Bit of Help Please

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Bit of Help Please Empty Bit of Help Please

Post by Guest Sat Feb 09 2013, 15:17

I apologise for so many questions recently, I'll give it a rest after this one Laughing

Anyway, when Loki's out of the cage, he likes to lounge about being stroked/scratched/etc. If you stop for more than one second, he looks at you and gives you a chance to carry on. If you don't, he just paces the floor the whole time, won't settle down at all without being stroked. If you ignore him long enough (GOD FORBID) he just goes back into his cage Rolling Eyes. Don't get me wrong, he's not in his cage all day or anything, far from it, but it's pretty annoying when all he does is pace the floor because you need a break from stroking him. Is there any way I can teach him to settle down, just relax by us without needing constant touching? I thought about getting him another bed and putting it near us, but I think he'd just eat it.


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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by Guest Sat Feb 09 2013, 15:22

that's staffy love for you Smile when Tommy is in an impatient mood he sort of sits there an yeowls at me for not paying attention but he does generally settle after a while. What about that lovely new bed , some good high value treats for encouragement and a doggy massage Smile Tommy and Tilly both love a good head rub and if you are patient enough then I can get them both to sleep like this, you need to find them magic spots where it's just like heaven to get a bit of a rubdown


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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by Guest Sat Feb 09 2013, 15:23

Youll just have to keep ignoring him i suppose! Lexi is the same, she will bulldoze you to make you stroke again but when i stop and then she does that i say down and she goes off and does her own thing.


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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by Kimb&MooMan Sat Feb 09 2013, 16:10

aww bless lol, Max will come over for a stroke and the second you stop you forces his head on your hand, and if you still wont stroke him he then will force his whole self on you for a stroke, iv learnt to ignore it and max has learnt that if i stop, i stop.
but hubby on the other hand *trys* to ignore it but then gets fed up cos Max knows he'll get away with it with him doh and still complains to me that its annoying hehe!
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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by Tony n Jane Sat Feb 09 2013, 16:59

I've had Staffs for over 30 years and they all pestered for hugs and cuddles, just the way they are Smile
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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by rebeccaleanne Sat Feb 09 2013, 21:13

i would advise alittle bit of tough love Sad and like others have advised just egnore him. We have to with tyke sometimes after he had his loves and its time to settle down he will rest his head and cry but after a while and 'tyke go lay down' its works! try get him to lay at your feet or somewere warm or how about a kong?
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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by racamoe Sat Feb 09 2013, 22:18

I remember this well Smile

Our Taz would never give up ha ha...don't get me wrong I loved his cuddles, but sometimes I might need to stop stroking him and drink my brew or text someone etc !!

We had to just give him a good stroke and a cuddle and then after a while ignore the paw across our faces and say no and give him a toy, he would then eventually lie down quietly Smile

Makes me a bit teary thinking of it a good way xx
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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by Guest Sat Feb 09 2013, 22:36

Bella pulls my hand with her paw if I stop stroking/scratching her. I have to try and ignore her and she stops but it's not easy lol.


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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by Kathy Sun Feb 10 2013, 12:37

This sounds quite familiar, do you have toys he could play with too, it could be that a little more exercise is required he may then settle a bit quicker without the need for so much fussing.
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Bit of Help Please Empty Re: Bit of Help Please

Post by Guest Sun Feb 10 2013, 12:41

He could do with a bit more exercise at the moment, but he's been like this since...well, not day one, but close to it. Seems like it's not just us though, I thought everyone else's dogs would just lounge about next to people 24/7 Laughing thanks, everyone.


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