Frankie's been a superstar!

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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Mandz Tue May 07 2013, 15:25

So having worked all weekend today's been the first day me and pooch have been able to enjoy the sun. I decided to take him to his favourite place. It's an amazing place to walk, you walk along the river but it has sand either side so he can paddle (he refuses to swim!) and all along the river is a huuuuuuge field that has cows and horses grazing, and they don't take a blind bit of notice of dogs running near them. So I packed up a bag and off we went. Frankie was on his long line And I honestly can't believe how good he was. Normally every person he sees he has to say hello to an if he sees another dog he either puts the anchors on and stares, or pulls my arm off to say hello. If he's on the lead and a dog off led runs into him he panicks and growls. But none of this today. Every person he saw he walked straight past and ignored and every dog he saw or came near him he ignored and looked straight at me. Other than one dog who had a muzzle on who kept hanging around in the water, but it was like it waited for frankies permission to say hello. They said there hellos and frankie moved on! Every time I called him within a second he reacted, this never happens!!!! He had dogs, people, cows, horses and geese to distract him but he was so focused on me! This might not of been the case off lead, but were getting there. He spent the whole time in the water and his tail didn't stop wagging once! I didn't manage to get many pictures because I didn't have enough hands, but here's the ones I did get. Sorry for waffling but I'm such a proud mum!!!
Frankie's been a superstar!  Image_zps07480537
Where's my stick gone mum?!
Frankie's been a superstar!  Image_zps186de4cd
Frankie's been a superstar!  Image_zpsc1388e2a
Frankie's been a superstar!  Image_zps15252dee
The cows getting in on the act
Frankie's been a superstar!  Image_zps75545d8e
Are we going now?
Frankie's been a superstar!  Image_zpsda7b569a
A tired pup
Frankie's been a superstar!  Image_zps60748538

"Top Rank" Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Frankie's been a superstar!  Top_ra10

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Age : 33
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Dogs Name(s) : Frankie
Dog(s) Ages : 2
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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Tue May 07 2013, 15:27

Aw, bless him Smile Glad he had a good time! Tongues


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Tue May 07 2013, 15:40

No need to apologise, it's great to hear of people and their dogs enjoying themselves and especially great when progress has been made. You must be very proud of Frankie and of yourself, sounds like a huge improvement Big Grin great pics too, he's looking beautiful and happy.


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Tue May 07 2013, 15:46

Aww great pics, glad you had a great time Smile


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Tue May 07 2013, 16:00

Frankie looks like he really enjoyed himself. He is looking good great pics Big Grin


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by mickgill Tue May 07 2013, 16:25

Looks like he had a great day great pics as well Smile
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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Sazzle Tue May 07 2013, 18:53

Awww you should be proud, he's looking gorgeous too Big Grin
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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by stella Tue May 07 2013, 18:58

lovely pics,glad you both had a good time Big Grin
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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Tue May 07 2013, 19:00

Fab piks! Looks like you both had a lovely time Smile


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Tue May 07 2013, 19:42

Aw that is brilliant. Great he'll go into the water too. Looking well in these pics Smile


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Tue May 07 2013, 19:42

That's brilliant! Like the pics, looks like a really great place to walk a dog. thumbs up


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Tue May 07 2013, 22:52

Great pics and glad it went so well Big Grin


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Carltl Tue May 07 2013, 22:57

Well done Frankie, gald you had a good time Big Grin
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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Kell Tue May 07 2013, 23:21

Well done to Frankie Smile

Great pics and glad to hear you both had a good time
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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by janey Tue May 07 2013, 23:26

Wonderful pics and a great update Smile
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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Kathy Wed May 08 2013, 09:46

That looks like a lovely place to have some fun splashing around in the water, great way to cool off Smile
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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Wed May 08 2013, 20:02

Great pics, nothing better than the look of a tired out staffy. He is such a cutie


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Thu May 09 2013, 11:01

Yaaaayy well done Frankie! thumbs up it's great when you get a break through like that so well done to the both of you Big Grin great pictures too, he looks very happy in the water!


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Frankie's been a superstar!  Empty Re: Frankie's been a superstar!

Post by Guest Fri May 10 2013, 02:51

Great pics looks like he had a lot of fun Big Grin


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