visiting family

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visiting family Empty visiting family

Post by Guest Thu Apr 25 2013, 11:43

last night my niece (15) and nephew (7) came to visit, and i was so proud of darcy Smile she was playing tug of war with my niece quite strongly but wouldn't pull when my nephew held the toy, he is a little diddy thing and she could of easily pulled him over, but she wouldn't. Much to my nephews disgrace he wanted her to play with him. Laughing

on monday next week, my mum and I are minding my 12week old nephew, how do i handle this with darcy, any advice would be greatly recieved, thanks in advance. thumbs up


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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Guest Thu Apr 25 2013, 11:44

That's great to hear she is so well behaved.

She sounds like she is very trustworthy and should manage fine Smile


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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Kathy Thu Apr 25 2013, 11:50

When my nephew comes to visit he and Rocky always get along just fine, my nephew is 11 now.

There maybe some very useful information in the link below:
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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Kathy Thu Apr 25 2013, 11:53

Very sorry I misread your post and now see your nephew is 12 weeks old not years.

Obviously make sure the young one is never left alone with Darcy, as I'm sure you would never leave a child alone with any dog anyway. They should be fine.
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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Guest Thu Apr 25 2013, 11:53

As long as someone is there to supervise it should be fine. I'd make sure to walk her before the first introduction though so she is calm. Most of the times they know when to be gentle though and are great with kids so I wouldn't worry.


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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Guest Thu Apr 25 2013, 12:14

Aww well done Darcy, sounds like she is great with kids Smile


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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Sazzle Thu Apr 25 2013, 13:01

Glad it went well and I'm sure it will do next week too Big Grin

No advise I'm afraid as never been around a baby with Daisy!!
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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Guest Thu Apr 25 2013, 13:50

Can't give any advice but agree with what's been said. Brilliant to hear she's so good with the family, I wish Loki was; he's still trying to jump all over my old, sick uncle, the idiot Laughing


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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Guest Thu Apr 25 2013, 21:51

Thanks guys Big Grin


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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by ashy Wed May 01 2013, 01:37

Staffs tend to be gentle around babies BUT
as stated before walk them beforehand.Our boys are told to go to there basket when changing our boys nappy.They are never left alone but I like them to interact with our son as he has got older.he was 1 1/2 years old when we got our first staffy.

12 weeks old is a different ball game but allow the dogs to say hello etc under close supervision.
Callum has an unbelievable close bond with our staffs and they love each other very much

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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Charlene_Frank Wed May 01 2013, 14:43

I have my 7 month old nephew Ryan over every Thursday for tea and then he stays 1 Friday a month, and has done since he was 3 weeks old, thankfully my two are great with him.
Couple of things I tend to do though just to make sure Frank and T don’t feel pushed aside.

When Ryan first comes in I try not to fuss over him, he is put in his wee chair for Frank and T to say hi, then I praise them for being good and they get a treat, then I speak to Ryan.

If I’m leaving the room Frank and T come with me, its easier to remove them from the room and know Ryan will be safe in the doggy/kiddie proofed room than to take him and chance upsetting him. This includes nipping to the toilet lol.

I don’t allow Ryan to crawl in to their Cages, that’s their area to get away from us, much like they aren’t allowed in Ryan’s Carry Cot.

My Tara is petrified when Ryan cries she goes and hides, not sure if its a trigger from her past or if she just doesn’t like it, so I do try to ease her with treats when he throws a little tantrum.

Basically I try to play down how excited I get when Ryan is there, because I never want Frank and Tara to feel like pushed out. i get the whole chain of command thing with pets, but they are my babies!

Good Luck, I’m sure Darcy will be the prefect co-host!

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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by janey Wed May 01 2013, 17:26

Thats nice to read, Moo had to put up with my nephews recently, 2 & 3 ish and not a clue how to act around dogs, but they are great (dogs not the nephews) so patient ............. Smile
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visiting family Empty Re: visiting family

Post by Guest Wed May 01 2013, 18:54

Darcy was the perfect host, I couldn't have been more proud Big Grin


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