Diary of Bo-Jangles

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Injured Diary of Bo-Jangles

Post by Clare/Joe Wed Apr 03 2013, 02:34

It is Wednesday 3rd April 2013, 1.45am, I cannot get to sleep, as today is the day that my family and I bring our puppy home for the every first time. He is such a dear little thing. We have bought so much doggy things for him, and we have even re-arranged our home in order for him to be warm and comfortable.

I am new to this website, really new, I joined with in the last few hours, I am beginning to learn my way around and I shall look forward to updating you on Bo-Jangles' progress each day. I shall of course be gushing all the information on our puppy, I shall apologise in anticipation for this, I just cannot help myself.

Kind regards,
Clare. x

Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 58
Location : Paignton, Devon
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bo-Jangles
Dog(s) Ages : 7 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2013-04-02
Support total : 0
Posts : 43

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Injured Bo's Home

Post by Clare/Joe Wed Apr 03 2013, 19:46

Big Grin We brought Bo-Jangles home, he was so good during the car drive home. He has settled in really well. I hope he is not to upset when it is bed time and he is on his own, of course I shall be with him during the night if he is upset.

He has had one feed so far, and has slept and played throughout the afternoon, he has also started to investigate his surroundings.

I have taken plenty of photos` of him with my family, I shall post them in the album.

Till tomorrow, Clare. x
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 58
Location : Paignton, Devon
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bo-Jangles
Dog(s) Ages : 7 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2013-04-02
Support total : 0
Posts : 43

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Injured Who's Crying Now!

Post by Clare/Joe Thu Apr 04 2013, 07:26

We put Bo-Jangles to bed at 12am, shortly afterwards he started to cry, his cries got urgent, I said to my son, quick get him out he needs got to the toilet.!! Durrr toilet really! Never mind that, we didn't get him out of his doggy pen in time and he did a poop on his brand spanking new doggy bed blanket. oooppss!

When I agreed to having a puppy, I said to Joe I shall be elbowing you in the side when it is your turn to go him and let him know he is not on his own. hee hee I have just done that.

Bo-Jangles is doing really well considering we have taken him away from his siblings and mother. I know he is going to do well with us as we are a loving family, if our daughter `Amy` had her way, his feet would never touch the ground as she would be holding and loving him 24.7!

I am now going to sign off as I am shattered from not getting any sleep last night and I haven't. yawn

By for now, Clare. yawn
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 58
Location : Paignton, Devon
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bo-Jangles
Dog(s) Ages : 7 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2013-04-02
Support total : 0
Posts : 43

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Injured Play Time

Post by Clare/Joe Fri Apr 05 2013, 02:52

It is Bo-Jangles 2nd day with us, he wolfed his breakfast feed down. Then it was play time, Amy and I had great fun with him this morning. We played tug of war, bite and shake `Mr Red`, who is the red devil cuddly toy Amy sorted out for him, it is totally dog friendly. It was lovely to see him beginning to come out of his shell.

He is still a mommy's boy hee hee As soon as I come into the room he is in, he trots straight over to me and sits looking at me or curls up in between my feet. He is such a darling. star

He has eaten his meals, pee`d and pooped, all in the right spot where we wanted him to go. He has also become confident enough to go onto his special water proof cushion , which, is his way of saying "time out", meaning he wants to be left alone for a few minutes. Isn't he clever to do that and he is only 7 weeks old. Clever boy! thumbs up

Our son has settled him down for night, I wonder if he will wake at 2am Crying or Very sad He did, our son Joseph wanted to go and soothe him, it has taken him only 15 minutes to settle him back down and now he is fast asleep once more. yawn

I am so looking forward to sharing Bo-Jangles's future fun and adventures with you.

Good night, sleep well, Clare. sleepy
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 58
Location : Paignton, Devon
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bo-Jangles
Dog(s) Ages : 7 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2013-04-02
Support total : 0
Posts : 43

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Injured Growing in Confidence

Post by Clare/Joe Tue Apr 09 2013, 13:15

Tuesday 9th April 2013.

Bo-Jangles is growing very quickly, he is eating really well and drinking plenty of water.

He enjoys going out into the garden playing chase and pretend pouncing. He loves to be held and cuddled. His fur is so soft. He will chew anything given half a chance. We bought him a heavy duty blue rubber bone from a well know pet store, he has given it a hammering, I don't think he has all his teeth through yet. I think we are going to have to get him even more toys to try and occupy him, and for him to chew away until his heart's content.

On Sunday he fell asleep on my chest, by the time he had finished riddling about, he was fast asleep lying in my arms like a baby. He looked so cute and funny at the same time. Laughing

He is beginning to put his front paws on to the settee asking to be stroked and picked up. It is wonderful to see him come into his own as he growing each day. Love Struck

Clare Smile
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 58
Location : Paignton, Devon
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bo-Jangles
Dog(s) Ages : 7 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2013-04-02
Support total : 0
Posts : 43

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Injured So Proud - Visit to the Vet

Post by Clare/Joe Sun Apr 14 2013, 05:05

Diary of Bo-Jangles 417910Sunday 14th April 2013.

On Wednesday Bo-Jangles turned 8 weeks old. Joe & I cannot get over how quickly he is growing, also at how big he is in just one week. He is a total joy to have as part of our family. He is very good a gymnastics, on his special doggy pillow he will run on to it, get his soft toy `Mr Red` in his mouth, then proceed to do gambols, running jump dives, jumping on and off his pillow, he also does backward gambols. He is mega funny when he gets going, he barks and growls at his toys. Diary of Bo-Jangles 924855

On Friday we took him to have his first jab.Diary of Bo-Jangles 42712 He was excellently behaved in the car journeys there and back. We wrapped him in his blanket. The vet asked for him to be put on the examination table, Bo-Jangles sat there, good as gold just sniffing around him. The vet did some check on him, I am pleased the vet confirmed he has a really good heart beat, he also said he is big for 8 weeks and he weighs 4 kilos, the vet was happy with his weight.

It was time for the dreaded needle, the vet grabbed a little bit of skin just below his neck, when he inserted the needle in to him, Bo-jangles just turned around giving the vet a filthy look saying,
"DO I KNOW YOU? NO! SCRAM".Diary of Bo-Jangles 411405 He was brilliant, we are so proud of him. Diary of Bo-Jangles 655459

We asked the vet to trim his nails, boy! they were lethal, the vet said "now he may perform as dogs do not like having their nails trimmed", Bo-Jangles was really good until his last paw, I think he had just had enough and wanted to go home, other than a couple of protests that was is. He is such a good boy. I am so not looking forward to his next jab and chip.

He is a gentle natured boy. Diary of Bo-Jangles 599462

Clare. xx
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 58
Location : Paignton, Devon
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bo-Jangles
Dog(s) Ages : 7 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2013-04-02
Support total : 0
Posts : 43

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Post by Clare/Joe Mon May 06 2013, 03:49

Friday 3rd May 2013.

Bo-Jangles, he turned 11 weeks old exactly, he was finally ok to out into the big wide world. After having two jabs and a chip fitted I don't think he could have been any more ready.!!

We took him to Goodrington for his first outside walk. Whilst walking toward the beach several people asked if they could stroke him. Bo-Jangles adored every minute of it, he was licking their hands and letting them tickle his tummy. Bo-Jangles had a wonderfully big smile on his face. Diary of Bo-Jangles 833335

Once at the beach I stopped, I wanted to video his first time on the beach. Bo-Jangles stopped, pulled on his lead to turn around to me as if to say `come on mom`. I am sure he understood every word I said to him, I explained to him about wanting to video his first time on the beach. He licked my hand and rubbed his face in my hand then proceeded as sweet as a nut onto the beach with Joe.

He found the sand strange under his feet at first, but, he soon got used to it. He sure wasn't impressed with the sea, he backed up, shuck his head, sniffed the air and then sneezed. He is a joy to us.

It was wonderful to see him strike the perfect staffy pose when people came towards him, and once they had Joe's permission to stroke him, Bo-Jangles was in his element and couldn't get enough. He was definitely one happy laughing smiling little puppy. Diary of Bo-Jangles 779277Diary of Bo-Jangles 646359

What a wonderful memory to have being able to watch his first time on beach when I want to. We are so proud of Bo-Jangles in the way he handled himself when strangers came up to stroke him.

Once we got back home he flopped down on his special doggy pillow and slept for quite some time.

Clare. xx
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 58
Location : Paignton, Devon
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bo-Jangles
Dog(s) Ages : 7 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2013-04-02
Support total : 0
Posts : 43

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Injured What a clever Boy!!!

Post by Clare/Joe Thu May 09 2013, 05:52

Wednesday 8th May 2013.

Bo-Jangles is proving to be a very clever puppy, he is still only 11 weeks old.

At 10.40pm on the 08/05/13 he decided he'd couldn't settle properly, he got up from his doggie pillow in the lounge, where Joe and I were watching TV, he went and got in to his doggy's pen, which is in the other room, he then got into his dog's bed and settled down.

At 12.30am we decided to go to bed, Bo-Jangles was still in bed so Joe went and put some dried puppy food into
Bo-Jangles bowl and then put fresh water into his other bowl, he said good to him and locked the latches on the pen. Joe put the lamp on for Bo-Jangles as we found out he doesn't like to be in the dark and once again said good night to him.

It is now 5.05am Thursday 09/05/13 and not a word from Bo-Jangles, he has been sleeping through properly for the last two weeks or so.

He is such a delightful, darling little puppy when he wants us to play he barks to invite us to join in with him. When he wants to come put on to our lap, he puts his two front paws up on your knees and wag his tail giving tiny little yaps for us to pick him up.

We love him so much, couldn't be without him. Diary of Bo-Jangles 599462

Clare. xx
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member
Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

Status Status :

Age : 58
Location : Paignton, Devon
Relationship Status : Married
Dogs Name(s) : Bo-Jangles
Dog(s) Ages : 7 weeks
Dog Gender(s) : Male
Join date : 2013-04-02
Support total : 0
Posts : 43

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