Cat v Dog

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Cat v Dog Empty Cat v Dog

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 19 2012, 06:59

Hi! Lexi Boo came to us over 2 weeks ago now..... A little gem she is too and she is loved by all in the house. Even the cat is warming too her lol. Thing is.... The cat has taken over her bed and would rather eat the dog food than his own. Any other dog I know would have something to say about this.... But not Lexi! Truth is she is still a bit scared of Mofo so gives in to him. I think it's lovely the cat lets the dog into HER OWN bed to sleep lol. But worry that Lexi will get stressed as Mofo keeps steeling her food. She seem's fine about it now.... Will that change?? xxxxx
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Dogs Name(s) : Lexi
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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 07:45

Dont worry, Coolio (our car) often eats Kennys food, and he isnt bothered, they'll be good mates by the sound of it xxxx


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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 19 2012, 07:58

Lol, not just yet lol..... The cat still likes to bitchslap her most mornings..... But he has stopped using claws lol. When the cat was a kitten we had a staffy and they were best buddies. I think thats why he's warming to her...... He even licked her leg last night. Coolio is a great name for a cat by the way =D xxxxxx
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Location : Cornwall
Dogs Name(s) : Lexi
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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 08:16

Cheers, Coolio does on occassion beat Kenny up too lol


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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 19 2012, 10:51

Lol, love the way the cat's are the ones in charge! lol....... Silly Staffies =D WOW.... Kenny is a beast, so rich looking, you must be very proud =Dxxxxx
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Super Staffy-bull-terrier Member

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Location : Cornwall
Dogs Name(s) : Lexi
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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Girly Mon Nov 19 2012, 11:40

I wish my cats and Jellybean would warm to each other! to be fair, my 14 year old cat doesn't warm to anyone but me really, and the 3 year old cat I think likes toying with Jelly but won't really hang out with her. Jelly would never hurt her, it's so cute the way she loves to just sniff and see the cat, wags her tail and all, and they love a good game of chase.

It sounds like for now at least you have it pretty good if they at least interact and the cat has the upper hand! Tongues Maybe for the food thing you can feed them at separate times or in separate rooms?

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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Kathy Mon Nov 19 2012, 11:51

I have never had a cat so really wouldn't know, cannot imagine Rocky standing for that kind of behaviour though Laughing
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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by lordmickey Mon Nov 19 2012, 13:26

kenny d wrote:Dont worry, Coolio (our car) often eats Kennys food, and he isnt bothered, they'll be good mates by the sound of it xxxx

Id be worried if your car eats your dog food. I know petrol prices are rising but cant be of help.....

((couldnt resist)
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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Bustersmaid Mon Nov 19 2012, 14:02

LOL, I had picked the car thing up too lol =D. I've tried to feed them an hour apart. Thing is, Lexi is a picker, grabs a bit hear and their.... The cat is greedy and will stuff down as much as he can with the dog watching. She looks and that's it. No growling or barking...... Nothing lol. If it was the other way around, the cat would go mental lol. Yes Mofo likes the sport too, I think cats do enjoy being the boss over the dog..... Lexi wants to play so Mofo stands in front and shows his teeth. Is so funny to watch...... Progress has been made though, not only to they share a bed but Mofo no longer slaps her with his claws out...... WINNER!! lol xxxxx
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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 15:26

We have 4 cats, there is a dog bed in the kitchen which usually has a cat asleep in it and some of Lola's toys as she stashes them there. The cats tolerate the dogs but sometimes bitchslap them if they are cheeky. Lola will also chase the cats down the garden. Fred our ginger cat likes to kiss the dogs in the morning when they first get up.


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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 15:29

lordmickey wrote:
kenny d wrote:Dont worry, Coolio (our car) often eats Kennys food, and he isnt bothered, they'll be good mates by the sound of it xxxx

Id be worried if your car eats your dog food. I know petrol prices are rising but cant be of help.....

((couldnt resist)

Damn, you beat me to it! rolling on the floor


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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 15:32

Forgot to say I love that pic looks like they are good pals Big Grin


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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Guest Mon Nov 19 2012, 15:44

Your cat is named Mofo? Brilliant Laughing

I wouldn't worry. I mean, if Lexi is laidback with it all after only having her for two weeks, I can only see it being better as time goes on. That's just what I think.


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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Bustersmaid Wed Nov 21 2012, 07:59

There is the odd moment of crossness coming from Lexi..... I think she must of had her tail pulled as she gets upset if its touched, Thing is......... When she wags it, Mofo likes to play with it. We've had scared barking, bit of chasing but that's it so far. Hopefully it\ll stay that way. I think from the looks of love the cat gives her now is a massive step, but because he was so mean to her when she came, she thinks he's being nasty lol xxxxxx
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Cat v Dog Empty Re: Cat v Dog

Post by Bustersmaid Wed Nov 21 2012, 08:01

And yes.... He's called Mofo, we could think of no name for him for the first month of having him. But he kept attacking my last staffy in really funny ways........ All we could say at the time was " Have you seen what that Mofo is doing to the poor dog"? lol, and it stuck lol xxxx
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Dogs Name(s) : Lexi
Dog(s) Ages : 2
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