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What would you do? Empty What would you do?

Post by sprokk3t Fri Mar 15 2013, 20:17

Hi everyone,
Haven't been on for a while, so apologise for returning with a negative story.

An incident happened this week and just wondering what others wouold do if faced with this situation.

My mum has been taking Samson as work is short staffed and we really need a little extra cash, so he goes with his Gran when I am working longer during the day.
She had went to the local pet shop on Wednesday, chatted with the staff etc. all being well. When she was leaving, a small dog approached Samson, unleashed and the owners only arrived when they saw Samson walk past the dog, trying to play jump, which unfortunately, due to a small doorway, my mum struggled to keep him completely on the ground. He had his front paws slightly raised (this is common, as he likes to try and play with every dog he gets close enough to)
The gentleman of the couple instantly began shouting and swearing at my mum in the shop doorway and pointing his finger in her face. He was accusing my mum of having an aggressive, out of control, viscious dog out in public.

My mum found this really difficult to deal with and also found moving from this man difficult due to him blocking her exit. She left after he had finished his rant.
She was very shaken by this but everyone encouraged her to put it behind her as she did not want to report the man as she felt he was just ignorant.

Today, my mum went to the pet shop for a treat for Samson, and was asked to return him home and not allow him in the shop or the shop front as this gentleman had made quite a serious complaint. The assistant advised her that if she disputed this then she should discuss with the owner when he is working.

My mum was in quite a state when I returned home and fekt extremely embarressed due to this.

I completely understand that any shop has the right to ask people to leave etc and I am not angry with being advised this. I am not angry with the decision, but just the manner that it appears to have been carried out. The assistant was able to tell me that all staff were warned to look out for my mum and Samson.
I went down to speak to the assistant and discuss what had happened today, advising that I felt that the gentleman had been abusive to my mum and explained what had happened. I also explained that I hoped the gentleman had been reminded that his behavious was out of order and should my mum have reported this, he may have been warned for a breach of the peace.

The shop did not intervene during any of this incident, despite it happening on their entrance(my mum was still inside the shop doorway)
The assistant advised me to discuss the matter with the owner tomorrow. I plan to do this, but not with the expectation of having Samson allowed back in, it's possibly best he stays away, but to advise that my mum wasn't to blame for the whole situation and that this gentlman did not help resolve anything.
My mum is not barred, but feels very embarressed and feels that she will be judged should she go back. My parents have their own pets and this is the only pet shop in our town.

Is this the right course of action? Or could I make the situation worse?
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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by Guest Fri Mar 15 2013, 20:21

Me personally, I'd just ignore them all and carry on as normal. People like that are very common and the man was obviously horrible to your mum. But because it wasn't her fault she shouldn't be annoyed or embarrassed.


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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by Guest Fri Mar 15 2013, 20:24

I think it's the right course of action, I doubt it can be any worse, it isn't wrong to explain your side of the story (especially when it's the truth). It sounds like the man overreacted beyond belief, and it's unfair that your mum (and Samson) are suffering the consequences of it. I think trying to resolve the situation by speaking to the owner is a good idea.


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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by Guest Fri Mar 15 2013, 20:28

Personally, i would a) ask to speak to the owner of the shop and explain your side, b) report this mans behaviour as it is COMPLETELY inappropriate and there was witnesses and a complaint so he will have left a name etc which the police can get. Whether or not he is aggressive is totally irrelevant however if he is quite a big boy and is unregistered it might be better not to draw attention.


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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by Kathy Fri Mar 15 2013, 20:33

I would ask to see the shops CCTV footage of the alleged incident then report him to the police for harassment.
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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by sprokk3t Fri Mar 15 2013, 20:44

He's not particularly big, small compared to other staffs in the area, though personally, don't think this should be an issue or an area where an investigation should be judged. Maybe I'm just being niave.

He is microchipped, registered with a vet etc. He is also well known in the shop, as we pop in most Sat mornings for a treat when we are out walking/training. He has met other assistants dogs and there had never been an issue. Though I am aware that it's likely he wouldn't get on with every dog he meets, just so far so good.
No dog was injured on Wednesday, my mum is adament that he was only trying to play, and did not manage to fully get over to the dog. She also asked the owners if their dog was ok. The female along the lines of just scared sensless the man continued ranting about dangerous dog etc. ( I'm unsure of exact words)

He was on lead, he usually is, due to his over excited friendliness. Plus, I don't like the thought of having dogs off leash in town centres. (just personal choice)
He gets off lead time, when in controlled area when he meets up with his buddies.

It's not that I have anything to hide, and I'd have no problem not using this shop as our local vets always have an excellent supply of the items needed should I require to pick up something when out with Samson.
My mum doesn't want to involve police etc and I feel that I have to resect her wishes.
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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by sprokk3t Fri Mar 15 2013, 20:48

I may ask about the CCTV. My mum may want to change her mind about reporting. Even if she just knows that somethings there to show that the gentleman wasn't behaving appropriately may help her feel better
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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by Nathan Fri Mar 15 2013, 21:48

personally id go in and clear it up. reading through your post it looks like your poor mum has been subject to abuse because of ignorance which is something I couldnt let lie. in fact id stake out the pet shop for the old git and have it out with him.
the fact of the matter is all dogs like to play regardless of breed and my girl jumps on everythig i have to be so carefull. she doesnt have a bad bone in her body but wants to play with eveything and being a bit large can upset some dogs. if the other dog was off lead then fair game imo.
stand your corner as nothing stands out to me as being your dogs or mums fault, if they dont listen tell them your taking it to the local rag as your so disgusted with there stand point.
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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by Guest Sat Mar 16 2013, 09:12

It just shows the ignorance of some people , your dog was on lead this other dog was off lead in a built up area which is just madness, I would got to the pet shop and give them both barrels and use a different on ein the future that aren't a bunch of idiots


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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by rebeccaleanne Sat Mar 16 2013, 10:09

what a horrible story and i hope your mum is baring up.

I would ask for the cctv to see what actually happened (not saying your mum is saying anything wrong) just so you can explain your self then for your mum. First off, the man should have had his dog on the lead, he is been the irresponsible one and if he had done this would have of never happened. Tyke is the same very giddy and when we got the pet shop tyke is like a dog with 20 tails! I would ask to speak to the owner of the shop explain what happened. Now this may sound very silly but i would think about writing a letter to the other man and explain that you do not appreciate how he spoke to your mother but may explain how samsons excited bevaviour doenst mean he is about to attack. explain that along with using threatening behaviour towards your mum going even further to get samson banned.

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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by sprokk3t Sat Mar 16 2013, 14:41

Hi guys, thanks to everyone who replied.

I went to the shop this morning and after trying to tell my mum side of the story very politely, i ended up having to be quite firm and leaving advising them they had noiw lost our business.

The owner, began to listen to my story, but then went on to tell me exactly what the complaint given was.
Apparently the dog was a pup, Samson picked it up by the head, shook it around, my mum 'disengaged the dog by the jaw' (quote from owner) I asked if the dog had been injured as being resopnsible owners, we would certainly pay for vet treatment (knowing my mum had already asked about injuries)
He informed me that the dog wasn't injured in the slightest, I held in a sarcastic laugh to ask how he thought my could attack a pup in this manner without an injury occurring? He laughed at me. I advised that I felt any dog, regardless of breed, attacking in this manner, would injure if not kill a pup and would very likely also injure any persons trying to open it's jaw. He responded only Staffies. I told him no dog or person's had been injured.
I went on to try to explain that I felt that it had possibly been a slight misunderstanding and it was more likely that Samson thought he was alllowed to play as the dog had approached him, it's possible that the dog may have become alarmed and that I would like him to pass my apologies to the owners for this.
The owner felt that Samson was one of the 'worst kind' attacking a pup.
I asked if this had been witnessed, as it was obvious that he feels an attack of this sort should be reported and surely that would be a responsible thing to do for a person in his position. He told me he didn't want to take it that far.
I asked if they had been aware of the verbal assault that took place, he agreed that this had been noticed. I asked why this hadn't been dealt with and why he would allow a paying customer to be treated in this manner. He tried to fob me off, but after being asked the question agreed that his female staff member did not feel comfortable confronting this gentleman.

I asked if he felt that the complaint had been made using the same threatening behaviour? He didn't think that would have been the case.

Throughout this he made references to attacks made by staffies in the area, I have a feeling that some of these may have come from papers and not all locally. Our town is very small and anything like this would have made the local gossip mill and paper (ther's not much goes on!!) He also tried to say that this had happened with female owners.
The part that annoyed me most about this was, if a customer came in I felt the resectful thing to do was to stop the conversation and continue when the shop was again empty. The owner did not give me this resect back as referenced these attacks, over 4, when customers were in, at times tryiong to sound as if he thought that my dog has caused these attacks.

He was told, sternly, that he had best not make accusations that this has been myself and my dog, as the police take defemation of character as a serious offence. I made sure customers were in!

He then treid to say that my mum was a theif, allowing Samson to steal! I explained that I was aware this had happened once previous, my mum had apologised and offered to pay. The offer was refused and she put money in the charity box.

He was then told that I found his stand of the situation out of order, that I had merely come to speak on my mum's behalf, and had found the whole experience extremely judgemental and offensive.

I asked him at some point about CCTV and complainers name and address as advised by replies on the forum. I've been told there's no CCTV and that they did not take a name. I told him I thought that a complaint of this nature would require this, he said no. I told him I hoped he would helpthe police with their investigation shoould we decide to report this. He told me that would not be a good idea for me as my dog is obviously out of control, I told him I disagreed.

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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by Guest Sat Mar 16 2013, 14:46

I wouldn't go back or bother with any of them. They are obviously idiots and tbh you'll most likely not get them to change their mind. Chances are the aggressive male customer could be a "regular" or friend of the owner and they are just taking his side.

People like this are best avoided IMO.


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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by Guest Sat Mar 16 2013, 14:51

I'd still be getting the cops involved, that man is a liar and abusive! What sort of man shouts at a woman when HIS dog was off lead! And the shop owner is being a tool about it too


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What would you do? Empty Re: What would you do?

Post by sprokk3t Sat Mar 16 2013, 14:55

Just realised that a small part hadn't posted properly, when asked if his staff had witnessed the attack, he said they hadn't, only knew something was up when the man was ranting.
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