16 months changes...

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16 months changes... Empty 16 months changes...

Post by Guest Fri Sep 13 2013, 15:56

just wonderd if anyone had came across the same problem.. beau is now 16 months and the past 3 weeks every dog he has came across just goes for him, no hello, no play, with beau reacting very aggresive.. to be honest I think beau is bringing a lot of it on himself through his body language and whatever else I thought at first it was because phoebe was walking with us so lately I have been taking him out separetly and it is exactly the same..so while up getting his wormer this morn at vets I mentioned it and first words were get him neuterd, I should have known... but there is something goin on and would like to get to the botom of it..


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16 months changes... Empty Re: 16 months changes...

Post by Maria90 Sat Sep 14 2013, 10:03

Poor Beau, not too sure what could be wrong as I have never experienced this before, but I'm sure someone will be able to give better advice soon Smile x
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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