chaos has something missing......

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chaos has something missing...... Empty chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Thu Nov 15 2012, 14:34

chaos is now 19 weeks old and still only has 1 testicle??? were is the other and when will it descend? also does anyone have tips on house training and to stop him jumping at people?
i can leave a puppy pad down and he does use it occasionally just some times he just goes where ever he likes and its not just wee.

also the jumping up i stopped him nipping that was east but now when someone comes in the house he will jump at their legs and he wees with excitement and i dont know how to stop that either please help someone THANKS

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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by Guest Thu Nov 15 2012, 15:46

Can you feel the other testicle? If you can then there's still time for it to drop. If you can't you may need to get him castrated as a retained testicle can cause problems in later life. If you can't feel the testicle then have a chat with your vet about it.

If he jumps up at you, just say "No" and turn away (the same as you would if he nips), he'll soon get the message. Ask visitors to do the same, or put him on a lead when they first come in.

Males are often harder to housetrain than females (I really don'y know why), but what are you doing at the moment to train him?


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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by janey Thu Nov 15 2012, 17:44

I have only had girls so I'm not much help there.

As for the behavior, give it time, at 19 weeks old he will learn what you teach him, it just takes time and a lot of patience Xx
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by Kathy Thu Nov 15 2012, 19:15

I hope the link below can help with some house training hints:
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Thu Nov 15 2012, 21:47

at the moment i have just been leaving a puppy pad were he usually does the job but sometimes he doesn't use it n when he doesn't i show him what hes done and sit him on the puppy pad to show that's were to go and i also let him out every hour through the day just night times i always wake up to a poo :S
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Thu Nov 15 2012, 21:50

also as far as the other testicle i have had a feel around the area and can not feel anything :S
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by Guest Thu Nov 15 2012, 21:52

I must admit I don't get on with the training pads. I'd try taking him outside every hour, if he does his business outside then loads of praise, maybe a treat. If he does anything inside, don't say a word, just clear it up with a non-amonia cleaner (biological washing powder solution works well).

When is his last feed, and when's his last trip outside at night? Do you crate him?


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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by Guest Thu Nov 15 2012, 21:54

bainzy1591 wrote:also as far as the other testicle i have had a feel around the area and can not feel anything :S

Hmmmm, that's a bit more worrying. Next time you're at the vets mention it to them. They may want to wait a while longer, or they may recommend castration. Sad


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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Thu Nov 15 2012, 21:59

his last feed is about 8:30pm and last trip out is about 11:30pm i hve worried about the testicle but the vet told me when i got the jabs just to keep checking she didnt seem concerned at all :s but he only has 1 the other is not visible or cant be felt
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by Guest Thu Nov 15 2012, 22:02

Some vets will leave it till about 12 months or so before making a decision. They'd prefer it to drop naturally if possible even if you were going to get him neutered anyway - the operation is much simpler then.

It's certainly possible that it will, but I'd have thought you'd have been able to feel it at least. Have you felt all around the area when he's laying on his back?


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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Thu Nov 15 2012, 22:09

i havnt lay him bk and felt i have just had a feel with him lay nxt to me
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by dougie Thu Nov 15 2012, 22:14

bainzy1591 wrote:also as far as the other testicle i have had a feel around the area and can not feel anything :S

you don't feel the scrotum. you feel along the shaft.
finger & thumb either side &, applying a little pressure, start at the business end & gently push toward the scrotum, if it's there you will either feel it or it will pop up.
if you do find it, get some weight off him, iron tablets & massage it into place as above. it might take a while, but if it's there perserverance will get it into place.
if you can't find it, see your vet, if they can't find it, surgical removal, as previously suggested, is the best option.

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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Thu Nov 15 2012, 22:17

thanks i will feel now haha
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Thu Nov 15 2012, 22:22

i have just had a good old root around and the right one is defiantly not there i am worried now :S
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by dougie Fri Nov 16 2012, 00:24

bainzy1591 wrote:i have just had a good old root around and the right one is defiantly not there i am worried now :S

see your vet before you get worried. in the meantime, keep trying. they are only small & you have just missed it.

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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Fri Nov 16 2012, 00:54

the one tat is there is about the same side as a pea mabey bigger just cant find the other 1 :s
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by Guest Fri Nov 16 2012, 04:50

bainzy1591 wrote:the one tat is there is about the same side as a pea mabey bigger just cant find the other 1 :s

I've got to be honest here & say that I'd be concerned - at nearly 5 months the one he has should be bigger than a pea. I know they're all different, but that seems very small. I really would have a word with your vet. He may be able to palpate the shaft area & see if he can find the other one, but if the one that is there is so small, he might want to neuter.


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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Fri Nov 16 2012, 16:57

well it is slightly bigger than a pea
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Fri Nov 16 2012, 17:46


its bout that big obviously rounded off and evened out
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by Guest Fri Nov 16 2012, 20:11

That does seem very small for a 5 month old pup. I'd be inclined to just mention it again to your vet next time you're there - worming time or something like that.


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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by Jackieb Fri Nov 16 2012, 20:21

I'd go see the vet, my pup is 8mths and his balls are huge, they have been since 8wks. I think some investigation needs to take place if the one he does have is just over pea size... Best to get it sorted. All the best x
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chaos has something missing...... Empty Re: chaos has something missing......

Post by bainzy1591 Fri Nov 16 2012, 22:27

thanks i will get him booked into the vet for a check over and make sure it gets mentioned
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