Allotments finally completed

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Allotments finally completed Empty Allotments finally completed

Post by Guest Sat Apr 02 2011, 22:15

As i said it is finally completed nothing can get in or out unless they have the key, I'v worked really hard on the bugga and its finally done just got a clean up to do now but atleast i don't have to worry about the dogs anyway even if it is only 2 minute seperations while i run and do something. Anyways i chucked the dogs in the allotment went and grab a few bottles of water walking back down, there were these two officers looking into the allotments as i was coming closing they turned around then i seen the capitals letters RSPCA awesome uh, i couldn't help but smile i really hate those guys alot, chucked the water over the gate then they said oh these are yours dogs are they I said yeah, they said are you aware they have no food or water (IDIOTS) I said well they'v been feed and i got the water here and they'v only been down here two minutes i'm pretty sure they can go two minutes without a drink. Then they decided to share the fact that someone reported animal cruelty going on apparently i set my dogs onto my chickens and dogs onto other dogs as well, they also said i see the chickens are out with the dogs are you aware you are endangering the chickens lives with these type of dogs (WTF I could of smacked unqualified moron there and then) they really don't have a clue do they anyways i said the dogs have been brought up around chickens and many other prey animal type and their soft as sh*t he then mentioned Blondy's look alike to a PBT i was fumming by this point and Taz must of noticed because he came up barking and growling at the officers they asked if he was aggressive i said no he only warns, then they asked what i meant and i had to spread it out in detail with small words for their small little minds that he only warns as in if people are some distance away and walking closer he will growl or bark but once they are within 5-4 feet or if i tell him too he just ignores them he asked if he can come into the allotments to check the chickens I said no he asked why i said i don't like your organisation and i don't like you there is no animal cruelty going on here your welcome to stand here all day and witness that but your not stepping foot inside unless you get a warrent, they wrote a few things down on a piece of paper and walked off basically and i went about cleaning up.
I'v never like the RSPCA and i think i made it quite clear to them today so i don't think they will be visiting again because they have no probable cause, I know all their rules and rights and i beat them at it everytime most of time i only have to give them my name and they call lyn (another officer) and they leave with their tail between their legs.
Anyways YAY for completly the allotments also i don't think Blondy is going to make her spaying op i think she is coming into season no swelling but Cassie has been acting up around her (humping) well atleast trying to before i step in but she is being very dominant also Taz is now spraying over Blondy's urine.


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Allotments finally completed Empty Re: Allotments finally completed

Post by gem Sat Apr 02 2011, 23:42

Oh dear ive never had any dealings really with them but I wasnt really happy cause I did report a little dog who wasnt being looked after near me they asked me loads of questions and said they would look into it and contact me back but they never did and the little dogs life never changed so I reported it again but nothing was ever done.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member

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Allotments finally completed Empty Re: Allotments finally completed

Post by Guest Sun Apr 03 2011, 00:46

I have to agree with you, Claire, the RSPCA are often quite useless!

Glad you've got the allotments nice & secure now!


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