Exercise Question

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Exercise Question Empty Exercise Question

Post by Guest Tue Nov 13 2012, 12:05

I know the general rule is that it's five minutes per month of their age, but when people say adult Staffs should be getting two 45-minute walks a day, it doesn't seem like a lot to me. But then I assumed it's because of their size, that if it was a high-energy large breed dog, it'd need more exercise than a Staff would because they're bigger. So basically...Loki's the same height as an adult Staff already, so does this mean I give him more exercise than the two 30-minute walks a day, or is that rule just because they're puppies and still developing?


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Exercise Question Empty Re: Exercise Question

Post by Guest Tue Nov 13 2012, 12:17

They don't fully devolp and finish growing until about 3 years of age. The 5 minutes per month rule allows them to grow into their bodies without damaging any tendons or ligaments which prevents long term health issues. They basically put on weight faster than their bodies can support so you have to go slow


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Exercise Question Empty Re: Exercise Question

Post by Guest Tue Nov 13 2012, 12:20

It's purely cause they're pups that you should restrict exercise. The growth plates don't close until about 8 or 9 months of age & too much exercise can weaken them & the tendons/muscles.

Adults staffs will take as much exercise as you can give them, we just say at least 2 x 45 minute walks as a guideline for the minimum.

So, up to about a year all exercise (apart from off lead play on soft ground) should be restricted to 5 minutes per month of age. After 12 months and at least until 18 months you shouldn't give them high impact exercise like agility, spring pole, jumping or running up & down hills. Over 18 months/2 years anything goes as long as the dog is fit enough to take it! Big Grin


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Exercise Question Empty Re: Exercise Question

Post by Guest Tue Nov 13 2012, 14:32

Ah, so it's because they're young as opposed to anything else. That's good then, I was wondering whether he'd need more exercise or not simply because of his size. Thanks for the replies Smile


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