Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by BelleR Tue Jul 23 2013, 10:18

Just a question to all staffie/pitty moms and dads.

Are your dogs met with hostility at every turn? I was walking Zeva awhile ago in a park (on a leash) and she got excited about another doggy a little way away. She took off towards him in a very non aggressive way (pulling me along for the ride) and stopped about 3m short of the other dog, lay down and pawed the ground asking them to come play. The other dogs owner (the dog was an adult Alsatian) pulled her dog away so hard he started choking and screamed at me like a mad woman about how dare I bring that vicious thing anywhere near decent people and it should be shot on sight and I should be arrested. Now please bear in mind, Zeva had not growled, barked or shown any aggression, she had not even jumped close to the dog or her owner.

I simply told her her ignorance is showing and walked away. I was really angry by that. Kids gets yanked out her path, dogs shouted at for coming near her and she is the most gentle animal on earth. She doesn't even look mean, so I don't get it?

Those stupid people with their little yappy stoop poopers are more likely to be bitten by their mutts than we are by our "aggressive" monsters.

I am still angry by the whole incident!
Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Age : 45
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Dogs Name(s) : Zeva & Zulu & Zeus & Zoro
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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Re: Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by jshrew Tue Jul 23 2013, 10:46

A bit of an overreaction from the Alsatian owner but I can kind of understand her getting upset/unnerved. I have had friendly playful dogs literally drag their owners towards me, it made me nervous that the dog was out of control and puts Ledger on edge, one Newfoundland pup got too close too quick and wasn't reacting to Ledgers 'back off' signals so Ledger snapped at the other dogs nose

I know Ledger needs his space he has a low tolerance of rude dogs, he will be polite and sniff in the right situation but he isn't really interested in being invited to play

I am lucky to be in a pro staffy area but I want it to be my choice to introduce my dog and I will keep Ledger from other unknown dogs/owners for the same reason don't take it all personally some kids are petrified of dogs some parents are hyper protective and will be acting the same with any breed, I get more hacked off at the parents who allow their kids up to us without asking
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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Re: Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by BelleR Tue Jul 23 2013, 11:04

She was never out of control just pulling me along and so the owners reaction was really over the top, its wasnt like I was screaming and yelling and panicked about he fact she was heading to another animal or child. She literally would not hurt a fly - she even plays with my rats.

Yes I get VERY angry when kids come running up and try touch the dog and the parents get snotty when you tell the child not to touch, once I actually told the mother, sure next time I will let my dog bite her in the face (not that she would but they don't know that and thats the point) - some kids even try pick up my Yorkie - and that angers me - he will snap at faces and hands.
Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 45
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Dogs Name(s) : Zeva & Zulu & Zeus & Zoro
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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Re: Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by Keith Tue Jul 23 2013, 12:00

Not often, in truth.

Whenever we see another dog, she goes into a sit, then a lie down, which is quite a submissive position. She does this of her own accord.

As she remains calm, my foster dogs usually take cues from this behaviour and either stand nicely or sit themselves.

So, there's not much to criticise.

On the odd occasion she's off-lead and a dog bounds up to her, I recall her and clip her lead on.

TBH, apart from someone telling me she was "one of them pig-faced dogs" (she's partly English Bull terrier), I can't remember any hostility or ignorance.

With my fosters, which are almost always staffies, they stay calm from her cues, which doesn't really give anyone any ammo to complain.

Funnily enough, the only two times I can remember negative body language from owners recently has been when mine have been off-lead say 50 metres from other dogs also off-lead, and I've recalled them to my side and said: "walk on".

Both times, it's been GSD owners who have suddenly changed from being comfortable with their dog being the "he man" of the park in the presence of JRTs, collies and the like, and have rushed to grab their dogs, then start distancing themselves while yanking the dogs.

To me, that's negative reinforcement which their dogs will pick up on, but hey ho.

I actually do get no end of people stopping me on the way to the park for a chat - whether they have dogs or not - usually to ask how I get a dog to walk 12 inches from my ankle on a slack chain. Smile 
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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Re: Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by Kathy Tue Jul 23 2013, 12:20

Sorry to hear that you have encountered such a bad reation to your dog, some people are just ignorant. Mostly I have had very good reactions to Rocky he just loves everyone anyway, so long as he trusts the other dog owner he will trust the dog with them.
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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Re: Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by Guest Tue Jul 23 2013, 12:54

It amazes me how many people can't read simply dog body language. You would of thought that someone who also has a power breed would be a bit more clued up


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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Re: Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by BelleR Tue Jul 23 2013, 13:03

Dogs are fashion accessories these days, not pets
Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Loyal Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Age : 45
Location : Cape Town
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Zeva & Zulu & Zeus & Zoro
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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Re: Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by Sazzle Tue Jul 23 2013, 13:05

I have never come accross anything like that, not sure I'd of been able to keep a straight face! Laughing Silly ignorant people!
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Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!  Empty Re: Aggressive Monsters - aka Staffies and Pitts!

Post by Maria90 Tue Jul 23 2013, 15:03

Definitely silly and ignorant, and it is their loss of being so ignorant over a beautiful breed they clearly know nothing about!
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