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Post by Lizzie Sat Jan 05 2013, 17:23

I think we may have been reported to the Dog Warden as a notice has been put up by the Warden on the gate to the field I use to walk Harry off the lane where I live. It actually says that some local residents have complained about 2 staffies in the area being aggressive and they would like anyone who knows the owner or dogs to get in touch.

Due to the very wet weather we have had more people using the lanes to walk their dogs and in the last 3 weeks I have met a couple of dog walkers I don't know. When out walking early evening and in the dark last week we were passed by a lady jogger with a Heinz 57 dog on lead who was aggressive to Harry. The lady apologised and I replied saying no problem, then she just said, just so you are aware I will be doing 3 more laps and off she went. Anyway a couple of mornings later I saw her and her dog again, this time in daylight and my boy must have remembered her dog and this time he barked and growled first. She didn't recognise us from he night time walk and her reaction when she looked at us was unbelievable, you would have thought we were something evil.

Unfortunately we have had 2 other incidents with a lady walking a chocolate lab, the first time I managed to quickly change course, but the second time she came up behind us when walking in the lane and my dog kicked off at hers.
I said I was so very sorry but she just walked on. Must admit Harry was totally at fault.

Harry was on lead each time, a double ended lead with one end attached to his collar and the other to his harness. He was walking nicely to heel but did bark and growl at these dogs. He never at any time touched them or got near to them and was completely under my control. There are many other dogs of different breeds
in my village who also do this, and it often happens to Harry. Harry is fine with 95% of dogs but some larger dogs especially labs and collies he can react to, probably as a result of being attacked by a collie in the past. He is fine wit h people and a great big softie and has no other problems. I can honestly say I am the only dog owner in my village who keeps their dog on a lead at all times and I consider myself a responsible owner.

Yesterday when I first saw the notice I decided not to ring the Wardens as if it isn't me and my dog they are interested in I don't want to look for trouble. But its worrying me badly and today I decided to give them a call but they don't work Saturdays.

Do you think I should get in touch again on Monday or leave things alone, and what can happen to us? Harry hasn't really done anything that isn't dog like, but you know how it is when a staff is involved and I do appreciate that a staffie can look really frightening when they are behaving this way.

Sorry for such a long post but I'm so very worried and upset, my dog is my life.

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Post by Guest Sat Jan 05 2013, 17:37

Firstly, you only have one dog not two - so it can't be you!
Secondly, even if you have been reported, they will not do anything about it because your dog was on a lead and dogs on leads being aggressive is not a crime. they don't know who you are anyway.

Just walk your dog as normal and don't let fear stop you being a good owner and taking your dog out x


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Post by Jackieb Sat Jan 05 2013, 17:45

Don't let the staffys bad rep cloud you.

I totally agree with Hayley above. U n ur dog haven't done anything wrong.

Relax n carry on as normal x
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Post by Guest Sat Jan 05 2013, 17:45

agree with Hayley , you have nothing at all to worry about and sounds like you are being a very responsible owner. Just carry on as you are and make sure you are the one in the right all the time Smile


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Post by Mark Sat Jan 05 2013, 17:49

dont ring again your asking for them to blame you. I would not worry about it at all Smile
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Post by Kathy Sat Jan 05 2013, 18:56

If your dog is on the lead and under control you have nothing to worry about. Sounds like busy bodies sticking their noses in where they are not needed. I have had my share of these in the past and recently.

My hubby and me used to walk Rocky in a certain park that we dont visit any more. One afternoon the dog warden was waiting for us when we got there.

We were walking in this park with Rocky on a long training lead one morning when a dog came running over to him that was off lead and about 50 meters away from its owner. The dog got caught up in Rockys lead and Rocky had a little grumble at the dog. The owner then came running over and accusing my hubby of all sorts and even said that he should have a number on his back, cheeky cow.

A few days later a man took Rockys picture when we were in the park and started spouting off about legal proceedings.

The day the dog warden was waiting for us we explained what happened in this incident and he said there is no way Rocky was at fault as he was on a lead. He would not be taking it any further.

I hope our experience helps to clear you mind. Please dont stress about it.
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Post by Guest Sun Jan 06 2013, 03:54

Some dogs are aggressive, or can be aggressive under certain instances. As long as they're under your control, there's nothing the law can do about it. Barking and growling can be frightening to some people to see, but it certainly isn't a crime. It'll be OK.


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Post by Elena Sun Jan 06 2013, 05:19

How awful. I cant believe people can be so horrible. Rocky has done nothing wrong so dont worry. If it was me i would take the notice down
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Post by Jellytot Sun Jan 06 2013, 08:00

Keep us updated as to what happens, if anything. I'm sure it's not you as you've only got one dog. Be interested to see how this turns out though.

Don't let anyone stop you from enjoying your walks with Harry. Smile
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Post by Panda Sun Jan 06 2013, 11:17

It is not a criminal offence for one dog to have a "pop" at another, whether on or off the lead. The Police are only involved if a person is bitten. What is the world coming to, people dont seem to understand dog behaviour, of course its nice to have a sociable dog, but many of us dont and have to bear the brunt of other dog owners ignorance. I'm not condoning the behaviour of unsociable dogs but usually having a "pop" is all it is, a quick growl and scuffle and its over in 15 seconds, and then the other owner starts screaming that his dog has been attacked. When I take Solly out he is on the lead and muzzled, still these people do not wish to control their dogs , one for instance, last week allowed her dog to come within Solly's comfort zone and of course the inevitable happened, he grounded the other dog, the woman started shoutin that Solly should be put down, and should at least be muzzled, she was in such a tizz that she did not see that Solly was muzzled and on a lead, and after gathering her dog together walked off shouting and yelling. What can we do, well I think it is a good idea to befriend the Park Keeper or Ranger when you start using the park. Tell him your concerns and show him/her that you are a responsible dog owner. Also befriend the local Bobbie on the beat. (if you can find one)That maybe good for starters, also you could ask them to tell other dog owners that they have to keep their dogs under control too. I feel very sorry for Lizzie and her dog,Harry, and that she should be made to feel so guilty, when she is a responsible dog owner.
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Post by jshrew Sun Jan 06 2013, 12:41

You could always phone saying you walk your dog in that area and ask for a description of the dogs that you should be aware of Wink

A person only has to be in fear of being bitten to satisfy the dog dangerously out of control that 'fear' is naturally going to be more likely with a big dog than a pocket rat type but if your dog is on lead it is unlikely it would go anywhere (we have all seen the odd owner that is dragged around the park by a dog too big/powerful for them)
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Post by Lizzie Sun Jan 06 2013, 12:50

Thanks everyone. My atttitude has changed over the last couple of days and I now feel 'how dare they' rather then feeling upset and worrying so much like I did at first.
Me and Harry have continued our exact routine as normal, and their is always the possibility its not us, but every time I walk past the Poster I feel as though we are on a "Wanted Poster' and that we are 'villains on the run' dont tell anyone

Will let you know if anything further happens.

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Post by Kathy Sun Jan 06 2013, 13:26

That's the spirit, dont let the buggers get you down.

If anyone has a problem with you walking your dog there they should go to you about it, and it's there problem not yours.

Urgghhhh these sticky beaks really get me going at wits end
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