The pupsters and a quick update!

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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Guest Wed Jun 12 2013, 23:15

Sooo, again, I haven't been on for a while! I've been super busy with college finals, I actually finish tomorrow! Woohoo! I have to catch up on some amendments though :(haha. Anyways, enough about me! Although I've been offline, I've still been reading all the diaries and looking through all the galleries at everyone's lovely woofdogs! There's been some cracking pictures posted on here, and the facebook website thumbs up

So now it's been a week or two since Charlie pup A.K.A Charles, (when he's being a good boy Wink), has joined the family. It's safe to say he's a bit dim, and looks like he hasn't really experienced anything! He was a bit of a nightmare on the first few walks, jumping up and chewing the lead (which I changed for a chain one in case he broke free Laughing) and he would lunge up at people and pull incredibly badly to get to them! He'd then get into a right state, cry and roll all over the floor moaning and would end up humping my leg very aggressively in the street!! I dont want to s  This was rather mortifying as my little baby Ebony sat patiently and watched as her big little brother was going havoc! Thankfully being the brilliant dog she is, I could put her lead down while she sat there watching so I could sort Charles out! After a few days of this, slowly getting better he's pretty much near perfect now Big Grin  He can still get a bit excited when he see's people, just very waggy and looks interested but he walks to heal now, and will also patiently wait by road sides until I say it's okay for them to cross - which I'm almost 100% sure he wouldn't have learnt as quick without Ebony by our side. I think having another dog who knows the boundaries of inside and out side the house has really helped him develop. He's a little devil dog when it comes to eating things though! at wits end  He truly is a nightmare, anything and I truly mean ANYTHING he can fit in his mouth he will eat (even things too big he'll have a good go!), he even got the drain cover out of the garden and ran round the garden with it happily today! It seems like his owners had just thrown him anything to eat as I've found him with 10ps in his mouth before, he'll dive on crisp wrappers, he'll try to eat bricks, plant pots, we had a KFC the other day and dad threw my straw to me and he dived on it to eat it and he's even had a good go at MY UNDIES!! Thankfully he's a good boy and if you straddle him you can open his mouth and take out whatever naughty things he has in there without any fuss. He also used to get incredibly excited when people came round, he'd jump up and mouth them and cry and just generally went crazy - which Ebony used to do but now she sits there and wags her tail super fast Laughing  He's slowly getting out of that bad habit now though which is good, he tends to just stand there wagging till you stroke him which is a big improvement. I haven't got round to working on his recall that much yet, but from what it seems if you have any treat or ball he'll come bounding back which is a good start (I've only been out with his long line 2-3 times) and he does follow Ebony back; as good as that is, I want him to respond to his name, not a ball or treat or follow Ebony so that's still a work in progress but he's getting there on that too Smile  He's surprisingly well behaved when he's left alone though, considering how he chews everything he hasn't destroyed or left anything out of place while left alone with his blankie in the kitchen with the door shut! Soon I think he's going to be able to be left out with Ebony Smile  He can't tell you when he wants to go out to the toilet which is a bit of a problem though, and he doesn't seem to remember words such as "walkies" "sweeties" "in/out" "garden" "bed" and he doesn't know what to do with blankets either, which is quite weird since he just looks at you blankly while Ebony is darting round the house Laughing  He'll get there though! He's messed in the house twice since he's been here, which I'm very proud about since that's all he's done and it was his first day left alone! Over all he's settled in nicely and him and Ebony are as thick as thieves! He can currently do Paw (both hands), Sit, Down, Stay and Leave so that's all good progress considering the size of his brain is very closely size related to a pea (so it seems) Laughing  He doesn't appear to be able to show that he loves you very well either, as he'll just stand there looking at you like he wants to get on the sofa and cuddle but he won't get on no matter how much you encourage him but if you get off and pick him up he loves it, covers you in kisses and walks all over you then falls asleep - so that also needs a bit of work bless him, I'm thinking it may just be because he's a bit weak as he can't always get on the bed either. Besides him being a bit of a handful, he really has settled in like a champ, especially considering his previous life. He's slowly started gaining his weight back on him, he made a lot of progress but about a week ago but randomly started throwing up pretty violently and had lost all his condition and weight so it was basically back to square one as he was wretching and being sick all night Sad  Probably all the crap he'd eaten over a period of time though since he hasn't done it since. Anyways, there's a quick little update, and now it's picture and video time - YAY! Big Grin

These were taken a few days ago; you can imagine how thin he was in the kennels while he was none stop moving, he actually had bigger meals in the kennels than he does at home with me since he isn't as active. This is quite an improvement too Sad
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6228_zps90f43d4b
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6230_zps73f17f23
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6231_zpsfd2c44f1
Favorite place to be:
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6221_zps5aa43f00
Here you can see how he holds his back legs when he stands too long, they sort of bend in a shake Sad
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6223_zps5da798a1
Sleepy pup:
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6238_zps0e3f39a6
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6237_zpse1560f83
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6240_zps799664aa
We can see you taking pictures mom, gosh.
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6278_zps93513f58
C'mon Charles, lets get back to sleep!
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6279_zps8477844b
Wait, lets get a quick best pal close up! Big Grin
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6280_zps6bd4aead
How about a standing pose too?
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6277_zpsa986a0bd
And relax... I love holding your paw Eb Love Struck
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6281_zpsbec097c2
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6287_zps4a99439c

How I found them laying last night after being VERY quiet upstairs (notice his weight gain Wink)...
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6307_zpsfeb5b11d
Eb thinks Charlie is a very good bed:
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6318_zps21695197
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6322_zps7c293fdf
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6326_zps34456b90
Some garden pictures of them together - he looks so much healthier now Love Struck
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2317_zpsa8884d46
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2319_zps264b23d3
How about more pictures of me mom? You have lots of Eb angel
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2322_zps19d6d55e
Okaaaay, I'll be good this time mommy Rolling Eyes
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2324_zpse2536fd0
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2323_zpscf89e737
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2326_zps09848422
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2327_zps729b3b46
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2331_zps10c84be4
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2333_zps95a23999
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2334_zps6da4a585
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2335_zps4f7b692e
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2336_zps0f0d42ca
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2338_zps6039489d
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2313_zps1e7741f6
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2314_zpsea7eb8db
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2316_zpseb5e46e2
New harness buddies:
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2341_zpsfff4df24
Same faces Wink
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2342_zpsf717177c
At the kennels posing for me:
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6109_zpsd0c33f38
Getting a treat:
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6110_zps4c82f104
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6108_zpsb76bbd5c
Running to mommy!
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6107_zpsc602adb6
And lastly, my gorgeous puppies posing (my avatar) I hope you enjoyed! Big Grin
The pupsters and a quick update! DSCF2325_zpsfce7c629


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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Ticklymac Thu Jun 13 2013, 00:58

Glad everythin is goin well for you, he's gorgeous! Looks like him an Ebony get on great! He's lucky to have her to show him the way, think most the time Diesel just leads Leroy astray lol
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Guest Thu Jun 13 2013, 03:03

Great update Big Grin Glad to hear he is settling in well.. Lovely pics they are both gorgeous Love Struck


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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Guest Thu Jun 13 2013, 06:29

Charlie looks great and he and Eb really look like best of friends Love Struck


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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Guest Thu Jun 13 2013, 07:56

Great update Cody, fab pics, looks like they're really getting along, Eb is darcy's twin I'm sure Big Grin


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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Mandz Thu Jun 13 2013, 08:56

What amazing pictures. It's so nice to see them best of friends!!
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Guest Thu Jun 13 2013, 09:05

Gorgeous pics Cody and great to see how well they get on. I guess I have to share my love for Ebs with Charles aswell not hard he is a beauty.Love Struck


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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Guest Thu Jun 13 2013, 09:15

Lovely update! Sounds like he's settled in well and your doing really well with his training :-bdGorgeous piks, they look like they're bestest of friends Smile


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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Kathy Thu Jun 13 2013, 10:31

Ahhh Cody, thanks for the lovely collection of pics there and the up date, very pleased to hear that Charlie is settling in well with you and you haven't had too many accidents.
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Nosipho Thu Jun 13 2013, 13:30

I absolutely love him! He looks like such a sweet fun dog. Do you think there is some boxer in there somewhere?

This is my fave!
The pupsters and a quick update! IMG_6278_zps93513f58
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by stella Thu Jun 13 2013, 18:39

such gorgeous pictures of them both Love Struck,glad its all going well with them,he certainly looks healthy now he is with you,thanks for all the great pics Big Grin
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Guest Thu Jun 13 2013, 20:37

Great update and pictures.
Love the ones of Ebony sitting on the sofa with legs apart Laughing


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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Sazzle Thu Jun 13 2013, 21:33

Great update, love the pics of them together, looks like they love each other loads Love Struck
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by CaraElizabeth Fri Jun 14 2013, 04:25

Thanks for the wonderful update! Glad to hear he is settling in so well! Smile Good job to you both!
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by pag Fri Jun 14 2013, 10:02

They look like close buddies.. well done.Smile
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Lordelpme Fri Jun 14 2013, 11:57

Absolutely wonderful. Every single picture had me smiling and going "awwwww", they are wonderful babies. Well done. 

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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by KarenGoodall Fri Jun 14 2013, 12:55

Loved reading that... well done to Ebony for being such a great example!!  Fantastic update.Laughing
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by Kell Fri Jun 14 2013, 15:13

Great update Cody The pupsters and a quick update! 833335 

Happy to hear that Charlie is settling in well.. he is looking healthy and happy Smile Love the pics of both of them together .. the last two especially
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The pupsters and a quick update! Empty Re: The pupsters and a quick update!

Post by otisthestafford Fri Jun 14 2013, 23:18

Cracking pictures Smile Nice to hear Charlie is settling in well
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