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misunderstanding Empty misunderstanding

Post by Ticklymac Sat Jun 01 2013, 02:18

As usually Leroy was standin barkin at Diesel coz she had a stagbar an he wasnt interested in the other 2 just the one she had so I went to put him out the room an he went for me! I got such a fright an just stood there in such shock an shouted "no" an looked very disapprovingly at him, he almost instantly backed down and started cryin an lookin at me with the "am sorry" puppy eyes. I sent him to his bed an left him there for a while until I let him come say sorry, but I dunno whether to b worried he went for me or thankful that he realised the error of his ways an started cryin?! I know it was probs jst coz he was wound up, but am still feelin rather cautious....
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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by Kell Sat Jun 01 2013, 04:18

Unfortunately I haven't had any experience with this, someone who has will be along to offer you some information and advice shortly though Smile
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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by CaraElizabeth Sat Jun 01 2013, 04:30

Unfortunately I don't have any experience with this either! However I do think you should be concerned if he "went for you". If by "went for you" you mean he bit you in an aggressive way? By the sounds of it, it sounds like he was being territorial over the stag bar? This is something you need to teach him is not acceptable, you don't want to be constantly worrying that if you need to take his food, treat, or toy away for whatever reason that he is going to get aggressive with you! Sorry I can't offer much more advice but I'm sure someone with more experience than me will be a long to help you soon!
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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by Guest Sat Jun 01 2013, 07:47

I agree with Cara - although I don't think you need to worry, he did after all realise he'd done wrong & I very much doubt if it was more than a bit of an air snap, you probably do need to reinforce the rules.

Every so often Dempsey will have a little snappy growl at one of the family (not me) and he has to be told off, but then he gets all waggy & silly & knows he shouldn't have done it.

Don't allow jealousy/possessiveness to creep in - either make sure they both have something, or make sure that each knows they mustn't take things off of the other.


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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by Guest Sat Jun 01 2013, 08:48

I agree with ^^^above, he's realised straight away that it's unacceptable, try not to be anxious as he may pick up on it, back to basics and letting him know what is/is not acceptable will help him. Good luck:) Here's a hug for you >Big Grin<


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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by pag Sat Jun 01 2013, 09:33

I've never had this to deal with either, but I'm of the belief that you should be able to take anything away from you dog.. even his food without fear of being bitten.. I practise this with molly all the time and she has never been bothered about it. Try practicing it to get them used to it, you don't want it happening again. Probably just got carried away in the moment though. He was probably as shocked as you were.
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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by reuben Sat Jun 01 2013, 11:02

Have to agree with Pag.
I know some people can't see the reason for EVER taking a dog's food away, but with every dog I've ever owned, from day one I put their food down, then make them wait a couple of seconds before being allowed to eat. Once they begin to eat I will take the food away, just for a moment, then return it. THe dog then realises that you are not going to deprive it of it's food and a certain trust results. Same thing with bones, toys etc. and have never had a food posessive or food aggressive dog.
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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by Guest Sat Jun 01 2013, 12:28

I assume by "you went to put him out" you went to grab him by the collar?

You startled him and he reacted, end of. But he knows that it was wrong. Just use your voice next time.


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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by Ticklymac Sat Jun 01 2013, 14:38

Yeh hayley I went to grab him by the collar after I called him a few times and got ignored. Sometime I forget he is a rescue with an unknown background, so used to Diesels softness an then it feels like Leroy has always been here instead of just a few months.
Think there is sum confusion goin on though, as Leroy is fine when I take his food or a toy away(altho we'r still workin on him "leaving" things), he didnt have the stagbar Diesel did an he was barkin at her coz he wanted it.

By "went for me" - he didnt actually bite me, he snarled an lunged a bit but I moved back instantaneously

Last edited by Ticklymac on Sat Jun 01 2013, 14:50; edited 1 time in total
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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

Post by Ticklymac Sat Jun 01 2013, 14:48

Caryll wrote:

Don't allow jealousy/possessiveness to creep in - either make sure they both have something, or make sure that each knows they mustn't take things off of the other.

yeh we'r working on this at the mo, thats why I was removing him from the room to show it wasnt acceptable, if he starts barkin/whinnin he gets total "no" an if he goes an gets his own toy/goes an lies down or comes an sits by us he gets praised.... But if the barking continues he gets put in a time out.
Staffy-Bull-Terrier VIP Member
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misunderstanding Empty Re: misunderstanding

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