviousely she couldn't have that dummy but still.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by sooz225 Fri Apr 22 2011, 19:29

Claire honestly you and taz did nothing wrong, if that eejit complains the police will laff him out the door as has been said by previous posts, honestly, middle of the night and someone jumps at u in the dark, not a chance will anything happen to you or your furbaby xxxx
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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Skylas-mom Fri Apr 22 2011, 20:15

MissRogue wrote:I know Taz was in the right but wih the cr*p going on with dog attacks i don't think they would care a dog isn't even allowed to intiidate now apparently never mind bite. He's been on edge all day he's probabilly picking it up off of me. I always say in situation like this its the humans fault no the dog especially if they do what this guy done. my neices come down the allotments to play with the dogs all the time stupid thoughts are going through my head.
Taz adores kids it was only yesterday my youngest nieces dropped her dummy and she held her out her hand trying to get while she in the pram and Taz handed it to her in her hand obviousely she couldn't have that dummy but still.

Taz didn't attack.He defended.And you KNOW kids are safe around Taz,he's proved he'd lay down his life for his human friends.
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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by sooz225 Fri Apr 22 2011, 20:44

well heres hoping alls well xxx
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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by suzyq505 Fri Apr 22 2011, 20:49

Caryll wrote:Was your sister still with you?

If so, you should both go to the police station (I know you don't like em much!) and give a statement about what happened. When a guy grabbed me and Dempsey bit him the police were very good & privately told me that he deserved it!

If you report it first you'll be off to a good start!

I completely agree with Caryll. Just in case anything were to come of it, you will have your side of the story on record....extra tears never hurt...lol

what a jack *, I really hope my dogs will defend me if need be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad you three are alright!!!!!!!!!
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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Fri Apr 22 2011, 23:57

Well the spoke to Steve the dog handler from before, He said i done the right thing and there has been no reports, the guy was probabilly drunk. He asked where the guy run off too and i told him, and he sent a few officers around to look because there is a lane not fair away and the guy might not of made it home after Taz and he was probabilly drunk So i don't know what going to happen on that end but they said they need to find him.
Steve himself wants to come out wednesday and evaluate Taz wtf does that mean, Taz simply doesn't like strange men he bearly puts up with my brother unless my brother has a ball for him to fetch. I'm not saying he will go for guys on the street but he just completly blanks them. If they push him to see how fair he can be pushed I don't know how he'll react sure enough he might of only done what he done because my sis, myself, cassie and blondy where there i just don't know.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 23 2011, 01:10

When he comes to see Taz, have plenty of treats handy. Give Steve the treats (whether he wants them or not) and force yourself to be calm - take plenty of deep breaths. If you're nervous Taz will pick up on it.

If you have a particular way you like visitors to come in/greet the dogs, then insist that he follows this routine. If he asks why, just say it's all part of his training & you don't want to confuse him by doing something else at this stage.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Sun Apr 24 2011, 12:41

I'm bucking up on training with him taking him out on his own. Yeah i will do that Caryll. Steve called me this morning, they found the guy after, he had four punchure wounds and needed 2 stitch in each....he's not pressing charges he knows it was his fault and he said he has seen me with Taz before and he said Taz he is friendly enough he just thought it would be a "laugh" wtf
Steve said from the guys wounds its obviouse it was a defensive bite because he did not tear only bite but he still wants to go over a few things with me.....I'm dreading it to be honest.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Sun Apr 24 2011, 13:21

I would imagine it's something that they have to do for the paperwork. As I said, stay relaxed & friendly & Taz will pick up on that & should behave himself.


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Post by Guest Sun Apr 24 2011, 13:56

I will thanks Caryll.


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What am I going to do? Empty Re: What am I going to do?

Post by Guest Sun Apr 24 2011, 14:15

The guy thought it would be funny!? What a sicko!! He deserves those wounds for thinking it is funny to jump out at women walking at night!! I'm sure you and Taz will do fine, the police officer sounds like he's already on your side. Good luck!


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