It's Like He Knows

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It's Like He Knows Empty It's Like He Knows

Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 20:52

Loki's been annoying me all day. I mean, it's the most badly-behaved he's been since he was a puppy. Constantly trying to throw the pillows around, barking and growling at me to get me to play, even trying to mess with the wires! I'm sure he knew it was his birthday yesterday and he decided to act like Peter Pan and hate growing up Rolling Eyes well I'm sorry, but he's not acting like a puppy forever, I can't be dealing with that Laughing. To top it all off, I've been feeling sick all day, so while everyone else's dogs give them cuddles when they're sick, I get the twerp that takes advantage of it. I love him, but sometimes I do wonder how I haven't strangled him yet, like Homer Simpson Laughing


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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by kelpie Fri May 10 2013, 21:04

Aw poor you Tara, Hope you feel better soon... If it's any consolation,Rolo has been acting the nut job clown today, and even worse this evening ! He's been purposely digging under my old dogs bed and turfing him out, whilst there he hides his stag bar....then once the old boy is settled, Rolo annoy's the poop out of him till he moves again.. at wits end . If he's bored with that game, then it's on to how do I get Mum's attention.. it's been never ending. Must be something in the air today. Hopefully Loki will be a good boy tomorrow >Big Grin<
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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Sazzle Fri May 10 2013, 21:09

Daisy was the same when I was poorly, like you, I though she's snuggle up with me but no no!! Bless you, hope you feel better soon >Big Grin<
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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by janey Fri May 10 2013, 21:23

Hope you feel better soon, I couldn't cope with a youngster, much prefer mine mature Smile Its a phase and will pass Xx
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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 21:30

Hope you feel better soon Tara! >Big Grin< Sorry to say it but... This post made me laugh a little bit Blushing just thinking about the videos of him and then images of him flinging the pillows round Laughing I hope he calms down so you can get settled though! I'm sure it's just a phase since he had such a fab birthday and he doesn't want it to end Big Grin


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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 21:33

Thanks, I do feel a bit better and he's chilled out now, but god it's been a stressful day, he hadn't been this bad in MONTHS. He's not a sympathetic dog Laughing


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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Ben Fri May 10 2013, 21:42

Feel better! They sometimes do this stuff... bouncing on my head at 4 AM when I got to bed a few hours earlier. Yeah, ask me how I know...
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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 22:02

Laughing poor loki. maybe he thinks every day is a party


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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 23:04

Laughing little bugger, it's a good job he's cute
Hope you feel better soon >Big Grin<


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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 23:11

Feel well again soon Tara, but I must admit I giggled a bit a the naughty Loki, he's such a cutie, I can't imagine him being naughty Smile


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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Guest Sat May 11 2013, 00:49

No, he looks too nice to think he can be naughty, but it used to be a good 95% of his existence Laughing today was just dreadful but he's fast asleep now. Tomorrow he's getting the longest walk I can handle and hopefully he'll be good after that.


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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Sazzle Sat May 11 2013, 00:57

Yeah tired him out, best way!!
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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by jo garnett Sat May 11 2013, 08:29

I broke my foot just before Christmas and was on crutches and my husband had to go away on a course for a week. Lola and Chloe were SOOOOOOOOOO naughty for the whole week he was away. They are allowed everywhere but the sofa and that week they got on the sofa every morning and would not get off!! They ran out of the front door and took themselves to the park TWICE! AND pee'd inside. They definitely take advantage when you're poorly Rolling Eyes
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It's Like He Knows Empty Re: It's Like He Knows

Post by Guest Sat May 11 2013, 09:06

we decided a few weeks ago that puppyhood actually runs through until they are 18 months as until then their activities are limited , so 6 months to go yet Tara Big Grin


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